
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs


Selena slowly opened her eyes as the light seeped through the curtains, the first thing she did was search for Damien. A smile arched on her face when she saw laying next to her, he had his one arm folded and placed under his head as a second pillow. 

Selena guessed that he had been awake for a while, he had a thoughtful look on his face as he stared at the ceiling. His early morning look was beautiful, his disheveled hair made him look like the king of slumber and the tight look on his face just made her more curious to know. The man was fond of hiding his emotions, in her line of work Selena had come across different men, rich elites of the city. They all had something in common and that character of theirs was disgusting to her, but Damien was different, at first she thought that he was just doing all this for show but his actions lately had proved her wrong. 

"Good morning" Selena greeted catching his attention. She watched him turn to look at her but there was no surprise on his face, perhaps he already knew that she was awake. 

"Did you plan to sleep the whole day?" Damien asked as he brought his hands to her cheek and carefully removed some strands of hair from her face. 

"Not exactly, but I didn't want to wake up" Selena said honestly as she looked into his eyes, she seem to always get lost in those grey eyes of his. 

"And why is that?" Damien asked with raised brows. 

"Because you were lying next to me, I was able to sleep really well" Selena answered with a smile as she anticipated Damiens reaction to her words but there was nothing. The man didn't say anything to her, he just gave a nod and then he focused his attention back on the ceiling. 

Selena didn't know why but she had thought Damien would say something nice to her in return, maybe she had been watching too many romance movies that she now forgot the difference.

"Are we still travelling today?" Selena asked.

"No" Damien answered as he turned to look at her face. 

"What happened?" Selena asked. She remembered that Damien had said something about them travelling today. 

"You are ill, you need to see the doctor first" Damien said. 

"I'm not ill, fainting doesn't mean I'm sick" Selena said as she placed her palm on her head to feel her temperature. 

Damien didn't say anything, he already made his decision and he wasn't going to debate it with her. 

"You'll see the doctor, it's not debatable" Damien spoke and his tone was enough to give Selena the message, he saw her sigh and then she turned to the other side of the bed. 

Damien didn't know wether to laugh or just ignore her childish attitude, he could hear her murmur some words but he couldn't get exactly what she was saying but it sounded like she was complaining. 

"Selena you fainted in the elevator, for no reason, you were fine one minute and then the next you were unconscious" Damien said as he pictured that scene in his head again and one could notice the change in his expression. "There's nothing wrong with seeing the doctor, he'll be here soon" Damien said and then he saw her slowly turn to face him. 

"No injections?" Selena said as she looked at him with sad eyes. 

Damien thought her expression was funny but he couldn't laugh, he had to be serious with her and so he just gave a nod. 

"I'll talk to him about it" Damien answered.

"Good" Selena said and then added. "Now shuu, you have overstayed your welcome" Selena said making a hand signal of chasing him away. 

Damien didn't say anything for a while, he paused, he was shocked but he had to mask it. "You are chasing me away?" Damien asked as he touched her cheeks and then switched sides, now he was on top her. 

Selena couldn't look into his eyes, her cheeks had turned red as she tried to look at any other thing in the room. Selena knew that she was completely naked under the sheets and Damien was now on top of her, she didn't want to think of anything happening again this morning. 

"Too shy to speak?" Damien asked, he had his hands on the bed creating a little space between them but he was close enough to do what ever he wanted. 

Selena finally met his gaze and she shook her head in response to his question. 


A voice called outside followed by a knock on the door. But the sound was distant, it was clear that the person was knocking on another door. 

Damien sighed when he heard his name, he already knew who was that, how could he forget, he still had that little brat in his house. 

"Was that Alfred?" Selena asked but even she knew that Alfred wasn't that loud. 

"No" Damien answered he looked towards the door and then he returned his gaze to her face. 

"Take your bath and get dressed" Damien said and then he gently kissed her lips before pulling away and walking towards the door, he paused for a second to look at her before he opened the door and exited. 

Damien looked around and saw the brat banging on his door. 

"Very soon I'll have a board placed in front of the mansion with your face on it and then they'll be a restriction order close to it" Damien joked but he had a serious look on his face. 

"Oh, so you didn't sleep in your room last night?" Dylan asked the obvious question as he looked behind Damien to check if he could find the mistress but she was not there. 

"And I see you didn't return back to your house last night" Damien said as he walked towards him and opened the door as they both walked in. 

"I couldn't, it was too late to drive" Dylan gave the lamest excuse as he sat down on the couch.

"It wasn't" Damien retorted. 

"William couldn't make it yesterday, he said he traffic was too much and so he had to return home" Dylan reported "but he said he'll be here for brunch" Dylan added as he placed this legs on the table and crossed them. "So what's up with the chick?" Dylan asked, he had kept his curiosity in check since last night but he couldn't anymore. Seeing Damien walk out of her room today had even made him more curious, for the years he had known this man, he had never slept in the same room with a lady. No matter how late it was, he would always return back to his room. 

"She has a name" Damien said as he poured in a glass of water. 

"Yes, Selena Kyle, no background information, nothing concerning her on the web. I did find some information about a car crash but it says both her and her mother died in the car crash. " Dylan carefully laid down the information, he had done lots of research concerning the girl but he couldn't find much.