
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 11

We snuck inside and promised to double check before we go to places we don't know. They went to sleep and I sat down to figure out my next move. If too many people start heading in my direction then people will get suspicious. Then my problems will rise. So from now on, I need to be extra careful. What would I need? For the werewolves, I can use my silver bracelet. For the vampires, I better find a portable UV gun.

The next morning I walked out after breakfast and saw the raven haired man. I walked towards him subtly. I asked that we talk on the roof where there is no chance of eavesdropping. He followed my lead. When we reached the roof he asked me to explain myself and I did. I also explained what I knew about Cathy and Angela. He wasn't upset. He asked me what abilities I have developed since I have changed. He was intrigued by how I have activated them instinctively. I told him what I know of and I was sure I will find more. I apologized profusely and he happily accepted my apology. He asked me how sick I was and wanted to know the name of my illness. When I had explained to his satisfaction he said I can go.

He did tell me the box contained his venom and a the venom of a vampire and a blood bag of a person whose genetics make up is such that being a hybrid is possible. That box has been giving him grief for sometime now. He was hoping to use it on someone or destroy it. He made it clear that my problems have just begun. I have exposed myself to a world that is constantly at war. There are some who are looking for a weapon that would give them the tactical advantage. For that they will bleed me dry. Others are looking for a bargaining chip with the military in exchange for a blind eye. Others just like being on top of the food chain. They don't like being in second place. So I better start learning what abilities I have. And discover what else I can do. I better start using them soon because that is the only way I will survive. This will ensure that my loved ones remain safe as well. He finally asked me, "What is your name?" I replied, "Alexandria Petrov" He froze for a moment. He came out of where he spaced out to and stood up. He wished me the best of luck. He started to walk away and I asked him his name. "My name is Cain." He walked out the door and serenely left the building.

Round one of the werewolf skirmish arrived. He was a short and chubby guy with mousey hair. Next to him was a tall, lean built man. He was too eager to get me out of here. They both smelled like wet dog unlike the military men they came with. I simply used my bracelet. I pretended to shake hands with shorty and pressed the silver against the palm of his hand. I listened to him scream in agony as his hand began to smoke. I pulled my hand away. Everybody saw his hand was blistered badly. There was pus pouring out of his wound. The soldiers took their gun and shot the creep. I knew they had to know that one more werewolf was present. Before the tall one was able to react I took my piece of silver and dragged it across his forearm. He screamed profanities and they saw skin blistering, burning and smoking. Before he changed into a werewolf he was shot dead. The military wanted to know why I was targeted so I explained that my birth mother was a cop. It is possible that her latest case involves these things. They seemed unconvinced. picked my cellphone and I called the fifth precinct. They told me that my mother was investigating a band of werewolves that attacked city hall. They both agreed that of anyone asked for me they are trying to hurt my mom. This convinced them and the headmistress that I am not a werewolf. She showed proof that I spend most my time in board daylight. The military skirmish left and I was dismissed.

Irene was waiting for me outside the dormitory. I explained what had happened as we walked to her room. They decided that I needed a new nickname. They tried a few names but in the end they agree each name was ridiculous. Finally when everyone else gave up Sonja blurted out that my new nickname should be Sasha. It means defender of man. The others agreed. They decided that we should finish our homework as early as possible so they will be free to help me with my gifts. So I will be able to save them. I joked that there will come a time when they will be the ones saving my life. They promised to help me too. We sat to finish our homework.

The next morning we had walk out single file after breakfast. The headmistress gave a speech for twenty minutes. The security stared at us and we were told to go back to class. We walked past some who smelled like dog poop. They were busy trying find me but I managed to walk past them unnoticed. I have find find their blindspots.

After school we reached our room and quickly finished our homework. After which I looked at the mirror and tried to change my face to resemble someone else. Annie asked me what I was doing. I looked at her, "Cain told me to figure what I can do, I can change my hair then I can change my looks too. It only works when I feel scared. I need figure out how to change on command." The others stared at me as I fleshed out the conversation and that werewolf appearance. I closed my eyes and focused on how the moments I was afraid and tried again. This time I changed into a teenager with freckles. She had curly brown. Her eyes were a shade of chocolate. I focused on my voice and it changed too. I refocused and I changed back again. My voice was restored as well. They were a little concerned that this would mean that I would cause trouble and get away with it. On the other hand they knew that if they are captured I could change my look and sneak in to rescue them. So they let it go.

The next morning mom called me to ask me if I was ok. Shaw informed her that werewolves paid me a visit. She asked me if I really hurt the wolves with my silver bracelet. She was proud and she asked me to be extra careful. I promised that I will try my best. I need to sharpen my sense of smell. I need to find a place where I can practice till my gifts become second nature. She and I talked for another few minutes and she hung up after she wished me well.

Friday night I sat down to focus on echolocation and my ability to convince people to do whatever I wanted. Daisy came running and turn on the TV. The president announced that a team of scientists were working on an antidote or a vaccine for these things. The vaccine will be ready in six months. The first trial will begin then. The people will be inoculated the next month. He urged citizens to be vigilant and report any werewolves to the officers since they are much harder to kill. He assumed that vampires were weaker. He must have realized his mistake. He paused for a moment. He declared a curfew. That a person going outside better have a written consent from a licensed medical professional or they had better be a law enforcement agent. Or they will be arrested or shot depending on the severity of the situation. Also there will be surprise inspections where soldiers will knock on the door and the residents must step out into the sunlight. The soldiers are not allowed to enter the property unless the residents resist the inspection. Furthermore hospitals will be heavily guarded. People will be screened before they enter or leave the building. My nightmare has begun. I started to weep because I knew this announcement means they will come after me. I explained this to the girls. They hugged me to calm me down.