
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 10

I asked for vacation time. According to the records I haven't taken a vacation in the sixty years that I have work in the police station I had over seven months of vacation and four months of sick days. I wanted to take a trip and maybe find the Citadel again. I wanted to live there in relative peace. I could live off animal blood. The vampire coven that my grandfather belong to wanted to send a battalion with me. But I made it clear that I have traversed lands safer alone.

I was told that people would try to capture me so I should be creative. I didn't change my appearance and walked out of my apartment building. There were a few people that I didn't know on the other side of the street. I had arranged for a flash mob. People arrived wearing the same clothes and bags as me. When they arrived and roamed around it started confusing the people who had intended capture me. I managed to get past the first series of unfortunate traps that was meant for me. The next step was to find a place where I can change my clothes and wear a medical mask. I wore khaki, t-shirt and hoodie. I snuck into an abandoned building and changed my clothes. Since what's her name was not made head of LAPD we didn't get tagged with computers chips. I changed my appearance and headed towards the bus stop.

Round two was waiting for me at the bus station. I sat down to wait for the bus to arrive. A perfect stranger sat next to me and started asking me questions. He wanted to know where I was going and who I was going to stay with. He even asked me to lower my mask so he can get a good look at me face. So I screamed and he had to get up and run. I pretended to be scared and the police took him away. I got on the bus and we took off. I saw drones in the air and quietly laughed. In a few minutes I will reach the train station and then I will be able to disappear for a while.

The train station had a few suspicious characters but I managed to get past them. They were looking for a teenager. I looked like I was in college. They looked past me trying to figure out if I would show up. I needed to show them my ID. I had paid someone to get me a fake ID. The clerk swiped the magnetic strip on the card and it came out as legit. There were no red flags. She asked me if I wanted a sleeper car. I smiled to say yes and she took the hint. I asked the woman to make sure I am in the room alone. I don't like to share the room with anyone. The woman gave me my card and ticket as she assured me that I will on my own. If anyone shows up I should find the conductor. She pointed at the direction I am supposed to go. I walked past another group of people who were keeping an eye out for me.

I got on the train and unloaded my stuff. A girl came in and dropped her stuff inside too. I asked her for her ticket and she didn't say anything. I called the conductor and showed him my ticket. The girl was told to show hers or she will be evicted. She showed her ticket. It shows that she is not supposed to be here. She is supposed to be in the seat cars. She was told to go there or she will be removed. She gave him a dirty look as she took her bags and walked out of the car. She gave me the death stare as she walked the door. I thanked the man and closed the door. He recommended that I locked the door. He showed me how it is done.

I locked it the second he left. The girl came back again but this time since it was locked she kept trying to open but she couldn't. I sat and watched as others walked to help her. I showed them my ticket and mouth stowaway. They called the conductor and he told her to sit in her designated place or step off the train. She stomped off to her seat and the others gave me an 'I am sorry' look and went back to their rooms.

I stayed there watching the scenery change from hustle and bustle of eclectic city to birds and trees. Then the scenery changed to empty desolate lands. The sight made my heart sink. I got to see the types of monsters that machine city had built. I was very happy when that frightening image was behind me. I opened my bag and dove into a bowl of Ramen. When I was done I saw that the stowaway was outside watching me eat. She stared for a moment and left.

Since I don't sleep I mostly spent my time taking pictures, reading a book or listening an audiobook. On the occasion I would lay down on the bed and try to see of it was possible for me to sleep but like I did before. I can't sleep. Sleep left me a hundred years ago and didn't come back. I only left to use the bathroom but even then I locked the door for safety. When I came from the shower a man was outside my room trying to open it. I called the conductor. He came with re-enforcements. The man tried to say it was his but the conductor had seen this carriage enough times to know who it belonged to. He dragged the guy to front of the train where he was for the rest of the trip.

When I disembarked from the train I was back in Sin city. The city still conducts the annual killing day festival. Thankfully I had come the day after so I could chill in peace. I made sure I was on the train to the native lands but I ended up going to the scraps. The people there are cannibals, thieves and hoarders. So I was told to remain in the train as they make the turn to the shorelines.

I was introduced to a new colony of people. They called themselves the Elite. But the people on the train call them the snobs. These guys wouldn't survive a day in Sin city. They think that most basic necessities of life should be for those who can pay. If they have no money then the person in question should be denied even a drop of water. I never understood why people had to pay for water when it rains down from the sky free of charge. So when the new constitution was laid out I made sure that collect rain water is not considered an arrestable offense. People could have water for free. This made certain companies to go on the street but in the end they had to find something else to sell to the public.

They were in high towers being served by butlers and maids. That worked for unnatural hours for protection and food. There were high risers and mansions. Depending on the personality of the person in question. They had lush and manicured gardens. Flamingoes and peacocks strutting around. The place looked like a movie set. The conductor walked in and asked people to get back into their seats. Some obey the conductor to stay put in their seat.

These snobs were pretending to be very nice as they tried to lure people out of the train by displaying their riches. Some got bedazzled and got off while the others stayed on. We saw huge yachts on the water where people were having dancing and drinking. They were involved in every sort of criminal act possible. These people would shake their head as the train would go by. A few hours later we saw people coming out underground bunkers. These were the ones I was told about. The so called hoax. People building bunkers to save themselves from those things. These guys were about something but whatever it was I don't want it.

Before we reached the next stop the train overheating and stopped nearby a ghost town. We can see from a distance that there were huge ships that had plants all over it. This must have been what Daniel had mentioned. He said that there was a few dozen ships that were used as greenhouses to grow food. The seeds and stuff I paid to get to Green Dale was sent here. The sight was amazing. When the train finally moved I was excited to get to the native lands but this train didn't go there. It went to Texas. Can I please board a train that will take me where I want to go. I decided that the only way I am going to be able to go anywhere is if I go by foot. Thankfully I didn't have to. Another train came by that promised to take me to native lands. They leave in three hours. I am hungry so let find a place to eat.