
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 15

-Two hundred years later -

I was escorted to civilization and I was not pleased that we had become myth again. What pissed me off more was the fact that people had made comic books about me. They even made a few tv series and movies too but their version of me was wrong in so many ways. In the story version they say that I was turned at the age of twenty one. I was a college student. My parents are divorced and I live with my dad. I had several siblings and a twin brother. I was kidnapped and experimented on by werewolves to find a way to create a supersoldier to eliminate all vampires. The fable continues as I hunt both sides for revenge because they had killed my friends. All the while hiding from the military because they want to exploit me. My mother was allegedly murdered by a CIA agent. So I go hunting for the woman's kid. I find out that he was kidnapped and held hostage in Mexico. I rescued him and brought him to the place where my mother's killer was. I dangled the kid over a band of blood thirsty monsters for her to see. In the series and comics this was the line used, "An eye for eye" I apparently dropped him into the blood thirsty brutes effectively killing the kid and exacting my revenge. I then wandered the world finding people during in the alleged zombie apocalypse. I remained a wandered in pain and anguish for years. Till the guy who changed me found me and introduce me to society as his niece. I apparently have short raven hair and I appear to have a lot of tattoos all over my body as well. I apparently have a place of operation in an unknown basement where the walls are decorated with guns and other types of armory. I appear to wear body armor and carry a sword too. Also they say I am allergic to shellfish.

In reality I did this to myself to cure myself of a rare blood disorder that was slowly killing me. I was fifteen years old. I only have a half brother. He is the one that killed mom. I hid from Saber by being a farmer. I never had any basement base of operations. I love eating shellfish. More than that people believe that the whole zombie apocalypse was made up. They laughed when they talked about the entire incident. They think that vampires and werewolves were made up as well to confuse the people. To subjugate them into a state of fear. So they would bow to the government. A lot of conspiracies were heard on the radio as I arrived to my destination.

I was told that both sides have made a peace and has offered an olive branch by killing the idiots that are power hungry. They have decided to work together. I thought these guys were idiots but kept this to myself. I wore a mask to hide my face till I felt it was safe. I was told that I will get security and the works since my previous security was killed by the last zombie incursion. So I stayed by myself in Citadel since I was still the apex predator. They had a few complaints they wished to voice. I was asked very nicely to stop drinking the essence of nightshade. But I made it clear that for as long as there are those that wish to hurt me I will use it as a security measure.

I was lectured for a few hours but they realized that what I do with my body is my business. They apologized profusely and escorted me to the penthouse. I saw the magnificent view of my new home. I was given guardians from both vampire and werewolves. They were curious about who they were asked to guard with their life. But they kept their mouths shut till the council left. Then they watched me walked out my room in workout outfit and start doing martial arts moves. They sat down at a distance and waited till I was done. They admired that my stamina was better than theirs on their best day. When I got up to get myself cleaned up they slowly approached me with caution. They politely asked me to remove the mask. I told them that the mask stays on till I trust everyone. They accepted my terms before they continued the conversation.

They introduced themselves as Kenneth, Asher, Keith, Gavin, Travis, Cole, Cable, Turner and Bryce. They asked me who I was. I kept my mask on as I introduced myself as Sasha and they looked shocked. They refused accept that I am Sasha. They thought that I would be older. One of them blurted it out. I laughed as they absorbed this information. They asked me to prove that I am Sasha. I laughed and asked me what myth about me must I do to have they believed who I am. Why should there be a need for me to prove myself. They stood for a moment before they replied that everyone agreed about one thing despite the different stories they had about me.

So to prove I am Sasha they escorted me to a facility where they kept the last of the zombies. They were kept in thick glass cages. Some looked like they came off the autopsy table. While others looked like they were in the process of decomposition. Some were as violent as I remember but other were even more aggressive. The moment I walked in they became silent and started to back off the glass. They kept walking till their backs reached the glass box. Even the most violent ones started to shut up. It was like a lion had walked in. They remained as still as statues till I walked out of the room. One of them talked into his walkie talkie confirming that Sasha has entered the facility. I gave him a look and grabbed his walkie talkie. I imitated his voice and asked who was on the other end of the line. The response was static. I turned to him and forced him to tell me who it was. It was someone inside this very facility. I gave a roar and he promised that I will not be harmed. I retorted that he shouldn't be making promises he can't keep.

I turned invisible and ran towards the exit. I heard alarms as huge blast doors came down to keep me inside but I managed to get out. I ran till I reached the trees. I looked up to see bats so I turned into one and flew towards them. When it was safe I reached the council and complained. They apologized and I asked them is this done to me because I am not fully a vampire or werewolf? The council stared at me like they are hearing this for the first time. They summoned every vampires and werewolves that were living in the city. This time I was done playing nice so I interrogated them. I found the culprit in a few minutes. It was one from each side.

I forced them to divulged their associates too. I ordered that they come forward. They walked as though someone invisible had dragged them out against their will. I asked the others to step back then I howled like a wolf. Immediately half the guilty party turned into werewolves. I took the deepest breath I have ever taken. Then I screamed like a crazy person and the guilty from both sides started ripping each other apart like they had gone insane. The others stared in horror as the bad guys killed each other without mercy. When I stopped screaming the guilty were laying on the floor dead. I turned around and saw my security staring at me with genuine horror. The council stared in fear as well.

I looked around and made it clear that I won't tolerate shit from anyone. Everyone got on their knees and pledge their allegiance to me. I accept their vow in the promise that there will be no more surprises. They promised to destroy the facility as soon as possible. They promised to kill the zombies before they spreading the infection once again. I asked to observe this being done and they gave me a front row seat. After which I was escorted back to penthouse. I was given a new guard to replace Asher. Her name is Corrinne. She was a strict by the book and a vampire to boot. I asked the council to find me a job so I can intergrate into society. They said they will find a way. Since I looked young it will be a struggle. So I had a very stupid idea. How about I finish my education in a private school. This was an idea they threw around back and forth before one of the vampires in the council tried to adopt me. I can tell this was a political move and this was met with hostility from everyone. In the end I was considered a ward of the council till I graduate from school. They left to figure out which private school I should attend to complete my education. I sat down in the veranda to enjoy the view. I used echolocation to get an understanding of the city. On the walkie talkie I can hear people talking about seeing a man turning into a wolf and attacking civilians. I shook my head at the immaturity of these guys. I sat there till one of the guards requested that I move inside since the danger has not cleared yet. I went inside and climbed the ceiling and stayed upside down till I got bored and requested dinner.