
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 11

James welcomed me at the front door. The manager gave me a bouquet of roses as thanks for finding more survivors. He also thanked me for finding the troublemakers hellbent on terrorizing the peaceful community. The werewolves stood with guns and I asked if Abe was coming. It turns out he was coming and so was his wife. I decided it was best to go to Claire DeLune but the werewolves said it was ok. He stayed in the west mansion on the edge of the city. The werewolves smiled at me as I was escorted to the new imperial suite.

I lay down on the four poster bed. The twins sat next to me. They admired my room and said they preferred my penthouse. Batou asked me if I was going to the Spring Gala or if I was going to the Equinox Ball. I said that I am going to take the bike and go for a spin. Batou reminded me that I am supposed to make an appearance so people will feel safe and maintain trust between both. I said that I will go the Equinox Ball since the last time I went to a Gala I proved that a woman was faking her pregnancy with a balloon stuffed in her panties to imitate a swollen belly. The twins laughed so hard they fell off the bed. Batou joined them shortly. Annie demanded details and Angus coughed to calm himself down.

The security were sweeping the room when they heard what I said and they froze in whatever position they were in. One was frozen with the carpet in his hand. The other was frozen with his head stuck in the cupboard. The other was frozen hold the safe door open. One was frozen with his foot in the air. Angus started to cough and they came back to reality. They quickly sweeped the room and went outside to let the masseuse in. The twins went to the veranda to see the construction of the new apartment complex while Batou went to the living room to watch sports. I got a massage and a few questions. About the survivors that I had rescued.

After the inquiry she told me of her family that were living somewhere up north. She had left them behind to find a better place but she wishes that her family were here. I asked her which direction she took and she said she barely remembers. I told her that scavenger season is over for at least a few months. Abe is not going to be happy if I risk my life. I will try again in six months. I hope to go alone but there is a risk that I will be captured by the Indian and his hooligans. I will try to find a way to save her family. I asked her where she was from. She said that she was from Terrance Ranch. I was sad to hear that. As far as I know the place was as safe as possible. She told me that the place was attacked by the October guards. She said that they were military people from October who strongly believed that non-military people should be used as experiments. But the locals refused to hand people over so they attacked them. The place was burnt to the ground and the people scattered all over. I said that there is a system in place so she can find out if anyone of the survivors are elsewhere in Tsar. I told her that if her family is not here then I will go look for them. She thanked me profusely.

When I came out after my massage Angus requested that I tell him everything about the lady pregnant with a balloon. The masseuse froze where she stood. I sat and described the moment where I saw a pregnant woman fall down. I remember hearing a faint pop sound. I jumped thinking her water broke or something. When she fell her belly was swollen. She looked like she was about to give birth at any time. When she got up her belly was flat as a lavash bread. Batou was leaning against the window. He stopped drinking his bottle of blood and he turned around to hear what I was saying. The security inched a little bit closer to listen. I followed her in case something had happened to her. She opened her purse pulled out a balloon and started to blow it. When it was inflated to her liking she tied it up. Then she hitched up her dress and stuffed the balloon in her panties and secured it with a sash. This did for everyone they all started to laugh. Even the masseuse started to laugh.

When the laughing stopped she walked out like she wanted to spread this all over the hotel. I did mention that when she left the room. Angus laughed merrily. He told me that he was listening to my conversation with her. He and his sister would like to join me on my quest as did Batou. Aaron and the others wanted to come too. They wanted to help get as many survivors to safety. If possible all of them. Aaron interrupted asking how Angus knew what we talked about. Angus said that I trained him and the others to have super hearing and super smell. I reminded him of super sight too. This made Batou start laughing as he remembered the day he was taught super sight. It was when we were partners in the police department. I laughed as I recalled the day he found a pedophile after the kid was found. Batou kicked the box aside and pulled him out screaming "Jack in the box". He and I had the best solve rate. We moved from homicide to missing persons unit and back again. We had some seriously hilarious days as cops. Angus and Annie would listen to our stories as kids and as adults. They became good cops too.

Some of them had advanced hearing but the rest didn't. So I promised to train them to tell the difference between real and voice recording. I said their lesson begins after we go to the Equinox Ball. The twins begged me to go to the Spring Gala. I said that I will go only if I can introduce them as my babies. They gave their consent so I got dressed impeccably and we went to the Spring Gala first. People were interviewing those that arrived and it was no different for me. People cheered and applauded as my face came to view. I waved at them and the host asked me if I came with someone. I introduced my children as my plus one. Batou was grinning like a fool the entire time. The guards were casual but once we were in they were smiling too.

Batou requested that they keep an eye out for the balloon lady. The guards started laughing as they spread out. The kids did too. We took a tour of the art exhibit. The money goes to preserving arts and other entertainment items. We were served drinks then escorted to a sit down dinner. Then we were allowed to leave. We took off to the Equinox Ball and Annie was driving. I asked her to tint the windows so I can change my clothes. By the time we go there I had changed my clothes and put on make up. We had to wait in a queue so Annie was able to change too.

There were a few designers and they pulled me out of the crowd and I had to change clothes to go on the catwalk. I did seven wardrobe changes and walked the catwalk as well. Angus and the others grinned as they clapped their hands. The proceeds go to help those who are unable to earn a living. We gave out awards and took a moment of silence for those that didn't make it due the zombies. The tables were cleared and everyone got to the dance floor and danced till midnight. Then we got out and got home to the penthouse. The kids kissed me goodnight and went to their respective homes.

Batou stayed with me so I changed my clothes. Then he and I started to spar. After the sparing session he asked me how it was like going out there. He heard about a huge worm. So I extended my hand and he took it. I took a deep before I showed it to him. He swore like a sailor. I wanted to slap his arm but to be honest I swore like crazy when I saw those humongous things. A package arrived with the rising sun. It was from the designer Maxx. It was a glass slipper with gold rims on it. Batou smiled, "Nice shoes Cinderella" I rolled my eyes and round two of sparing began.

I value your opinion so please tell me what you think of these chapters so I can improve them.

much love thanks♥️

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