
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 14

I walked out of the bedroom to see a few of his human friends talking to him. He was happily explaining how he became a werewolf. He closed his eyes and began his tale, "I first met her when I was assigned to protect the President's convoy. Sasha was there to ensure her kind was unharmed. She actually flew into the air to surprise of everyone. I was watching as she was flanked by werewolves. They try very hard to protect her and vice versa. She would stand vertically in the air bobbing up and down like an apple in a bowl of water then tilt her head and then fly off. The werewolves had to keep an eye on her and whatever was in their path as they ran as fast as they could. They would follow her orders to the letter. She would make sure everyone of them came back safely. This was more than those that gave us orders. We were treated like we were pawns in a chessboard but she didn't do that any of her's. She treated all of them like family. They respected her for her honesty and her unwavering loyalty. There was one incident where there was an obstruction on the road. She was the first to run to get rid of it. When she ran to lift it she wasn't alone. The others followed her without hesitation. When that huge tree was tossed aside they accepted that she is not the kind that tweedle her thumbs." One of them asked him how he went from quadriplegic to walking.

He winced as he recalled the day. "We were assigned to guard a quadrant as we were moving precious cargo. I was perched on the wall armed with a rifle checking left and right. Then a missile came out of nowhere blew a section of the wall under me. As I was running to save myself I heard the Leftenant ordered the others to flee the scene. Before the radio died I heard him say that I am gone. I fell towards the iron bars and bricks helplessly. I was trapped under the rubble and felt my bones snapping. I felt a sharp pain in my back before I lost feeling to my body. I was sure that I was left for dead. At that moment I swore I will have nothing to do with army. I prayed to God asking him send someone to rescue me. Soon after the words left my lips I felt sunlight on my face. I thought maybe I was wrong to assume that my fellow brothers in arms had left me. When the beam was completely removed I saw Sasha was the one who throwing the rubble aside till I could be safely removed. She gently carried me back to base. On the way to the medical tent I got to see that I was left for dead by people I had grown up with while a perfect stranger saved my life. The story of my life. She was upset that they had the nerve not follow orders. They were told to assign drones to keep an eye out for troublemakers. Since their incompetence almost cost me my life she was more pissed. I was given an honorable discharge for my efforts. I was so upset that I was now completely useless. She came to see me with a proposal. She asked me if I wanted to be whole again. I promised her that I will serve her till death if she can get me off that bed. She asked me if I would ever betray her. I promised her that the whole world would deceive her but I won't. So she summoned a nurse and had me moved to her house. The rest is history." The others asked him point blank what I had done. He realized that they were not here because they were happy for him. They were here to extract information. So he said that I gave him a sedative and when he woke up he was healed. They asked if they could see me so they can ask me directly. He made it clear that Sasha is off limits. They exchanged a few heated words before they left dejected.

I sat down remembering the Superman and Lois flying scene that I imitated when I carried Jasper to safety. When I came back to reality I saw that he was watching me amused. I asked him if he wants to fly with me. He kindly reminded me that we are supposed to keep it low-key. I sat down next to him and remembered the day I rescued him. I shivered, "I saw the missile and called it in but they said that I was imagining it. I was running towards you when I saw it the wall and it began to collapse. There were a few that stopped me from moving forward. I almost went full beast mode on them to push them aside and ran as fast as my legs would let me. By the time I got to you the dust was settling. I started to rip the rubble apart praying that you were safe. When I saw you I was so happy. I saw you smiling at me as well. It was innocent but with a hint of a tease." He smiled brightly, "You lifted me like a was a child." I corrected him, "I lifted you up like you were made of glass. If I had been careless you might still be in that bed." He made a face and asked me what I had given him. I smiled, "I don't know. It has instantaneous tissue regenerative properties." He smiled, "Then how come I remember seeing you talking to one the healers about the healing?" I countered him, "That is something I still don't recall so I am afraid that it will remain a mystery for all of us. When I remember what it is I will let you know. For now I am sincerely thankful that you are safe and sound. To my surprise you chose to join the family."

He smiled, "I was an only child and my parents passed away when I was young. I grew up in a orphanage so I never had a real family I suppose." I smiled, "Batou will have a laugh when he sees my cover." Jasper's face soured immediately, "Why do you talk about him?" I shrugged, "He is my mom's oldest friend and he is her partner in the police force. He is like an uncle to me. Furthermore he was also my partner when I was a detective." When I turned around he looked ashamed that he had misinterpreted the situation. I realized what had happened, "You're jealous" His face turned hot and his tone annoying, "No I wasn't" I laughed singing repeatedly, "Jasper is jealous." He couldn't keep a straight face so he tickled me to shut me up. He made a face and asked me why I spend time with the twins. I smiled, "When I met them they were orphan kids that were being used by scientists for heinous experiments. I rescued them and I raised them. So they are in a manner my children." He stared at me, "The more you talk the more I love you" I hugged him and we started to waltz. It was the best feeling in the world. There was no music and there was no need for it to begin with. We were in sync with each other.

That night I came out of the bedroom to see Batou and the twins chatting with Roland, Igor and Jasper. When the kids saw me they ran to hug me. Batou asked me when was the last time I had a goodnight sleep and I blurted that it was the day before I changed into this thing. I accidentally blurted, "I still remember the weirdest dream I had was the Karate Masseuse." This had Batou laughing like crazy, "I remember you were moaning on the couch. Your mother woke you up and asked what happened. You said that some idiot in your dreams escorted to you a spa where another idiot massaged you the wrong way. Your mother woke you up as he was doing the poses people do in front of the bathroom mirror and karate poses while trying to imitate Bruce Lee. The moment you woke up you said the leg he had massaged in you has begun to ache." Everyone else burst out laughing as I gave him the death stare. Batou ignored me as he continued, "Since your crutches was broken I had to carry you everywhere. The ache disappeared by lunch but you still hobbled." I reminded him subtly, "Until I became this the only thing I did when I walked was hobble." He gave me a nod, "I took care of you while your mother found someone to fix your crutches." I smiled, "Batou we both know it was mom that fixed it. She had a good life for herself before what's his name showed up." Batou nod his head and sat down. Annie poked the bear, "Are we talking about Shaw?" Angus was annoyed, "I think mom is talking about Shaw's dad. I remember how mom twisted his neck till his head was a hundred and eighty degrees. Usually it is falling down butt first or face first. This is the first time I saw one person fall down face and butt first at the same time." This made the others wince but they said nothing further.

The karate masseuse is a dream I had and yes I did have knee pain for a while.

Ghaadhacreators' thoughts