
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs


After couple of hours Azure opened his eyes. He saw Sticks laying beside him, unconscious. He groaned and rubbed his eyes while staring at Tamra.

"What happened?" Azure askes groggily. It was at that moment that he remembered the demon and the fight that had followed.

"What did you do with the demon?" Azure asked.

"Well, one of us had to be effective". Tamra said. She pointed at a pile of demon corpses on the floor behind her. "I think I did pretty good, we're only seventy fifth". Tamra said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Azure didn't see the need for the sarcasm. To him it felt like a good result if they were actually seventy fifth then it was actually good.

So instead of ignoring that remark like he would've, he asked. "Really? Seventy fifth?"

"Yeah". Tamra smiled. "From the bottom".

"Oh". Azure rubbed his nose awkwardly. "Let's continue hunting".

For the next three hours, Azure and Tamra ambushed demons and killed then. They obtained an incredible amount of demon cores, shooting their ranking up to fifty four.

The golden light that shone on their forehead had gotten remarkably brighter. Azure had a self satisfied smile on his face.

"We should have enough to take us through the next round". Azure said as he removed a demon core from the corpse of a demon.

"What about him?" Tamra nudged her head towards Sticks. "What are we going to do about him?"

"He should wake when we reach the real world". Azure shrugged.

"Let's move around for a bit". Azure said. "I'm not carrying that idiot".

Tamra scoffed. She walked over to where Sticks lay and dragged him by the hand, subjecting the rest of his body to sliding on the muddy, wet puddles formed on the floor.

Few moments later, Azure heard rustling of leaves coming from the tress that surrounded him. He ignored the sound though. He thought it was probably due to the wind that accompanied the constant rainfall.

Tamra on the other hand seemed skeptical. She stopped walking and carefully surveyed her surroundings. After noticing nothing amiss, she continued walking forward.

A small dagger brushed past Azure's neck making him half in his steps. He looked around him, trying to ascertain where the dagger had come from.

The sound of leaves rustling invaded his ear drums once again making him look towards a small patch of bushes to his far right.

"Amateurs". Tamra whispered. She removed two green daggers and threw them towards the bush.

Two wooden figures plummeted to the ground. Azure frowned slightly. Whoever was doing this was slightly smarter than he thought.

The sound of leaves rustling sounded again and Tamra was about to send another set of daggers flying towards another small patch of grass when Azure held her wrist.

"They're just trying to gauge our strength". Azure said. "That's why they're playing all these tricks".

"So what should we do?" Tamra asked, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Wait around and pray that they miss again".

"At least make it look as if you're throwing the dagger". Azure whispered harshly.

Tamra 'took aim' and 'threw' the dagger towards the patch of bushes. Another set of wooden figures dropped on the floor.

While Tamra was throwing the dagger, a silver dagger brushed Tamra's neck. Azure's figure turned blurry as he engaged in a full sprint towards his left.

He unsheathed his sword and slashed at a tall tree. The sword went through the bark of the tree, splitting it into two in a clean cut.

A small figure scrambled away from behind the tree and threw a dagger at Azure's neck. Azure easily dodged the dagger and kicked the crotch area of the figure.

"Who are you?" Azure asked. "And why are you trying to kill us?"

The figure groaned in pain before speaking. "First of all, this is supposed to be a robbery". The figure said. "And secondly, if I wanted any of you dead then you'd both be gone". The figure glanced at the daggers that were on the floor. "Then again, I have shit aim".

"His name is Creeveley". Tamra said walking towards the figure, Sticks in tow. Azure suspected that Sticks had to have swallowed a huge amount of mud and possibly pebbles. Good thin he'll be good as new when they leave the illusionary realm.

"He's in the Micheal squad". Tamra said. Azure was amazed at how she knew almost everyone in the angel squad.

"So why'd you want to kill us?" Azure asked.

Creeveley looked at Azure as if he were a fool. "Didn't you hear when that big stomach bastard said that we get the points if anyone that we killed?"

Azure slapped his forehead. He also remembered when the middle aged man said that they couldn't kill anyone with no demon cores.

He looked at Creeveley skeptically, he wasn't sure that he was strong enough to kill a demon.

He noticed a dim golden light hovering over his head. The golden light was so dim that Azure didn't notice it previously. It wasn't as bright as the one that was over his head.

"Tamra finish him off". Azure said. He turned around and started walking away.

"Wait! Don't-". Creeveley didn't live to finish his statement. Three green daggers plunged into his heart simultaneously.

"Where are we going?" Tamra asked. Azure had a devilish smirk on his face.

"We're going to rob some fools". Azure said.

"The gold light makes stealth kind of impossible". Tamra pointed out. Her observation only made Azure's smile deepen.

"I know". Azure muttered loud enough for her to hear. "That's the fun part".