
Chapter 22: Your Highness is training you, just do it_1

Qin Xiao spoke, and everyone's gaze immediately turned to him.

"I won't beat around the bush; I want to take a stroll deep into the Aquipeia Forest."

Facing everyone's puzzled expressions, Qin Xiao was blunt.


The group was even more baffled.

You're a powerhouse; if you want to go, just go—who could stop you?

It's not just the depths we're talking about—if you're willing, even if it's the heart of the Aquipeia Forest, nobody would dare utter a word of refusal, right?


Qin Xiao read the deeper meanings in their eyes, cleared his throat, and added, "I hope you can all accompany me in there."

"No problem."

The first to agree was Ning Rongrong, "Then we'll all go together...."

However, when she noticed the strange looks from Zhao Wuji, Zhu Zhuqing, and the others, Ning Rongrong suddenly realized her mistake.

"Wait a minute?"

"You're saying let's all go deep into the Aquipeia Forest together?"

Ning Rongrong had thought they were just supposed to go out together first.

Qin Xiao nodded slightly.

The mission was to cooperate with teammates to hunt a soul beast over five thousand years old...

Qin Xiao felt, wouldn't it be more fitting to go after one over fifty thousand years old?

"This... might not be a good idea..."

Ning Rongrong shrank her neck.

Although she loved to play and to make noise, she knew what could and could not be done.

If it were just Qin Xiao taking her alone, it might be okay, but with a whole bunch of people following, could he really protect them?

But could they refuse?

The hearts of the others were resistant but they still succumbed...

Just like that, everyone followed Qin Xiao as they ventured deeper into the Aquipeia Forest...

"Your Highness, this must be the territory where Fifty-Thousand-Year Spirit Beasts are active, right?"

"Impressive, Old Zhao, you've never even been here before."

After some time, Zhao Wuji said with shining eyes.

Teacher Zhao, something's off with you...

Dai Mubai, Oscar, and the others looked at Zhao Wuji with strange expressions.

You should know, they are freaking out right now.

Fifty-thousand-year soul beasts...

If a few of them appeared, even Qin Xiao might not be able to protect himself, right?

Boom, boom, boom...

However, the more you fear something, the more it's bound to come.

The ground trembled noticeably, and without needing Qin Xiao's reminder, everyone could guess that a huge creature was approaching.

Before long.

A gigantic face loomed over them from above.

"Your Highness..."

The curiosity on Zhao Wuji's face disappeared, replaced by nervousness.

"Don't be afraid, it's a Hundred-Thousand-Year Spirit Beast, the Titan Ape."

Qin Xiao turned slightly and looked at the panicked crowd as he reassured them.


The reassurance was hardly helpful—the moment they heard Qin Xiao's words, Ma Hongjun felt his knees go weak, and he collapsed to the ground.

Qin Xiao: '....'

Is it really necessary?


At this moment, the Titan Ape Er Ming had already set his eyes on Qin Xiao, certain that this relaxed-looking youth was the person Xiaowu was looking for!

"Human, die!"

Although the voice was staggered, the cold murderous intent was clear to everyone.

"Targeting me?"

Qin Xiao was slightly taken aback.

Normally, a Hundred-Thousand-Year Spirit Beast would possess intelligence not inferior to that of humans. Facing a strong opponent like him, it shouldn't exhibit such an intense reaction.

Moreover, Qin Xiao was sure that he had no enmity with the Titan Ape.

"Wait, there's a familiar aura behind the Titan Ape, it's Xiaowu... and also Tang San..."

Qin Xiao glanced behind the vast body of the Titan Ape; something seemed to be hidden in the darkness.

He suddenly understood.

The Titan Ape was acting on someone's command.

"Heh, then I can't blame myself."

Qin Xiao chuckled coldly in his heart. Originally, he had planned to hunt a Fifty-Thousand-Year Spirit Beast.

But now the Titan Ape had presented itself. He had some fondness for this sincere creature from the original story, but now that fondness was gone.

After all.

To be used as a tool, one must be prepared to face the consequences.

"Prepare for battle!"

At that moment, Qin Xiao called out in a low voice.

"Yeah, go for it!"

Ning Rongrong cheered slightly, waving her tiny fist; she was wholeheartedly supportive of Qin Xiao.

Of course, it would have been better if she were standing beside Qin Xiao supporting him, rather than hiding behind a large tree more than ten meters away.

Dai Mubai and Oscar also quickly dragged Ma Hongjun a few steps back.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, Qin Xiao noticed she was already gone. She must have activated her Hell Civet Martial Soul and hidden in the darkness.

"Ah, what kind of situation is this?"

He sighed helplessly.

"Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai, come here."

He called out immediately.

"Your, Your Highness...."

Filled with trepidation, Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai still approached cautiously and asked with forced courage, "Do you have any orders?"

"Activate your Martial Souls and attack it!"

Qin Xiao said, pointing at the Titan Ape.

In truth, he had no choice. After all, the mission demanded concerted effort.

He couldn't be certain whether the mission would be considered complete if these people didn't make a move.

"What? Attack it?"

Ma Hongjun was dumbfounded. Wasn't Qin Xiao setting him up?

This was practically a suicidal move.

"If you don't attack it, I'll have to attack you. Make your choice," Qin Xiao said, his fingers already crackling with arcs of electricity.

"What are you standing around for, Your Highness is kindly training your courage," someone said.

"Even when facing an enemy with a far higher cultivation level, you must dare to strike!"

"Hurry up and attack, don't let down His Highness's good intentions," they urged.

Seeing the two of them hesitate, Zhao Wuji, frustrated at their reluctance, barked at them.

Qin Xiao: ┐('~`;)┌.

In reality, I just wanted them to have a feel of the monster, I really didn't have any intention of tempering them.

However, after Zhao Wuji's interpretation, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were evidently greatly inspired.

The hesitation in their eyes vanished, replaced by firm resolve.

"White Tiger Body Attach!"

"Phoenix Body Attach!"

The two completed their Martial Soul Possession in an instant.

At the same time, they both used a soul skill.

"White Tiger Intense Light Wave!"

"Phoenix Fireline!"

A white and a red long-range attack instantly hit the Titan Giant Ape.

The outcome was obvious.

To the Titan Giant Ape, their attacks were no more than a tickle...

However, while their attacks didn't cause much damage, they were extremely insulting.

Without causing substantial harm to the Titan Giant Ape, they successfully roused its fury.

Thud, thud, thud...

The Titan Giant Ape stood upright and began pounding its chest, like beating a battle drum. It was clear that it was on the verge of going berserk.

"Ning Rongrong, buff me. Then Oscar, hand out your mushroom sausages to everyone, and you guys can wait for me outside Aquipeia Forest or go back to Shrek first," Qin Xiao thought this should count as a concerted effort, right?

As for Zhu Zhuqing not attacking the Titan Giant Ape, that was fine; playing a stealthy role was also a form of engagement, wasn't it?

She kept a psychological threat present.

Oscar had no objections to Qin Xiao's arrangements, instinctively going along with it.

He had been on edge ever since he saw the Titan Giant Ape, and it was only when Qin Xiao called his name that he snapped back to reality.

"You, what did you say you want me to do?" he asked.

Upon hearing Qin Xiao's words, Ning Rongrong instantly blushed.

How embarrassing...

How could he say something like that...

"Uh," Qin Xiao didn't expect that at such a moment, Miss Ning would misinterpret his words.

"I mean, support me with the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda!" he explained again.

"Oh, so that's what you meant."

Ning Rongrong realized her misunderstanding, without the time to feel embarrassed. She cupped her hands, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda appeared in her grasp.

"Seven treasures send out glazed light, the treasures are named, the first is: strength..."

"Seven treasures send out glazed light, the treasures are named, the second is: speed!"

Whoosh, whoosh!

Two streams of light landed on Qin Xiao.

"So this is the support ability of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda? Truly deserving of the title of number one support," Qin Xiao felt a notable increase in strength.

Boom! Boom!

Meanwhile, the Titan Giant Ape had also vented most of its rage, reaching Qin Xiao in two steps and swinging a fist giant as a cauldron down menacingly.

"I'd like to test your strength!" Qin Xiao said, eyes devoid of fear, as he stepped forward and threw a punch himself!

Crack, crack...

An invisible ripple burst forth, and within dozens of meters around them, trees snapped at the sound.

"Let's go, leave this place."

Fortunately, Zhao Wuji was quick to act, grabbing Ning Rongrong with one hand and pulling Oscar away with the other.

Following his command, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun, and Dai Mubai also hurried after his figure.

For a moment, the scene was left with only Qin Xiao and the Titan Giant Ape in a standoff.


In reality, three pairs of eyes were still watching everything in shock, their mouths agape, from afar.

"My god."

"Granny, I can't be seeing this wrong, can I? Isn't that boy one of Zhao Wuji's students? He... he actually has the strength to contend with the Titan Giant Ape!" Meng Yiran said incredulously.

She even rubbed her eyes vigorously, doubting the reality of what she saw.

The Snake Granny was equally shocked but then a light of realization appeared in her eyes, "Yes, that's right. The crisis I felt earlier must have come from this boy. I didn't expect his strength to be so formidable!"

As she spoke, she felt a wave of relief; it was fortunate that she hadn't acted rashly.

Otherwise, would she even have ashes left by the time Long Gong arrived?

"What? Old witch, are you saying that they are the ones who stole the Phoenix-tailed Cock-crown Snake before?" asked a lean old man beside them, incredulously.

"Indeed," Snake Granny slowly nodded, confirming his question.

"Hiss..." Long Gong gasped in shock, sweat beads the size of beans forming on his forehead.

"It's a good thing, a good thing we could retreat from such a formidable opponent unscathed," he said, wiping the sweat off his forehead, filled with relief.

"But now, that Man-Faced Demon Spider we were tracking... it's gone to that boy..." Meng Yiran said, a little helplessly.

Long Gong sighed, "Yiran, be realistic. What time is it now, and you're still thinking about that Man-Faced Demon Spider? Approaching them now could get us treated as enemies by that person and soul beast."


Meng Yiran's expression immediately became gloomy.

At that moment, Snake Granny asked, "Old man, who do you think will win their battle?"

Long Gong thought carefully before answering, "The combat power of a hundred-thousand-year soul beast is enough to defeat an ordinary Titled Douluo. Not to mention the Titan Giant Ape."

"That boy, even if he had the power of a Titled Douluo, would undoubtedly lose. To defeat the Titan Giant Ape, one must have a combat power of level ninety-seven and above," he declared.