
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 15

I pretended to go outside and became invisible. I have no idea why I did that. But when I snuck back into the apartment I heard Jasper talking to someone about being close to finding out whatever it was that fixed him. He made it clear that he isn't interested in me. He is doing this because he wants to help in creating the next generation of supersoldiers. He remembers the day that he lured me to the building so they could interrogate me but somehow I had fought them off and blew up the building. He was shocked that I had survived. He considered it a blessing that I had lost my memory or he would be arrested. He said that he will be patient and will get them the answers that they seek. The healers that cured him had their faces covered so he never knew who it was or he will be talking to them directly. He wants very much to help and he promised that he will. He said he will keep them updated on my abilities. He said that he is waiting for a chance to collect a sample of me. He just learned something new about me. Before he could tell them I called out to him. He quickly hung up and ran to find me. I knew that he has to be punished for his actions so I waited till he was in the shower to call Batou. He was shocked as was Roland and Igor. I explained that I had placed a hidden camera in every room in case I get kidnapped. I gave them the password to access it. They saw and heard what happened from their end. They were outraged. We decided that we will take him on a trip. There will be a pretend attack and he will be injected with the cure.

So we as soon as he got out we left for a picnic. He seemed to think that the idea was romantic. So he happily came with us. As planned after the third course Batou and I raced while the others watched as we took off. After the race we came back to see people wearing masks and automatic weapons and I screamed at Jasper and he turned to see them. He was shocked to see them and they turned to attack me. Jasper got in front as planned and he got the cure. At least five darts of it. He looked like he was drunk before he fell on the blanket. I asked them if they used the right stuff. They made it clear that it was the real deal. I waited a few hours before I tasted his blood when I was sure the effects of the antidote won't harm me. I tasted Jasper's blood and found out that he is not Jasper but his twin. He had seen Jasper get healed and took his place. The real Jasper is home with his family while fake Jasper played us all.

What surprised me most was that he really did love me deeply. But he was more interested in helping bad guys fullfil their dreams of making supersoldiers to notice. He kept a report of me that he hasn't handed over to the people he was talking to. He was working with the Indian scientist to make different kind of monstrosity. He wanted to give them full report but he didn't tell them about my abilities. He just mentioned that I was able to do things that others couldn't. When I saw how I ended up with amnesia I just had enough I gave the orders to have his things removed and he was taken to the hospital. By the request of the council he was no longer my consort. I had to take a new disguise as they took him away. I hugged Batou and cried. He promised that I will find someone who will make me very happy.

I was escorted to the Crown's Oasis and I found his report and read every page after which I burned it. I cried the entire time it was turning to ashes. I fell to my knees and the werewolves hugged me apologizing profusely. They didn't know that they were used like pawns. They promised to be more careful about who they allowed into their fold. They made a rule that made it clear that if anyone tries to use anyone of them to hurt me or anyone else in their family then they will be restored to human form and they will be eaten. I begged them to let Jasper live. I wanted him to live with the guilt. They promised to look the other way unless they catch him red handed. If that happens then he is their dinner. I agreed to their terms about Jasper. They were extremely insulted that Jasper had the nerve to do something like that. The council made a rule to not allow anyone else to be either of them for a hundred years unless the person is going to be my partner.

The next few days went by like a blur. For the sake of keeping up the pretence I went to see him. He asked me if I was ok. He promised to keep me safe till his last breath. I nod my head as I tried to find the words to talk to him. The only thing I could do was cry. Roland is the one who usually teasing us but he was so insulted that he walked out without a word. He wanted very much to rip Jasper apart. He stormed off as a colonel showed up. Jasper was re-enlisted in the army despite his protest. I was asked very nicely to step outside so I did. I sat down to listen to their conversation. It turns out this colonel was in league with the scientist. He wanted very much to make an army. But now he feels like this was not going to happen. He said that his cover is safe but still he must be careful when he goes back to Crown's Oasis. Jasper said that he feels completely different and he can't put his finger on it. He said he will let them know what it is when he finds out. The Colonel brushed it off saying that he must traumatized about being back in the hospital. Jasper felt that this must be it.

After the Colonel left he picked up a glass and accidentally squeezed it tightly. It shattered and the nurse ran to get the first aid kit. He kept insisting that it is not needed till he saw that he wasn't healing instantly anymore. He realized that whoever attacked us had turned him human again. He asked Igor if it was possible. Igor looked equally shocked as he said that he had no idea that someone can go for werewolf to human. The real Jasper arrived on cue and it went south after that. He was pissed that he brother pretended to be him. I got to show how upset I was that he lies to me. I stormed off with Igor to see Roland staring at the scene with a satisfactory smile. Roland smiled, "You said he was home with family. It didn't take long to go through his records to find out where he lives. He didn't believe me till I made him listen to a conversation between you and his brother. He came as fast as he could"