
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 17

Keith was on the phone with one of his friends that got stuck in the queue. He couldn't get out nor could his family. The machine city imbeciles came to test and see if they could find me. I asked them what his friend looked like since these guys had done everything they could possibly do but still failed. He showed me what he looked like and I flew him and his family to safety. Keith asked me if the rumors were true that I hate werewolves. I scoffed, "If I hate werewolves would I friends with the most Alpha of them. Cain was the one who made me what I am. He gave it to his associates till he could get rid of it. I used it on my body to cure an incurable illness. I have on many occasions saved his life along with other werewolves and vampires. When the purge happened he was a member of security for the private school I was in. Post zombie apocalypse Saber unknowingly sold him as a slave and I bought him to set him free. He lived with us for years and I never had any trouble with him. I only had problems with the werewolves that thought killing children were a sort of entertainment." He jaw dropped open, "There are werewolves that hunt children? How many did you meet?" I shrugged, "A few dozen. These are the ones that want my blood so they can go around hurting innocent people without the possibility of being killed." My entire security were staring at me with genuine fear. They asked me when these guys first attacked a kid.

I recalled the day my friend's bully Angela exposed them to the world. A few came over to kill the kids of the police and other city council officials. They thought the dead bodies of their children would convince them to let that wolves go on killing spree with retribution. The youngest kid they tried to kill was Irene. She was my friend and human. She saw me for what I was and helped control my gifts. So in exchange I protected her and her mother from zombies and kept them safe till my presence meant imminent danger for them. I rescued a few orphan kids. I help raise them to be good members of society. I spend sleepless nights standing watch to make sure they were not harmed by anyone. This earned the respect of the guys.

The machine city idiots realized that there is no evidence of my existence. They had wasted their time. They used a bomb and blew up the city killing millions. Innocent people got killed to cover up the fact that these people wanted to rule the world. They went back to their labs to find proof that werewolves and vampires exist. I made sure the other knew about their intentions. Since all vampires and werewolves were evacuated they promised to deal with these idiots later. They thanked me profusely before they left for Iron city.

I was taken to Angel city. Where I was taken to an estate where the number of guards increased. I was taken to a public school were the kids were little eccentric. There were kids with mohawk, piercing wearing all leather outfits. Kids with afros wearing sweatshirt and jeans. Weird kids with half their heads shaved off wearing tshirt with the sleeves ripped off and torn cargo pants. A few were wearing expensive clothes. They looked like models. I sat in front of the principal's office where the guy had a nice chat with security and he gave me the usual paperwork. Map of the school, brochure for special classes and book of rules.

He gave me a once over and asked Bryce what kind of trouble can he expect from me. He smiled as he explained that I was his niece. I am just sad at the death of his sister. I have never given anyone any sort of trouble. I am as good as his best student. The guy shook his hand and turned to me. He wanted to know which school I had attended and I blurted out that I was in a private school. He smiled, "Top of your class?" I nod my head, "I was a member of the swim team." He wanted to know if I had a scholarship and Bryce said yes.

The principal wished me an excellent academic year and ushered me out. I reminded Bryce that I was supposed to stay in the estate till this dies down. He reminded me that the safest thing for me is to be outside. Had I been sequestered indoors those scientists would have killed everyone. I decided to give him a heads up on a rogue werewolf that is roaming around. He is the reason these geeks were after them. He asked me what a geek was. I forgot that certain words go out of fashion. They are replaced with newer words. I would have to learn the lingo of this century or I would look out place. I just asked him to keep his ears to the ground.

He warned the others and hunt began. I would spend my days in school while my nights finishing my homework and then helping to find the rogue one. After some investigation I got his scent and rest became easy. That weekend I woke up and asked the guards to get the bike so we can go riding. I can track his scent easily this way. It was windy so that made it even easier.

I tracked him to a garage where a lone man was fixing a truck. I asked him what he is and he said he was an innocent person. I asked him to come clean. He refused so I howled like wolf and he changed immediately. I coughed and he changed back. He was shocked that I can do that to him. I tried ask him again but this time he tried to attack me. The others grabbed him and sedated him. He was stuffed in a trunk while they searched for any security footage that would implicate them. I forced him to tell me everything. He was sent to a nocturnal prison. The killings ended with his capture. This caused a lot conspiracy buffs to go into all sorts of wild theories. I laughed so hard I almost peed. Even the others joined in the laugh.

I had dinner with a vampire that was fighting to be in the council. She was watching me eat and gave me an evil smile. I forced her to tell me what she was doing. She said she is using poison to kill me so she make an army to fight the werewolves. She is not a fan of the peace treaty. The thing she is not aware that I have been drinking the very same poison to stop them from using me. I had called the council before hand so they arrived a few minutes later out of concern. She assumed that she is winning till she saw that I was fine. She tried to order the execution of the council. Her own security arrested her because their loyalty was to the council first. I showed her confession to them and demanded that she see sunlight. They kindly explained that they had come up with a formula that allowed them to walk in the sunlight without pain. She was arrested and sent to the prison to await trial. They thanked me for taking the poison all those years as a protection. Security was listening intently with surprised expression. I gave Soren her place and he promised me that he will repay me for saving his life by being just.

I asked to go home to finish my assignment. I saw Abby a fellow classmate walking home alone. I asked the guards to stop the car. I poked my head out and asked her if she needed a ride. She was jumpy at first. She smiled as she refused my offer to escort her home safely. I promised to follow her till she got home safely. I asked the driver to drive slowly to make sure she gets home safely. When she got up the steps I made sure she locked the door before I hopped back to the car to go home. A few of the werewolves and vampires were once parents they were very pleased to see that I cared about people. One of them said that if his kids were alive he would ask them to be my friend. I smiled before I started browsing the web to source my homework.