
I'm traumatized from my past

Target Audience: Our primary target audience consists of adults who have experienced trauma in their past, and seek a way to overcome it. We will also target individuals who have a general interest in mental health and personal development. Key Messages and Slogans: - Heal Your Past, Embrace Your Future: Our slogan encapsulates the essence of the book's message, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and processing past trauma to create a better future. - A Journey of Self-Discovery: We will stress how this book guides readers on an engaging journey of self-discovery and helps them overcome personal struggles. - Empowerment through Shared Experiences: Our campaign will highlight the importance of shared experiences in the healing process, and how the book provides readers with a gateway to connect with others who may have gone through similar experiences.

EUPHROSYNE · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Am I the antagonist ?

As the class continued , my mind wandered… and I couldn't help but think about my own situation. Was I really the villain in this story? Or was it the people around me who couldn't see past my differences and accept me for who I was? On the outside, I may have looked different, but on the inside, I was just like everyone else. I had hopes and dreams, loved ones and aspirations.

As the day went on, I thought more and more about the idea of being an antagonist. What did it even mean? Was it someone who was inherently evil and wanted to cause harm to those around them? Or was it someone who was forced into a role they never asked for because of how others perceived them?

As I walked home that day, lost in thought, I saw a group of children playing in the park. They were laughing and running around, carefree and happy. And for a moment, I wished I could go back in time and be a part of their world. A world where the only thing that mattered was the joy of being alive.

But then, as if in a moment of clarity, I realized something. I wasn't a villain. I was just someone who had been labeled as such by the people around me. And in reality, I was just trying to navigate my own path in life, just like everyone else.

So I decided right then and there to write my own story. A story where I was the hero, not the villain. A story where I could be whoever I wanted to be, without judgment or scrutiny. And with that, I set off on a new adventure, one of self-discovery and liberation. And as I walked into the sunset, I knew that my story was just beginning.