
Chapter 175: Two Wooden Cabins! (Three in One)

"Forest One" cabin Resurrection Point.

The players who were annihilated revived in a small clearing behind the cabin, and their expressions were far from pleasant.

Especially the female players.

It wasn't that they were faint-hearted, but the scene they had just endured was simply too gruesome!

Limbs severed, brains spilled, and charred bodies mixed with the stench of rat men and the acrid smell of burned protein almost made them vomit.

"Dongyang, can you lend me a bomb?"

Polaris suddenly turned his head.

Dongyang raised his eyebrows, pondered for a moment, and chuckled lightly:


He pulled out a red and a blue bomb.

"Choose one."

"Thanks …"

Polaris didn't hesitate and directly took the blue ink bottle from his hand.

"After the dungeon ends, I'll repay you for this bomb."

He carefully put away the ink bottle and looked up at Dongyang as he spoke.

His heart felt slightly more at ease.