
Bitches in power

In the dimly lit office, amidst the imposing presence of glass and steel, CEO Richard Hartman sat, his attention fixated on the glow of his computer screen. Unbeknownst to him, a shadowy figure moved with silent determination through the corridors, closing in on its target.

As the city skyline darkened and the air grew heavy with anticipation, the door to Hartman's office creaked open, revealing a woman cloaked in darkness. Her eyes gleamed with a fierce resolve as she approached, her footsteps echoing a silent declaration of vengeance.

Hartman, startled by the intrusion, barely had time to register the threat before the woman lunged forward, a glint of steel flashing in her hand. With precision born of pent-up fury and years of silent suffering, she delivered a fatal blow, plunging the dagger into Hartman's heart.

The CEO's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as his lifeblood spilled onto the pristine floor, staining it with the final testament to his ruthless reign. In his dying moments, he gazed into the eyes of his assailant, recognizing the face of betrayal staring back at him.

As the echoes of his last gasp faded into the silence of the office, the woman stood over him, a silent witness to the downfall of a tyrant. With a sense of grim satisfaction, she whispered her own last words, a haunting reminder of the price of power.

Outside, the city continued its relentless march, oblivious to the seismic shift that had just occurred within the confines of Hartman's domain. And as the chapter drew to a close, the chilling certainty lingered that the legacy of "bitches in power" would endure, forged in the crucible of revenge.