
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 21

The first place they wanted to start their search was in the ruined school. It wasn't far , so they got there quickly .

Both Eric and Daniel had a perception that extended beyond just their 5 senses , with Eric's being better of course. So it came as a suprise to him when he saw what was ahead of them .


Janice , Emily , Mavis , Clide , and Kayden had been the only survivors left in the from the number of students Eric had left behind.

They were all supes . You see the manifestations took on a weird form .

The earliest awakeners were still human in appearance, but with broad stroke powers .

Like Mavis , Eric , Jay , and Daniel . Their manifestations were sudden, and immediately useful.

Those that manifested after them went through unholy amounts of pain and switched species entirely like Ivy, Oscar ,Gwen and professor Stanley. They had to adapt to their new physiologies first in order to find out what they could do and no longer do.

This species change came with an assortment of abilities atimes not even related to one another.

The third wave of manifestations or the true 2nds in a way became elementalized beings. Such as lieutenant Captain Ruddley. They either permanently became an element or could switch between elemental and human forms.

The fourth wave of manifestations had to do with mythological creatures such as werewolves vampires , Phoenix,dragons , three legged golden crows and witches . This was arguably the strongest group of manifestations .

The fifth group of manifestations were the circumstances. There needed to be a circumstance they could exploit to use their abilities. An example would be asking for blood , and upon receiving blood from the victim willingly , gaining hold over the victims life or death.

The sixth group had a connection to an object , and their power could only be expressed when weilding said object Augustine feel into this category

But there were cases where these distinctions weren't clear cut . Like Ivy and Oscar . They were another species , but you could also say that they were mythical creatures. Or Daniel . His body might not have changed into another species, but his consciousness sure did.

Mavis as previously known had a sound based power .

Kayden had turned into a hulking red monstrosity of humanoid proportions with four arms ,almost as big as a golden beetle.

Emily was practically gemstones now and has lost her human form , appearing more androgynous. She was between the elementalized and new species manifestations so her unnecessary organs were all gone .

Her heart . Her lungs , her eyes mouth nose tongue,digestive system and reproductive systems were all gone.

No one said powers made you happy. They could also take much from you .

Janice's power was a mythical creature cynocephali she now had a dog head and human body with super strength speed and an abnormally good sense of smell .

And finally Clide . He manifested a mix between fist manifestation and circumstances manifestation. With a guide power . He was like a genie who granted wishes. You ask him for a path to freedom and he'd have an answer. But he also had a kind of gps that let him find places and never get lost.

Not all powers were offensive based too .

Their group only stopped loosing lives when he manifested his guide ability.

He effectively became the heart of the group . He literally had all the answers to all questions as long as he was asked. The ironic thing was he would never have an answer to 'his' questions.

So here they were back to the place it all started because two days ago Mavis asked Clide" where would be safest." They had been battling bugs non stop for two weeks , and couldn't even get a good night's sleep .

Emily didn't need sleep the way the others did , but her consciousness still needed rest . If she could still be considered a 'her' . Consciousness didn't have a sex determining organ . It did get influenced by the body, though but now that she was literally gemstones , there were no such hormones to influence her consciousness.

" What are we looking for exactly?" Mavis asked Clide .

" We'll wait for someone to pick us up."

" Who ?" Janice asked causing Clides power to show him three people coming directly toward them.

And then the new entrants came.

They came in soo cooly , so refreshed like they had regular baths and clean clothes.

And they recognized the one leading the group . Jay!

Instantly their heart turned ablaze with fury and righteous indignation.

They thought they were friends , they thought he'd stick up for them , but when the moment came to prove himself, he let that loner kid bully him ! They all had their eyes on him , before they remembered that other 'leech Nigga' that stuck to him .

They weren't really race haters , their racism towards him only developed after what he'd done to Connor . You could say they had been looking for the most hurtful words to call him by.

But when they looked around Jay, they only saw Eric in a weird but useful getup and a masculine blackmale naked up his waist and wearing some really seductive shorts .

" To think we'd find you soon easily. We barely even started our search . "

Jay said as his eyes trained on each of the classmates present. They might have changed physically , but Jay was well aware of all of their mannerisms. Plus the lolli Mavis and the class psychologist Clide still looked human.

The humanoid red being 8meters tall ( ×4 humans standing on top of one another) was obviously Kayden the boxer and the dog headed woman who hid her now deformed face was Janice the advocate.

The gemstone being however he couldn't tell exactly.

"Mavis , Clide , Kayden , Janice and , who are you? " Jay asked .

" Jay!" The gemstone being said with the grinding of gemstone against gemstone producing a threatening growl of sorts.

" Oh , Emily " Jay recognized the attitude right away .

" Tell me now where that leech is , don't tell me he's Dead already ?"

She made strides towards Jay. And even though Clide attempted to stop her , she just waltzed right past him . Clearly she was blinded by rage .

" Hoo, are you speaking to me ?" Daniel got up on her face clearly she had a problem with him .

" You? You are that 'leech Nigga'?, clearly while some of us were suffering, you just got a glow up . "

Daniels facial veins popped on his skin and twitched . And a wild grin spread right across his face .

" What did you just call me you racist bitch?"

" L.E.E.C.H.N.I.G.G.E.R.R.R" She spelt it out with that sound of grating rock against rock with a sharp 'R' at the end to send a point across.

" Maybe it's good Connor died early , so he doesn't see what monster you have become" Daniel lost it and looked for whatever he had to get under her skin.

Bad idea , because he went hurling backwards , smashing through the wreckage of their school.

" *Cough* * cough* * cough*, hahahahahahahaha, you've got more guts now than back then , huh?"

He had taunted her successfully, because she /it started charging at him like a bull.

Daniel pulled back his fist , and shot her his own punch.

Ever since the apocalypse begun , Emily has never been under an attack that worked on her the most it did was stop her in her tracks.though she hadn't received one from the towering Kayden . He was as strong as his proportions and boxing skill . He was also their main defender.

So she expected his bones to shatter , or at worst for her momentum to stop .

But when his fists finally connected, a lound *ding* sounded as she too was hurled into a ruined wall.

" Come at me you rock bitch!" Daniel yelled in fury.

" God dammit" Jay sighed as he massaged his temples. Eric just spectated from the side not looking to help.

" What are you doing here Jay ?" Janice asked seemingly totally unbothered by Daniel and Emily. She too hated him , but who she hated most was Jay . She loathed him so . Look at him , well rested , well groomed , and even in totally stolen expensive clothes that just highlighted his extraordinary beauty more. Meanwhile she lost her human head and became part dog.

She didn't regret it though. She knew that her power had saved her life . Many of their classmates who stayed human died .

Jay looked like those models in magazines that just seemed to fit into all clothes his blonde hair , sea blue gentle eyes that mesmerized you , And drew you in . Those beautifully calculated cheek bones and that sharp jawline was the lady killer. She was pissed at him , but upon meeting him , she had no more extreme thoughts of murder. But she still wanted him to know pain.

" I came back for you "

" Bull ! . You abandoned us , you abandoned all of us ! We were your friends ! We trusted you ! But when the time came to prove that we did the right thing , you up and left , leaving us with no way to protect ourselves" Janice got more and more emotional as she ranted on and on about who Jay said he was , and who he turned out to be.

" You have to believe me , at the time all I could think about was my family" Jay retorted.

" Oh ?, and how did that turn out ? Let me guess , they still died ?" Her tone went lower and a smirk played on her lips .

Jay did not remove his concerned expression from his face , but deep in his heart he was on fire .

" W–Why would you say something like that?" Jay's voice broke as tears came running from the side of his cheeks.

Janice seemed to be taken back for a while , but she regained her wits quite quickly.

" I won't apologize, it was the truth , you abandoned us to save dead people . "

It was getting harder and harder to control himself.

" What would you have had him do ? " Eric asked her .

Janice's face contorted menacingly

"Shut it you devil!, you are the reason many of our classmates died ! Daniel might be a leech , but you are the serpent!"

" I unlike Jay do not tolerate blatant disrespect "

" I think we are all forgetting something. " Clide came to intervene only for a punch from above to almost land on Jay and Eric. But there was an energy barrier up.

After an entire week after the events of the bug army, Jay had absorbed some ideas from how to improve his power aside from gem consumption. And that was to stabilize the barrier. But this was harder done than said . If he were to go by percentages, he had a 0.01 % increase in stability from the week before.

The number might seem small , but it was still an improvement.

The arm punch strong enough to blast through the carapace of golden bottles was blocked ! , surprising both Janice and Clide.

Back at Daniels side.

" It's a good thing Connor died at least your ugly form would not be seen by him ."

Daniel blocked her attacks with his body , causing injuries, but not very serious ones

" Negro you better shut that trap before I do it for you!"

" Do you even qualify as a white woman at this point you dumb rock?!" The veins were really popping up on Daniel's face , and if they could , they would have popped off on Emily's

" Let me shut that mouth for you , you leech !" Her attacks became even more ferocious


Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

Daniel realized that Emily didn't fight like a human at all.

She collected his attacks, and just retaliated wherever she could.

She had no pain receptors! Daniel was fighting to beat her up , meanwhile she was fighting to kill him . But Daniel had the upper hand in experience and talent .

" Daniel come on let's leave, they clearly don't need our help." Jay called out to him.

" I wouldn't even offer it " Daniel retorted as he stopped playing around and knocked Emily down immediately.

Daniel returned to Jay's right hand and the three took a good look at the five classmates who had come to hate them.

" Clearly you don't need our help, and we don't force others . " Jay said to them . The meeting of classmates went entirely contrary to expectation.

The three also avoided telling them about the safe place created by them .

After getting back in the truck , they left .

" Clide can you track them?" Janice asked.

" Already at it "

" Those pricks need to be taught a lesson about messing with us "Emily added .

" What will we do if we find were they are staying? " Mavis the lollie asked Janice.

" Isn't it obvious, chase them out or finish them. I'm sure they have a safe place to stay , just look how good they smelled."

" I can't wait to take a bath" Clide sighed deeply.

" I can't wait to bash Daniel's face in." Emily added .

" I can't , you are not his opponent, did you not see how he beat you up? " Janice said.

" Let Kayden handle him , I remember him saying that only three were stronger than him back then .

It was Jay, Eric , Mavis and Kayden. And now Kayden is ten times stronger than before!"

" Then who will deal with Jay's barrier ? " Emily asked .

Janice sent her attention to Mavis.

thank you for reading this chapter:)

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts