
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
144 Chs

Chapter 10

I came home and made it clear that the bombs will used on those and afterwards they will be disposed of. None of it will touch military hands since they can't be trusted. Both sides agreed it was for the best. There were those that didn't like the other side so I had to pass a law that said no nocturnal is allowed to use it on the other nocturnal. This is a crime punishable by death penalty. I reminded them of the fragile peace that was built so I will not have any sort of in fighting since I think that is a trait best left for humans. This remark had a few laughing while others nod their heads. Since it was for the sake of peace the law got the immediate approval. After that I spent an hour yelling at both sides that hated each other till they promised to behave like civilized people. I handed the bombs and other weapons to the nocturnal's weapons manufacturing department. The others were smiling at my opinion to stay as one big family.

I walked to see that the scientist had found a way to get into the military compound that was outside the wall. He was chatting about how to get his hands on my blood so that he can replicate me into an unstoppable army. He was told by one the soldiers that I had consumed poison so that will be an issue. The man scoffed it saying that it is a made up story till one the men confirmed that he had seen me drinking nightshade. This infuriated the man greatly as he had lost what he calls the opportunity of a lifetime. He asked if it was possible to confirm so the soldier in question found the cup that I had used. Obviously I didn't press my lips on it. I just just pour it into my mouth. So no DNA is there for him to meddle with. The man tested the sample and was angry that there was no biological sample for him to meddle with and also no fingerprint as well. The corrupt general was equally upset. They said they will back off till they find a solution.

I sensed around till I found a contingency of zombies and wished my shield would lower. I sensed the zombies moving slowly as though they were pulled by a magnet. I felt the soldiers were busy minding their own business till the zombies got close. I didn't want the good ones to get killed so I called it in. The corrupt general and most of his people got eaten but unfortunately the scientist survived. This pissed me off since I was hoping he would end up dinner. The good guys managed to get back and they wanted to know what happened. I simply shrugged it off. They can tell I wasn't telling them everything so they asked me nicely. I simply replied that I wanted to understand how my shield works. I senses the zombies began to move so I felt the need to let them know. One of lieutenant asked me to extend my shield again. I answered nicely that I want to learn how to use so for now I am retracting it. I don't have all my memory back so I have no idea what else I can do. So what gift I do have I would like to know how it works. They wanted to say something but they knew that it will make things worse so they just nod their heads. I made it clear that the scientist has found a friend so these guys are going to have a whole world of obstacles. I will extend the shield in a day. So bare with me. This made them hopeful so they agreed to find a way to evict the man.

I found the man and a soldier waiting to catch me. So I lead both men on a merry chase till I accidentally reached the president. I made sure that only ones that saw me was the one who wanted to capture me. The Indian man made a mistake of hitting the president really hard in the head. His security dragged the man away screaming as I went back to the war tent. The president walked in to see that I was sitting down looking at a drone feed observing the movement of those monstrosities. I smelled the president and looked up. I smiled and bowed, "Mr President! How might I be of service?" He froze for a moment and went back to whatever he was doing. He called out, "Bad tip" A few secret service agents poked their heads for confirmation. No one had any proof that I was near the president. So the scientist and his friend was arrested.

I was walking around when I saw people dressed weirdly so I approached them with caution. When I heard them speak I ran to find the Colonel. I asked him to call the mental asylum since I had found the ones that had escaped it. This made a few jumpy till I showed them who I was talking about. They froze for a moment but the more I talked the more amused they became. The brigadier sent them away and explained that it is how the rich like to dress themselves. I thought they looked like a bunch of circus clowns. I explained that whoever had dressed them must have laughed to tears after sending them away. These men started to laugh as they listened to me speak. I explained that I still have the maturity of the age when I was turned. He gave me a nod before he left. I saw Jasper laughing merrily. I liked the sound of it. It made my heart beat a little bit faster but it felt really good. He can tell I was feeling happy so he smiled at me. I blushed as I walked past him. His expression became teasing my face felt hot. I walked past him calmly as I could till I reached a young boy propped on crutches.

He was sitting sadly as his father tried to convince him that he will walk again. I happily sat down next to him and tried to cheer him up. I explained that there are people who have walked on crutches that exercised had run marathons two years later. The father cheered up as the kid looked up to me. He said sadly, "You have no idea what is like to walk on crutches" I smiled, "Actually I am still getting used to walking without them." I froze for a moment as I realized that I was remembering again. So I explained about my life, "Unlike you I was born with a rare illness so I didn't have the ability to walk on my own. I was either walking on crutches or was carried everywhere. I was hooked to machines twice a day. If that machine stopped working while I was hooked to it I would pass out." This frightened the kid. I sat down next to him, "My doctor wanted to get rid of me so he can focus on better patients so he told my mom that the meds were not working. She should arrange my funeral since that is my ultimate fate. My uncle is an influential man so he had me tested for confirmation. One of the nurses said that they were going to receive a test drug that will eliminate many illnesses. Shortly after that a man arrived with a box but instead handing it to the head of the hospital he gave it to a nurse. The man was told to hide till he comes back for it. The nurse wanted to know if this box contained what he had preached about the best of both worlds. The man made it clear that it was incriminating evidence against a corrupt politician so keep it hidden till he comes back for it. When he left I checked the box and discovered why the box was kept in the locker and not in cold storage. It had a working battery that allowed the box to maintain the temperature to keep the contents from decay. I saw all three contents and tried to guess why the man lied. Then when I was coming back to my room I realized that the hospital made up the story to give false hope to someone poor unfortunate soul. The worse part was that I fell for it as well. A few nights later I saw in a dream where a voice told me that I can use the contents of the box if I promised to use my restored health to do good things. I promised to be excellent. I snuck out and used it. I had many doubts but in a few hours my health was restored. I was able to walk without crutches for the first time in my entire life. It has been three hundred years and more since that day but I still am surprised that I can finally walk like everyone else." The kid looked at me, "You are three hundred years old! You look fifteen" I smiled, "Once a person changes into a nocturnal they stop aging. They remained the way they looked when they changed. Their life will change for better or worse. They can grown intelligent but they won't mature anymore" The kid nod his head as I caressed it, "You will walk again only if you believe that you can. But if you give up then it won't matter what anyone does for you." He looked at me and nod his head.