
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 15

After the party was over we drove back home. We took our usual route. Oleg let out a growl that sounded like he almost blurted out that I am Sasha to the soldier. To which Abraham sarcastically thanked him for his restraint. I saw a drone above us. I sensed trouble up ahead so I asked them to take the outer road. So they did. They drove to the gate and went around the wall to our section. We saw no zombies and so Abraham thought that my shield wasn't back in my body. I placed my hand on his and answered mentally. That my shield is enveloped around me only. He took a deep breath as we safely made it inside.

I saw the drone turn around and go in a different direction. I smiled as the nocturnals finished patching the wall. I know Soren hates it but I lend them a helping hand. These are my people so their safety was my priority. The drone watched from a distance as I helped pour cement or use heavy equipment. I would use a pair of binoculars and the drone would disappear.

I walked to my room to come up with a solution and saw a silver dollar. I decided to make a gold coin that will be the currency for the nocturnals. I propose the idea during the next council meeting and both side said yes. Soren and Abraham argued over the design and finally I drew a scrible where a bat and wolf overlapping each other. The other side say united we stand. Both wanted to say something but it felt one sided so in the end agreed to my idea. The order was given and the minting began. The first coin arrived the next day. The other nocturnals were surprised to see this. They accept the coin as their currency.

I asked to go for an evening jog. Soren allowed me to do so. I put on an outfit for exercise and went for a run. I ran passed the palace the atmosphere was ok. I ran past the butcher shop all was good. I ran passed the pool it was ok. But when I reached the gates the problem was apparent. Humans were outside staring in. They stared with spite and some with sorrow. I approached to ask what was going on. One of them spat at me.

I backed away saying that I meant no disrespect. They said that they wanted to keep their family safe. Soren won't allow it. I asked what Soren had done to compromise their safety. They said he has hidden Sasha. Her shield protected used to the city until a menace called Jayden became a nocturnal. Some of them had buried family members. But for some reason unknown the nocturnals remain unharmed. Their numbers remain while the human population is dwindling. I told them that there are those that like to spread discord. Previously Sasha used to be awake but those that wanted to create trouble tried to create a rift between her and Soren. So to maintain the peace she was put to sleep. She is a Queen of the night. If she sees something contrary she will put her foot down. This would be contradictory to Soren's rule so she is asleep. My words reached deaf ears. They wanted Sasha back. Some of them have reached an age where they can't have kids. Some had tried for years and at an old age had children. So to lose them was a pain they can't let go of. They wanted to be safe despite the troubles that I would go through. They asked me where Sasha was. I said that I have no ideas. The only one to know her whereabouts is Soren. They asked me when will Sasha wake up and I said the exact date is unknown. Possibly one hundred and seven five years. This was received with utter and total shock. They screamed their displeasure.

I decided to respect their opinion and wished them a good day. I turned around and ran towards the clock tower. The security had enough of them so they called the police. I ran past a florist. Another turn I was facing a new butcher shop. A right turn had me facing a lush garden and shop that repairs old things. That was when I heard the sirens. A series of yelling and a door slamming hard. The yelling was muted. As I walked past a garage and a gym the siren grew faint. I reached a fountain that was carved to look like a bowl of roses. I felt like taking a moment so I sat to watch the birds fly above me. I took a deep breath and got up. I ran past a mansion and an apartment complex. Towards a steep flight of stairs resembling the haiku staircase in Hawaii.

As I approached to sit on it I heard people yelling at security saying that they want to talk to Soren. They heard that security was tightening to stop break-ins. Werewolves will be out patroling along side with vampire counterparts. They wanted to know if they were bringing Sasha's body back. The security just called the police and sent them away. I was happily running when I saw an empty plot of land. I asked Abraham if I could have it. I want to build a small cottage. Abraham reminded me that I had done so previously as well. But it was absconded. I wanted a piece of land to cultivate something beautiful. He said he will allow it under his rule.

Survivors were arriving as we spoke as zombies were being a menace. The locals were happy to see that humanity has survived despite this adversity. The survivors were either hated the nocturnals or afraid of them. But they slowly adjusted to appreciating their company. Daily people would show up demanding to bring Sasha back from wherever they have hidden her. A few people protested outside. I understood that summoning me would weaken Soren authority and rule so I kept quiet for the sake of peace.

A year passed by and the city went back to normal. The military had stopped their drones to spy on nocturna. Now they were focused on the newest arrivals. People were afraid that one of them would carry the zombie strain. Suddenly out of nowhere the zombies will start eating people from inside the city. That fear bacame a reality when a new batch arrived at the outer gate of the city. On the front of the line a young girl was complaining that her father had high fever. He fell to the floor with a loud thud and moments later he became a zombie and bite his daughter in the leg. The car behind carrying dead bodies burst open and zombies came running. The authorities and outsiders ran in and closed the second gate. The zombies ripped the remaining humans apart. Soldiers watched as people screamed for help and the pleaders received no help.

I begged Soren to let me help them but he said that this is the result of humans so let humans handle it. I listened helplessly as their pleads for help were ignored. The soldiers did use flamethrowers to burn the zombies after the massacre ended. They closed the first gate and send people to remove the rubble. When the soldiers were certain that the coast was clear they opened the first gate to clear the road.