
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 16

The residents of Umbrella fortress were watching as I walked vertically till I reached the ceiling. I laid down to drink a blood bag and learned what skills the donor possessed. When I was done a few vampires and Soren was up there. They smiling at the crowd below. The vampires jumped and landed on their feet. Apparently it was a demonstration of the vampiric skill set. When I was done with the blood bag and I had it destroyed. We heard a bang on west side of the fortress. I few October guards had managed to sneak in and were causing havok. One of them was trying to establish communication but was failing. These idiots were experimented just like Betty but they were supposedly better. I used a syringe and collect my venom. I load it to tranquilizer darts and took my aim. They all fell down immediately. I laughed as I saw them fall on their faces.

Soren on the other hand walked over to them and shot them dead. Curiously he asked me what it was. I smiled, "My venom. Hybrid can't change people with their bites. When a vampire or werewolf bites it is painful. Mine wouldn't hurt at all. My venom has a lot endorphins and other pleasure inducing chemicals. So they will high for a few days." Keola concured as he recalled the three days he was out for the count. The other nocturnals stared surprised.

Soren went to sleep and others took their respective position. I took my position in the courtyard. One of the nocturnals asked me if my bed was too hard. I laughed, "I haven't slept since I injected this stuff into my body. That was a few hundred years ago." The nocturnal walked away. The soldiers were grinning. I asked for a few knives. Olaf was skeptical as he gave me a set. I sharpened them and practiced my knife throwing skills. I looked at the wall and went back to knife chucking.

After a week I returned home. Abe was waiting for me at the platform which is unusual. He said that his ex-wife has escaped and now she is created problems. I extended my senses to find her. She was in Pearl and she was hiding with her brother. I was sent to retrieve her.

I arrived at Pearl and the residents looked apprehensive as I walked directly to where she was. I made myself invisible and sped inside to retrieve her. The foyer was filled with trip wires. I had no problem going to the other side without tripping anything. The stairs were actually pressure plates. So I flew up into the air. Five floors later I was facing a corridor that was filled with men armed to the teeth. I flew above them without them sensing me. I calmly knocked on the door and she opened it. I grabbed her and ran back to the street.

When I came out the mayor ordered that I stay here to train the hybrids to be like me. Roland asked who died and gave him the authority to demand such an thing. I gave the mayor a look so dirty Oleg swore that if it were him he would take a bath for a thousand years. I mentally linked with Abe to complain. I only managed to tell him the situation. Abe thought I was kidding till Oleg called Abe complaining that the mayor wanted me to stay here and train the baby hybrid. Abe's swearing told me that he was seriously pissed. Abe called the mayor and told him to get a life. He said that if he wants the hybrids to learn their skills do it themselves and leave me in peace. My skill are all self taught. He also said each and every one of my abilities reminds me of some sort of trauma. Abe threatened to arrest the mayor for his audacity.

He wanted to send his helix to retrieve me. He also sent people detain his ex. We got on board and flew off to Central. The entire time the guards had their eyes on me. One of them asked Abe if I could be sent to Umbrella or Excalibur. I guess he was frustrated because his orders were simple. Just bring me to his palace in one piece ASAP.

Abe and Soren were waiting for me on the roof. I was removed first from the helix and then 'She' was removed. I was barricaded in my respective floor. No one was allowed to see me at all. Abe would walk in with my food and Soren would visit to entertain me. Batou and my babies were allowed in. The senior members of my security would visit me. Roland would sneak in a book or a game. My designated floor has a gym so I spent most of my time in fight practice.

I maybe locked but I hear everything that is going on. Some of the parents asked if their kids could rule if the zombie apocalypse was over. Abe asked for a vote. The Tsar was against the idea of a weak leader. This infuriated them but they couldn't do anything about it. They walked back home empty handed. My excursions was limited. I missed my apartment and finally Abe gave his consent. I hopped on my train went home. There was a celebration of my arrival.

Johnathan and Abrams the infamous vampire twins threw a charity ball to celebrate. Max and Debbie are the spouse of Kiska and Eska. At the party each person took turns saying why they prefer me as a leader. Before I went home I found out that my very being was copyrighted. Which meant that no one can have the name Sasha Petrova. Whether it was hybrids or human. The other hybrids were trained by scientists to reach optimum level of lethality but they couldn't get to my level of badass. The reason given was that these guys are training in a controlled environment while I trained facing adversity.

Chelsea came with my new wardrobe collection. There were new shoes and also some new paintings. I had made it clear that I am not interested in statues. One of the engineers invented a working flying car. So he was beta testing it. Pearl sent people to help him to improve it. For some crazy reason there were a few drones following me. I pretended to tap my ear simply thought, "Sierra Papa Yankee" Immediately I heard gunfire. I happily watched Daemen shot the drones down. The scientist cursed and went back to help with car. after the car was improved they were escorted to the landing platform. The scientists were pissed to see that anything that recorded that wasn't the car was mysteriously deleted. They went back home angrily. Abe sent a nice note, "You wanna train your hybrids? You have my permission to do so. But the only condition is that you people leave Sasha alone."

I sat in the park to watch people prank unsuspecting people. A handsome man or a beautiful woman would wave at them. Then pretend they are talking to them from a distance. Then walk past them to hug someone else. The person would feel awkward while these guys would laugh it off. I guess it was my turn so when the guy waved at me, I just rolled my eyes and sat on my stomach and continued reading my book. I looked up and they had switched gears with a woman. I didn't even bother to respond. I laid on a blanket and tried to space out. Oleg threw his jacket at me. I gave him an annoyed look before I smiled at him. Lately people have been working hard to stop me from spacing out. They think it best that I stay on Earth.

A week later I sat on the swing and was about to go back and forth when I felt someone behind me. It was the prankster. He asked with a sullen expression, "You didn't wave back. Usually girls gravitate towards me. You just rolled your eyes like I was boring." I didn't acknowledge the kid so he came full front. I just yawned and asked him to step aside. In my point of view Jasper is better than him. He refused to move so Wolfgang and Kiska walked up to and asked nicely if everything was ok. I was about to say something but the kid interrupted. Kiska raised his hand, "Hey mouthpiece. I wasn't talking to you. I am talking to my sister" The kid got out of the way and apologized when a woman approached to defend him. It was the woman who waved at me. I didn't want problems so i said, "Listen young man. I am sure a lot of girls think you are hot. But I grieving the death of my spouse so do me a favor and leave me alone." Kiska said that he didn't any problems to which the woman responded. I can say she hit a nerve. I wasn't paying attention so I didn't know exactly what she said but I did see Kiska's reaction. His eyes blacked out, his fangs came out and his claws came out too. The woman realized she overstepped her limit.

Both of them backed up till they reached the slide. I guess these guys have not been informed of the other residents in this city. Lionel and Derek walked in and Wolfgang explained what was going on. Derek politely talked them and sent them away. The boy kept looking back while the woman walked forward. I can tell she served in the army. Possibly an October guard. I asked Lionel if she was one. Derek confirmed my suspicions. Oleg was pissed that he had called Derek. He seriously wished that Kiska had taken a swipe at him. I said that I would be sad to lose my family. Oleg apologized to Kiska as the two walked over to common grounds diner to enjoy diesel. At least that is what I call coffee. Honestly how do people stand drinking that stuff. YUCK!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ghaadhacreators' thoughts