
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 12

Since schools are a priority we were the first to be inspected. We had to step out according to seniority. Sophomores were first to go out to the courtyard then it would be the Senior's turn. We were hosed like last time. This time they protested till they saw guns pointed at their faces. They screamed out of fear. We waited thirty minutes dripping wet before they said we could go back inside. As they entered to clean up for class they promised to complain that their parents will hear about this. Annie wanted to know why they were hosing us. I explained that vampires can't stand being out in sunlight. So they use SPF and other type of sunblocks. The pressurized water washes the substance away to expose their skin to the harsh sunlight hence frying them. The Seniors were listening to our conversation. They thought I was kidding till they walked out single file. The military hosed them as they walked out to the courtyard. They weren't pleased for this ill treatment. They swore their fathers will hear about this.

When it was over the headmistress gave us the day off. We upstairs to our room. I heard a very distinctive sound so I looked outside and saw a drone flying around. It was searching the building from above. I closed the window and asked the others to do the same. They quickly closed the doors and stayed really quiet. When the flying spyware left to scan elsewhere we talked about speeding up my training.

I can now change into anyone I want and can remain in this disguise till I feel it is safe to be me again. I can now identify when a drone is nearby by the sound it emits. I can be invisible and make anyone I touch invisible too, I am able to convince people to do what I ask, I can fly as high as an aeroplane. I can climb the wall like a spider I can drink blood and acquire the knowledge of the donor. I can run really fast. I can use echolocation to detect even minute things. I can hear even farther than werewolves can. I have tested their hearing range. I can see through walls. I need to work on how I scan people. I just see their veins and heart when there is a wall between us. I can't identify who the person is in such a situation. I could just as easily walk into a trap. So that was my next task. To find a way to identify people who are on the other side of a brick walls.

The girls said that I must learn how to use vehicles and weapons in case we had to run from the law. They insisted on combat training as well in case I might have to hid the fact that I am not a human. I agreed but I also wanted add engineering because I think it would be a good idea in tight corners. They seemed to think it was useless but they never watched MacGyver like I did. So I searched the school for the brainiest student and got a little bit of her blood. She opened my mind to a whole world of stuff. Chemical, Computer, Mechanical and Structural engineering. I knew what I will do when the girls go to sleep.

For the next five months I spent every night listening to tutorial showing me how things are made and how they can be hacked. So I also made a list of the things I needed. The first thing I did was order a swiss army knife. The next thing I purchased was a lock pick set. I spend the next few days taking parts from busted computers and making my own computer. I learned hacking and to frankenstein all sorts of things as well. I learned about cars, bikes, boats and planes. I tried to imagine myself in a situation and prepared to get myself out of it. I even bought handcuffs and learned to pick them with my hands behind my back. I convinced the girls without hypnosis. They felt it was necessary too after Shaw and his goons caught them. We promised that when the academy year is over. We will go camping together in case we have go on the run. We will figure out survival training.

I made sure the next time the inspection arrived I covertly got a blood sample of the ones I thought would have something relevant to teach me. They did. I learned hand to hand combat. I learned to use guns. I learned how to use all sorts of military vehicles. I learned army terminology. I also learned a thing or two about tracking people both using technology and the evidence left on the ground and elsewhere. I learned about the place where the scientist were conducting experiments on vampires and werewolves. I saw the progress they are making on the vaccine. I learned how they were using surveillance cameras all over the city to spy on the citizens.

I also learned that there are other hybrids out there as well. Some are half human and half vampire hybrid. While others are half human and half werewolf hybrid. A few are a hybrid like me a combo of both. These were captured but on route to their base they are ambushed by their friends who facilitate their escape. They haven't identified me yet or they would have come guns blazing.

I was searching through the web when I learned that Molly had changed into a werewolf. It didn't help her regenerate her limbs. She looked comical having a human arm and legs while the rest of her body was a werewolf. I saw that the army was dispatched to retrieve her. Her father was arrested for not fully disclosing what progress he had done on the subject. He didn't mention me at all since he was adamant that he will be the one to dissect me. He begged them to let her go but they kept firing at her trying to stop her. She managed to get away unharmed. This means she might show up here but she didn't. I made sure to practice sensing using echolocation till it was something I would without even thinking. She didn't show up.

The summer holidays started and we were allowed to go home. Uncle J was busy so I went with Irene and Sonja to their place. It was an RV on the outskirts of the city. Annie and Daisy left for Europe with their parents. The Bilyk women lived dressed like Gypsies. They were warm and welcoming. We went camping and had a great time. We spend the days helping the women with the chores. The night time was for me to exercise my gifts. I jokingly told Irene that it is possible for a werewolf to come our way. I didn't know how true that would be.

The next night we were having dinner when I sensed the werewolf heading in this direction. I warned the others and they respectfully went inside. I waited for it to show up. When it did I realized that I had no plan whatsoever. I tried to focus but my kind was empty. I heard Irene whisper to Sonja that if I can convince humans then I can convince him also. So I looked him in the eye and asked him nicely to change back. He froze for a moment and transformed back to his human form. He licked his lips. "You are a hybrid. You can control to werewolves like Cain can." I knew if he escaped then he would tell others so I quickly used my silver necklace on him but he managed to pull it out and heal himself. I knew I was doomed. Sonja poked her head out of the window. She said, "Tell him to break his own neck" I said immediately requested that he do that. He fought hard against my order. He struggled to lower his hands as they raise themselves towards his head. He managed to lower his hand an inch but it still kept reaching for his head. But he did what he could to stop it but his hand reached his neck. I heard a sharp snap. He fell dead and the residents of the RV came out and burned his body. They promised to keep this whole thing a secret. Since I saved them they promised to save me no matter what. They promised to move elsewhere first thing in the morning. I stayed on guard while they slept like babies.