
I am 100 Monsters

One day I found myself waking up in the middle of a forest, and later on, I found out about my strange ability to turn into monsters of my design. At that moment I made my greatest life decision, "Welp, let's just go with the flow"

ForFunNovel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 9: New Home

By the time I arrived home, it was already nightfall as the village was actually a distance away, so I decided to hold off on changing my home until tomorrow. But seriously, today was a hectic day, first I found a goblin village by finding its scent from that wolf pack I killed, then using the captive females inside the goblins cave I was able to find a human village close to my location. If I had continued going forward the time I was trying to find a home, I would have run into it.

At the entrance to my cave, I looked around to see that there was nothing near me to see the entrance, can't be too careful. I moved apart the moss that was covering it and changed into a kid to walk in, once I had I looked back and started pushing the moss back to its original position to make sure no one can see the entrance. I went in stretching my body in the limited space I currently had and thought about what I could have done better, this habit was picked up when I thought about how to get better at fighting but it instead developed on how I could be better at anything I did that day. Well, the first glaringly obvious problem at first was that I should make sure the monster was dead or try and kill them instantly because I wouldn't have time to make sure they were dead afterwards. But before I did anything else, those goblins did a number on me with spear wounds, cracks around my bone armour and bruises around my body, especially that hobgoblin could have killed me back there with the swings from his log. Goes to show how important defence is in a fight, but there isn't anything here that could help me with that as I am by myself. As I was thinking I had an epiphany about a mechanism that could help.

'What about those crocodile statues from that panda movie, I think it was called Mu Ren Zhuang if I'm not wrong.'

It was a tool made entirely out of wood and had a somewhat simple design, I could build one with the surrounding materials near me. Maybe I could even bring just a tree log in as a punching bag because air sparring doesn't have that impact on the fist that I need. Well I'll have to continue this tomorrow I need to go to sleep now, this is what it's like to have a life where no one will tell you to do and I am enjoying it.

The next morning I woke up as soon as I saw sunlight entering through the cracks in the ceiling, I got up and started to walk towards my calendar on the wall and added a new scratch to it. New day new plan, I wanted to upgrade my home today and that is what I am going to do, but first training and breakfast. I started my regular routine as I started air sparring for about an hour, then I went out of the cave doing the same thing that I do every time, well it is one of the only few times I ever use my child's body so I should be thankful it is allowing me to use all my forms I guess. I went towards the Horned Rabbit nest that I missed yesterday as I had a busy day ahead and didn't want to use the effort to search for a new nest of monsters. I used the same tactic as yesterday and hunted all the rabbits located inside, this one had a shocking more amount compared to the other one so I was greatly full after hunting this one, but it took a shocking amount of time as there were way too many rabbit flooding out of it. By the time I got back the sun was glaring at me from the top of the sky, looks like it was midday. I went away from my cave as I didn't want a tree stump to be lying right in front of it when I cut down the tree, even if I pulled out the tree stump there would just be a hole lying in its place, even if I didn't want it to it would just be screaming that someone either lives hear or had just been here. So after I got to a considerable distance away then I decided to cut down a tree close to me, if you're asking me to pick a nice one, that is impossible as they all look the same to me. Since I didn't have a bladed tool or weapon to cut the tree down, I had to constantly punch and kick it trying to make it fall. So since this was going to take a while I decided to treat this as training and started practising my moves on it. After a while, the tree had finally fallen but in my direction, keep in mind the tree was quite huge considering no one had done anything to it and it has been there for a long time, as I didn't want to be crushed by it I moved away as soon as I noticed it was falling in my direction. The tree came rushing down with a huge crash at the end. I was looking at it astonishingly, this tree was taller than it looked, it was about 20 meters long on the floor, it was amazing how it didn't clash with the other trees. Now it's time for the easy part, I lifted one side of the tree and started walking back towards my cave,

'Time to transport this tree.'


'I f*****g hate this stupid tree'

Have you ever tried navigating a ruler through a maze before, if you haven't then have you ever tried transporting something which you can't bend no matter what? Well, this tree was just that, this huge ass tree was so long that when I had even tried to remotely make a turn it started hitting the other trees. So I had to haul myself back to the other side and move it so that it would turn. Adding on to that, the tree was f*****g heavy as well, I swear it weighed like a freight truck, I had to constantly take breaks every five minutes as it was so goddamn heavy. By the time I had gotten back night had already fallen, I then saw the cave entrance and realized that the size was only big enough to fit a human child. I looked at the sky with blank eyes,

'I have to put this in the cave with a hole that small...'

I gave up and went to bed, I'm dealing with this tomorrow, sorry future me.

When I woke up the next day, I laid down for a while looking at the sky helplessly.

'I have already done this much, I should at least finish it.'

I got up and did my routine again, the problem is where I am going to find food, for today. I can't go too far as I have the stuff to do so by the time I will come back will be too late. I went out of the cave contemplating this issue until I saw the tree again, looks like it had rained yesterday as the ground was mud at this point and the tree was soaking wet. I looked at the tree dead-eyed thinking about what I had to do today, I started walking forward but accidentally tripped on one of the tree branches, I was shocked but I couldn't react fast enough as I fell face-first right into the pile of leaves that was still connected to the tree. I laid down there for a bit, not because of laziness but because I had eaten a bit of leaf from the tree, and what I had tasted was,

'Potato chips?'

I looked up at the leaves of the tree and started munching them.

'Damn, it is potato chips.'

I got up and started eating all the leaves on the ground at a frightening pace, If anyone saw me right now I think they would have thought I was a beggar, monster form or not. Before I had even noticed I had eaten up all the leaves on the ground, I wanted to eat more as it had been more than 3 months since I had junk food, but I realized that the rustling sound of the trees, bushes and even the bird chirpings had become clearer, even my head started clearing.

'Huh, not only delicious but healthy.'

Looks like meat enhances my physical ability and that vegetables boost stuff like your senses, nice discovery. I looked at the tree and decided to at least get work done instead of complaining, if this was the effect of the leaves, I'm not saying anything. I cut off all the branches and started stuffing them into my cave, this process took a while as there were a lot of them and they were also pretty tough as well. I started chopping up the log into 4 pieces of 5 meters each so it should be able to fit inside my cave, since I was just beating it over and over again though it wasn't that accurate, including the fact I didn't have a ruler and something to compare it with. The good thing though is that splinters and sticks kept on flying out so I had more food to eat, all of them tasted like French fries which was a really pleasant surprise to me, now I have healthy junk food available. But the problem is how I am getting this into my cave, I could open the entrance wider but that would compromise the hiding ability. I started thinking for a while until I thought about something,

'Maybe that could work.'

I walked back to the goblin village that I had decimated and started looking around, I didn't need to look that hard though as I found what I was looking for at the barricades, rope. How goblins could ever get this, I have no idea, but that doesn't matter now as it's mine. I grabbed as much rope as I could and then went back to my home, once I had arrived I tied the rope I had to the ends of the logs and started leading the other end of the ropes into the cave. Once all of that was done I started pulling on them one at a time, I'm not going to explain this as it is just the same action over and over but in the end, I was finally able to get all the logs into my cave. I propped all of them up against the wall and started working on the Mu Ren Zhuang first. I thought it was going to be hard to build at first but in all honesty, I just took the tip of the tree and planted it into the ground, took the lower parts of it and hollowed them out, started impaling it with some of the sturdy branches the tree had and placed them over onto the tip. And done, a makeshift Mu Ren Zhuang that could counter, If there was another name for this then I apologize to the people that I currently can't meet. For the punching bags, I just made the logs smaller then also impaled them into the ground,

'Why was the delivery so hard but the setup was so easy?'

I stared blankly at the provisional training room that I had set up, It had tree trunks impaled into the ground in front of the wall all in a row, and a training dummy right in the centre of all of them.

'F**k it, what happened happened'

As I lay down back in the centre of the room preparing to sleep, I had a smile on my face to see what I had accomplished today, I expected this to be a bit hard but looks like I got this over quickly.

'Oh I am so going to enjoy training with it tomorrow'

The next day

'uuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh... my head... hurts...'