
It's 'me' suspecting him huh?

Kai and Peng Hu walked around the village, inquiring any villagers that passed by them whether they have seen Biggs guarding around. After following the numerous directions they encountered each time, Kai and Peng Hu noticed that they had walked a full circle around the village. When they didn't want to meet with Biggs, Biggs would appear out of nowhere. Now that they are looking for Biggs, the chosen person magically disappears from their view. It is as if the villagers were plotting together with Biggs to mess with them.

"What should we do Pen? At this rate... aren't we going to make another full lap around the village?"

[Yeah... we can't keep going like this. It is as if we were playing those racing games back in the old world.]

Thinking back on how they tackled on this problem, Peng Hu started to match his thoughts with the reality of the village. Maybe the approach they were taking would probably work in modern world... but not in this world.

"Hmmm... how about we change our way of doing things today... and go to where the warriors usually hang out?"

"Go to where the warriors usually hang out?"

"Yeah. If we keep going with what we have been doing, we would always be behind Biggs. I believe it is better if we stay in one place where Biggs could highly go to."

"But... aren't you suspecting him? Isn't it better if we could know his location?"

[Oh wow. It's 'me' suspecting him huh?]

"We still don't know if he is acting alone or not... so it is better if we get a feel to what Biggs normally do and judge whether there is any possible evidence that links him to the Yuvan's case or the spy case."

"Sounds plausible! Okay. Follow me Pen! Let us go to the den of the bravest warriors in the village."

"Right behind you Kai."

Afterwards, the duo renew their strategy, going straight into the hang out spot of the warriors in the village.


Arriving into the place, Peng Hu was stunned. The place they arrived into was somehow a sort of magical creatures farm with a barrack at its side. The Lotus Tavern wasn't very far from the place. These facilities are probably close with each other because they compliment the business of each other.

At the entrance of the barracks, there were some warriors preparing their weapon for hunting. Among the warriors, Peng Hu could spot one of the warriors he met early on when he entered the village together with Pina: Wedge. Wedge was cleaning his steel axe with a cloth, chatting joyfully with the others. Noticing the strange pair that was going into his direction, Wedge stopped doing what he was doing.

"Good day Uncle Wedge!"

Kai happily saluted Wedge with a sort of militia salute. It looked like Kai was very close to Wedge. Wedge returned the greetings with the same sort of militia salute.

"We meet again, Mr. Wedge."

The eyes of Wedge moved towards Peng Hu. Wedge was scanning Peng Hu as if he were trying to remember something. Finally, Wedge made connections and politely greeted Peng Hu.

"Good day Pen. How is the village? Also, you don't have to use honorifics with me. It disgusts me"


"We have come to hear some stories that you may want to share about your adventures... if it is not of any inconvenience..."

"Heh. Interested in the life of a warrior eh Pen? It is not an easy life and do not underestimate it. Come here and sit with Uncle Wedge. Coincidentally, I have a lot of stories to tell that I have been saving hahaha!"

Peng Hu looked around and noticed that there were no trace of Biggs yet at the site. Gathering information on the suspect regarding their history would prove crucial, and listening to Wedge might shed light to something. Peng Hu was a little curious as to what Wedge would say if they were to bring Biggs' name up casually.

"We would love to! How about some stories of you with Biggs?"

Kai looked at Peng Hu very confused. On the way, Peng Hu explained a little about what they were going to do after they arrived. Kai was excited that he could listen to real life stories about the warrior's adventures... but he did not know what Peng Hu would actually ask for.

"Me with Biggs? Hahaha there is not much worth mentioning when we went into the village expeditions... Although there was one event that happened one year ago... It was a very peculiar event."

[Good. It is going according plan. I hope the story would help us shed light into this case and let me enjoy life in this new world as fast as possible!]

"But I... somehow... I don't know why but... I can not seem to recall it."

Wedge scratched his head in embarrassment. He just proclaimed a moment ago that he had ton of stories to share with them, and the one they had asked him to, was a story he just could not remember.

[... are you kidding me?]


I apologize for not updating these past few days... I was so shocked by the third movie of Avengers. Also, I had to keep up with some online courses that I am currently enrolled.

I will recover my rhythm this weekend :)

SuperHottie_Wizardcreators' thoughts