
I Alone The Strongest One

"I Alone The Strongest One" a story of an eight-year-old Azel Evernight learns of his father's death and his mother's betrayal, he flees his home, embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Alone and haunted by grief, Azel confronts his past while navigating a dangerous world filled with monsters, demi-humans, demons, demon lords and angels also especially the primordial demon lords. With the power of Xulgrim, the feared primordial demon lord, Azel becomes the strongest rogue warrior with his step mother Elysia, the women that adopted Azel both facing powerful foe, forging his path towards strength and and true power, in the face of pain and suffering from his past, Azel must travel around world fighting and hunting demon lords, and releasing his rage and frustration from his past Suffering.

AuthorV · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: The Painful Betrayal

The weight of Lady Seraphina's secret hangs heavily on Azel's young shoulders, burdening him with a truth he can scarcely comprehend. As he navigates the halls of the mansion, he finds himself unable to meet his mother's gaze, the once-secure bond between them fractured by the revelation of her betrayal.

Lady Seraphina, her heart heavy with confusion and concern, watches as her son withdraws from her with each passing day. His avoidance and cold demeanor leave her stunned and bewildered, unable to fathom the cause of his sudden change in behavior.

Despite her attempts to bridge the growing divide between them, Azel remains distant and aloof, his once-bright eyes now clouded with anger and resentment. Lady Seraphina's gentle inquiries are met with stony silence, leaving her heart heavy with a mother's worry and despair.

One night, as Azel plays alone in his room, lost in a world of toys and childhood innocence, Lady Seraphina enters, hoping to mend the rift that has formed between them. With a heavy heart, she approaches her son, her voice gentle and pleading as she attempts to break through the wall of silence that separates them.

But Azel remains silent, his anger simmering beneath the surface, a torrent of emotions threatening to consume him. In the darkness of his room, surrounded by the relics of his childhood, he grapples with the painful truth of his mother's betrayal, his heart torn between love and betrayal.

Lady Seraphina, unaware of the turmoil raging within her son, can only watch helplessly as he retreats further into himself, his once-bright spirit overshadowed by the shadows of betrayal.

As the night wears on, mother and son are left to confront the painful truth that threatens to tear them apart, their hearts weighed down by the burden of secrets left unspoken.