
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 17

Mario arrived with a letter from the mayor. The woman wanted to celebrate the eight year of unity. I arrived and was greeted by mayor behind her was the woman prankster. She saw me and became a little serious. I was escorted up to the high table. I sat and passed out as the woman talked for an hour and a half. The floor felt funny so I asked her to clear the room. I have a feeling that someone is possibly digging a tunnel. The ground penetration and thermal imaging showed that it was a few inmates. We all waited till they got out and they were sent back. The mayor thanked me as she gave me the keys to the city. It was a tiny vintage key made of gold. It was a pendant of a silk ribbon fashioned as a necklace.

After the party I walked back to my car and the October guard asked me how I knew it. I said that this is classified above her clearance. The mayor chuckled as she waved me off. I walked back to my car a modified Pininfarina Battista. One of the few cars that fly. I got in when I heard shots fire. The mayor was attacked. So I stay here till the murder was solved. I walk over to the crime scene and took a few drops of the mayor's blood and licked it. The memory showed me who did it. The locals didn't questioned me as the killer was taken away. The prankster did. She wanted to know but the Mayor's assistant sent her away.

The next time we met was when I visited the Mayor at the hospital. The mayor was curious about how I found the killer as well. The security were all ex-October guards. They listened as I explained about nocturnals, "Vampires are allergic to daylight. They drink blood. If they focus while drinking blood they can see the memories of the donor. Which is why vampires were made judges. Because they can tell guilty from innocent. You may forget but your blood won't. Everything is exposed in one single drop of blood. What you do everyday to your deepest darkest secrets. Werewolves have heightened senses. They are excellent trackers. They are family oriented. They are allergic to silver. Which is why silver is illegal. Both are exceptional warriors. You can only be bitten by one kind. If you get bite by both you will die. Only a few are an exception to the rule. Myself included. Getting bitten doesn't mean you will turn. Some people are allergic to the venom so they die. But those that survive have an extended life span. The change is extremely pain. The only comparison would be being burnt alive or labor pains."

The mayor said that vampires work during the daylight hours. Oleg interrupted saying that I invented something called Guerilla glass. That allows vampires to be in daylight. The mayor was impressed. She asked me why I am not getting a job. Everyone works here. Igor explained that I am not allowed to get a job on Abe's orders. He said and Igor quote, "Princess shouldn't be working" He didn't forbid me from doing charity work though. She asked how I am able to live such an opulent life so the others said that I am partner in all the major companies and have shares in those that I don't so I can live any way I please. Ivan said that my job is to sense if these zombies are here or not. If they are here my job is kill them. Or extend my shield to deflect the zombies to protect the citizens of the city. The mayor nod her head and smiled at me, "Thank you for finding my killer." I waved it off, "No worries. I prefer you over your opponent any day." She smiled as the doctors walked in the exam in her.

I went back to my penthouse and admired the view. It will be a full moon night so people quickly emptying the streets. They have found ways to have things delivered so they won't meet a werewolf. The werewolves walked out into the streets as they heard the people locked their doors. I walked out too. The wolves smiled at me and we all changed into beasts. We patrolled the city end to end till day break. The streets were empty throughout the night except for us.

The prankster arrived with a note from the mayor's office asking if I could come to a dinner. I said that I am going to a charity event and will not be attending. She looked around the place and was surprised by the simplicity. Usually she sees items of gold or marble or jade or some expensive stuff. Sure a few looked expensive but mostly it looked like an apartment of a person working nine to five. She whistled at the sight of me walking out. I looked regal. Ben grinned as I tried to fix my hair. No matter what I did it still stayed wild. "I give up" Serena walked towards me laughing and she styled my hair. The prankster asked what they are paid. The vampire Nina said, "That's not your concern"

She asked what it felt like to be her bodyguard. They said they weren't my bodyguard. I consider them family so they are just babysitting their baby sister. She was surprised to hear that. Since the others prefer their own kind of nocturnal. Vampire stick vampires and werewolves stick with werewolves. I on the other hand have both. They said I consider it an insult to favor one side. Even when I was queen or on the council I would still be in favor of both. I have been asked many times what I wanted the response was simple. 'Don't hurt my family.' I requested nothing for myself. Which is why a law passed by both sides not harm me. She asked me why Abe is the emperor. They said it was to ensure fairness within Nocturna. One from vampires and one from the werewolves and one from the hybrids. Each rule for a hundred years. I am descended from the founding fathers of both nocturnals. So there is a greater respect for me. The others are a different story. Soren is the son of the first vampire Queen. Abe is the first lieutenant of Cain. The second real Alpha of the werewolves. The first being my great uncle the first werewolf himself. She gave me a satisfactory nod and walked away. Ivan yelled at Chelsea for letting the woman and she promised to never do it again.

The charity event was awesome as people came in their thousands to participate. We had ride bicycles really slowly. The first one to get to the finish line at the slowest rate wins. I got second place. Which nobody believed I would get since I am super fast. Ivan was on the grass laughing like crazy and Oleg wa digging through his pocket paying someone for losing a bet. "Seriously" I shook my head. Ben grinned, "There isn't a dull day with you. So yeah for the heck or the fun of it we placed bets." I brushed it off as I sat down to drink my blood bag. Roland sat next to me keeping an eye on the surrounding humans. When the event was over we drove home.

Flying car were legalize so people ran to get theirs. First they had to take a month of lessons and prove they can drive before they were given the license or the car. Soon the air traffic was made. People would drive in the air. People going forward would be on the above lane. While people going in the opposite direction will be on the bottom lane. There is a twenty feet distance between both lanes for safety's sake. All in all there are five rows going in either direction. This made full moon nights easier.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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