
I Alone The Strongest One

"I Alone The Strongest One" a story of an eight-year-old Azel Evernight learns of his father's death and his mother's betrayal, he flees his home, embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Alone and haunted by grief, Azel confronts his past while navigating a dangerous world filled with monsters, demi-humans, demons, demon lords and angels also especially the primordial demon lords. With the power of Xulgrim, the feared primordial demon lord, Azel becomes the strongest rogue warrior with his step mother Elysia, the women that adopted Azel both facing powerful foe, forging his path towards strength and and true power, in the face of pain and suffering from his past, Azel must travel around world fighting and hunting demon lords, and releasing his rage and frustration from his past Suffering.

AuthorV · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: A Mother's Concern

Amidst the serene beauty of the garden, Azel finds solace in the playful dance of sunlight filtering through the verdant foliage. His heart feels lighter as he revels in the simple joys of childhood, his cheerful smiles returning in anticipation of his father's imminent return home.

However, Lady Seraphina senses an opportunity to mend the fractured bond between herself and her son. With a heavy heart and determined resolve, she approaches Azel in the garden, her voice gentle and tender as she attempts to breach the wall of silence that separates them.

"Dear Azel," Lady Seraphina begins, her voice tinged with sadness and longing. "Why did you avoid me? Have I done something wrong to you?"

But as Lady Seraphina speaks, Azel's demeanor darkens once more, his eyes casting shadows over his once-bright spirit. He listens in silence as his mother pours her heart out to him, her words a testament to her love and concern.

Yet, as Lady Seraphina reaches out to him, Azel remains silent, his heart heavy with anger and betrayal. Without a word, he turns and walks away, leaving his mother standing alone in the garden, her heart shattered by her son's rejection.

Throughout the day, Azel's anger festers, his mood soured by the weight of his mother's words. He retreats into himself, his once-cheerful demeanor replaced by a dark and brooding silence that hangs heavy in the air.

In the quiet solitude of the kitchen, Azel attempts to find solace in a simple snack. But as his mother enters the room, he finds himself unable to face her, his anger boiling over as he vanishes from sight, leaving behind only the bitter taste of resentment and Anger.

As Lady Seraphina gazes upon the empty kitchen, her heart heavy with sorrow, she wonders what she can do to mend the rift that has formed between herself and her son. With tears in her eyes, she vows to never give up on Azel, to continue reaching out to him with love and understanding, no matter the obstacles they may face.