
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 19

" I'm not your enemy" Captain Hudd said.

" Of course you are!, I'm not listening to this bullshit !" Daniel huffed , ready to blow his head off.

" You must listen to me first, I promise I have a good explanation ." Captain Hudd said .

The others present couldn't listen in , all their attention had to go to protecting themselves, or else death.

Jay placed a hand on Daniel's feet .

" Speak , you have 3 minutes to explain yourself." Jay said seriously

Madison tried to move in their direction, far from her attacker. But captain Hudd somehow switched positions, blocking her way.

Daniel perceived it! Captain Hudd had just moved through some weird interaction with space.

Daniel could tell immediately that he couldn't mimic what was perceived. It was soo simple, but it requires a function of spacial manipulation that he did not have.

But something about the movement reminded Daniel about the blue bug. It was the instant traversal through lenses.

" That is the movement the blue bug used when I first saw it , to instantly move from the rift to my position!" Daniel called him out to Jay .

" Yes it's the same , but let me explain why. "

" You can explain without her being by your side ."

Suddenly Hudd saw his hostage behind Daniel . His eyes widdened and he looked back to see Madison no longer by his side.

He had a helpless expression on his face .

" I couldn't even sense it when you took her , I would be dead if you willed it .don't kill me at least until I explain our situation."

" Go on , I don't have time so make it quick " Daniel stared at him intensely. But even then his hands were still weaving something.

Those around could feel that it wasn't threatening, but it was powerful .

Daniel had scrambled space so thoroughly it should have prevented a rift from forming but it actually made it easier for the blue bug and now Captain Hudd's spacial lense spacial traversal to be performed.

This was truly a case of there is no one solution to many problems. If he had to choose between four great monstrosities of power so greathe so no hope of living and a slightly more powerful spacial traversal traitor , the answer was obvious.

"Start by explaining why you plucked out your subordinates eye." Jay demanded.

" I need it "

" For what exactly?"

" I ...I can.. can't say." Hudd stuttered .

" Good bye then " as Jay lifted his arm prepared to finish him off .

Hudd suddenly switched positions only to suddenly end up back in his original position a second later .

The fact that Daniel couldn't do the spacial traversal technique did not mean he couldn't work his way around it.

Not only did he have a spacial sense of a mile , but he could also fold two points within that perception range. Any modifications or ripples in space was also perceived by him.

So when Hudd traversed , he instantly knew exactly where he was and folded the new point to the old point placing him back in Jay's line of fire.

" I can't say! Listen I can not say!" Hudd yelled .

Daniel stopped Jay and asked Hudd.

" Did someone order you to ?"

" I can't say "

" Was it our enemies on the other side ?"

" I can't say"

" Did they tell you to pick any humans left eye?"

" No"

" Did they tell you to pick Madisons eye ? "

" No "

Daniel stayed silent for a while and asked again.

" Did they tell you to look for a specific type of person with certain traits and pluck out their eye?"

Hudd's eyes widened for the fourth time in an hour , but he eagerly said

" I can't say!"

Daniel looked to Jay below him and Jay looked to Daniel above him and both had grim expressions. Jay wasn't dumb he understood what had happened.

" What are you allowed to say ."

" On the other side there is an army, an army of bugs so many it's mind numing , so powerful they'd flatten the earth with a stomping. So huge they make humans look like bugs , so colorful ,filled with different colours of the rainbow. Brown, yellow, red orange ,blue,green violet indigo . We have to be prepared."

At this point Madison had regained enough lucidity to realize something crucial .

" He-He He has said this before ! Those exact words!"

Daniel and Jay stared at Hudd and said nothing

" I understand now ...." Jay said .

" He really needs to die" Daniel added later on , to which Jay silently agreed to.

Hudd had been compromised . Hypnosis or something of the sort. He was a sleeper agent who wasn't exactly asleep.

" I don't want to die ." Hudd started shedding tears but he showed no resistance to such an outcome.

Daniel now understood what exactly went down .

On the first day of the end of earth civilization, a captain of a company of soldiers in Kansas was thrust into a rift trying to protect his subordinate. While in the heart of enemy territory he was modified and toyed with into becoming an agent who fulfilled subterfuge missions or retrieval missions in Hudd's case, for the enemy.

The captain being a Patriot and a man who stood for humanity hated what he had become . On the third day he was released, to serve as a distraction for the blue bug to come out unnoticed.

This was not successful however because Hudd had made himself as suspicious as possible. The funny thing was that none of his men caught on to this , but Daniel had .

This lead him to investigate the rift from a safe distance. Only for the blue bug to notice that he had been spyied on leading to Daniels battle and the formation of his impossiblity.

So the blue bug contacted it's superiors who then had the army dispatched so as to clear Daniel out of the picture and give their spy / Agent a fresh start . But Hudd wanted to foil their plans , so he ' carried out' his objectives , he went and plucked out an eye right infront of supers, leading to now . Hudd might not have answered with his mouth , or with obvious expressions but Daniel who noticed all minor expressions because of his genius and Jay who also noticed all minor expressions due to his sensitivity to people and relationships could tell that all Hudd did or said was not what he wanted. He was trapped within his own body without the means to end his suffering.

" Wait wait ! " Madison screamed , now knowing that her captain was not in control made it all worse . It was her fault that he fell into the rift. She was the reason he'd become what he was now.

The guilt was so heavy in her heart that she wanted Hudd to end her life for her. She tried to run to him , but the more she ran the more she realized the further she was . It was Daniels doing.

" Private Daniel I order you to let me go !"

But Daniel didn't even behave like he registered what she was saying.



" Please , please , please!"

" Captain I have a question before I spare you . "

" What is it ?" The captain asked as he wiped away the tears seemingly to be ' hopeful' about living

"what is the ratio in years ?"

" What? "

" What is the ratio in years think captain think!"

The confusion seemed to dissipate as the captain came to understand exactly what Daniel was asking indirectly.

" Wait , let me calculate " after a couple of minutes the response came .

" I estimated a 1:12.17 "

" A month ? " Daniel inferred and asked .

" Yes , an April month"

At this point Jay and Madison were lost .

What was was the ratio they were talking about?

What was a 1:12.17?

What was a month ? , the April month ?!

They all knew they had to speak vaguely so as not to trigger some things , but what the fuck where they even talking about ?!

" Thank you , and rest well ."

Suddenly Hudd saw his body from the backside for the first time in his life . And everything went dark.

Jay at that moment got an epiphany, to cleanly sever the connection between limbs , a clean slate of energy barrier. And it swang right out of his hand decapitating the captain, finally giving him peace.

"NOOOOOOO! CAPTAIN!" but Madison remained devastated.

What Daniel had been asking Hudd was actually about the time difference between earth and whatever was on the other side of the rift. , and the answer did not look optimistic, at all .

One year on earth was 12 years 1 month and 7 days over there!

Not only were they heavily outclassed in strength and resources, but even time !

The situation for earth just keeps getting worse by the minute .

This also ment during the hour Daniel had been battling those monstrosities on earth, those mother fuckers had an entire day to attack him?!

Where was the fairness in that ? No he had to remove such a concept known as 'fairness' from his worldviews entirely! Or else he'd die a very miserable death .

20 minutes had just passed by

, and the first spacial technology constant was constructed . But Daniel didn't deploy it. All constants must begin working at once or else one will fully take over the available space , not allowing the other two to form.

Daniel might look like he's breezing this process , but he in fact was not . The difficulty was so high or the current him that thinking of undertaking this project should have fried his brain .but it didn't, and because it didn't he went ahead and did it.

Daniel had let loose of all thoughts that held him back . Usually it wasn't a good idea to let go of all naturally set barriers within ones living and learning. But occasionally there was that situation that forced it out of you . Even while constructing the constants Daniel was aware that this might be the only one he might ever make . Not because he wasn't intelligent enough to redo his work , but there might be better more modern ways to go about this problem .

At the moment it was like he was using gears, springs, coils ,bolts etc to make a half way AI system .

Not only that but he was actively defending the place from the four monstrosities.!

Again Eric came back into the building letting in a new batch of flying insects who squeezed in with him.

Jay at this time helped. two thin energy barriers shot out severing a bunch of insects as Augustine, Jace ,Amon and those with guns shot down the others .

The human population in the building was three times less than that of the start of the attack.

This was not a good outcome . Moral was on the ground, but the will to live was strong in all those present.

" You killed him " Eric said as he looked at the body of the captain being cradled by Madison.

" He was a mole . " Jay answered since he was the one that did the killing

" Thought as much"Eric said not looking bothered at all .

" If we keep this up we are going to die . I might be taking breaks inbetween , but that's hardly enough . I'm still getting tired . Let us leave this place. If its us three, we can definitely escape." Eric suggested.

The funny thing was that both Daniel and Jay were considering it . Both had no problem sacrificing others if it ment they'd live to see another day . Daniel had yet to get revenge for his parents. Thoughts of them constantly hunted him . And until the entire bug species is eliminated as an offering to his parents he had no plan on dying early.

" I have a plan if it doesn't work well leave"Daniel said

Eric stared at him and asked .

" How long ? "

" 40 minutes"

" Hmmm ....." " It's doable , don't exceed that time , I will not wait for you."


Daniel really wished he was out there showing off his martial arts blazing though bug monsters

But he knew that where he was right then was where he was most needed . No one else here could hold off the things he was holding off. No , no one on earth right now could do what he was doing.

After the next twenty minutes the second constant was finally constructed. Daniel also kept it at bay from working. Eric was also going in and out of the shield barrier killing monsters and bringing back their varying gemstones.

" Let's do this shit ! After I'm done with this, no more magey work from me! , I'm going full on brawler. " Daniel said to himself.

And after twenty minutes we're almost up the third constantly came into completion.

" Good bye you fuckers! "

Daniel let all the constants go . Now it was out of his hands.

All those within the building felt something was off . And those outside (ie Eric even more so .

So Eric rushed back in , this time Jay managing to keep of the flying bugs the size of toddlers.

" What did you do? " Eric asked Daniel with severity.

" Outside the barrier feels ominous" he added as he realized the inside of the barrier just felt off but not ominous.

" Hahahahahahah ,Aren't I amazing ! I am the impossiblity of spacial––––"

And the world froze.

been having quite a few overtimes at work lately. I come back tired and it makes writing this chapter in particular harder than normal. if you know me personally, Im a bit similar in thought process to Daniel . emotions just fly over my head . I understand them , but cannot always feel them . I said a bit similar in thought process, but please we aren't the same at all . do not get confused:)

thank you Kqro you are the best .

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts