
Chapter 6

[ One week later ]

The sun was already high in the sky when Arthur got up from his bed and went to take a bath, it has been a week since the beginning of training and today is the last day of the first week, if someone looks closely he will realize that Arthur seems a little thinner, but he is mistaken who thinks he is weaker, in fact it is the opposite, now he feels even more confident to find the bear in the forest again, winning is still impossible, but he can escape without suffering so many serious injuries.

Since Arthur's body was not used to this style of training, the muscular pains were part of his day to day throughout the week, of course, a normal person could not perform this type of training, it is very likely that a training with this intensity would cause reverse effects to the sought, Arthur is the only one who can train in this way because of the help of the mysterious art that helps recovering the muscles more quickly from fatigue.

Today, being the last day of the first week, Arthur allowed himself to sleep a little more as a prize for having achieved solid results in the last few days.

While lost in thought he listens to the door of his house opening and the steps of a person entering his room, without wasting time he begins to circulate the mysterious art through his body as he goes towards the room, arriving there he comes across a middle-aged woman with long hair, light brown eyes, a beautiful round face, light brown skin color, wearing a gray dress.

By the color of the dress, Arthur managed to guess that this woman is one of the sect's cleaners, after all a disciple cannot waste time cleaning the house, he needs to cultivate, cultivate and cultivate, otherwise he will only be wasting the sect's resources, but cleaning cannot be neglected either, after all, dirt generates diseases, and although cultivators are more resistant to them, they are not immune, and it would be ridiculous for a sect of cultivators to go into crisis because of disease, thus several low-level cultivators were hired by the sect to carry out the cleaning in the disciples' quarters once a week.

"I forgot today was your day to do the Eleanor cleaning, don't worry about me, I'm leaving"

Arthur talked to her while smiling, but then realized that she was distracted by something and didn't notice him talking to her, following her line of sight, Arthur realized that he just got out of the bath and forgot to put on clothes, so he's completely naked with his bat proudly exposed to anyone who wants to see.

Realizing his mistake he quickly took the blanket over the bed to cover himself, taking Eleanor out of his dormancy state.


Eleanor works for the sect for many years, she understands that employees like her do not only take care of cleaning, it would be naive to think that, after all there are requirements of appearance to become an employee of the sect, beauty would help someone to clean more efficiently? No, it would not, the second objective of these employees is to sexually satisfy the disciples to avoid them causing problems with other disciples or worse, to leave the sect to satisfy their desires and end up attracting some strong enemy to the sect, that would be terrible.

With this kind of double work Eleanor has seen several kinds of snakes and is not surprised by anything related to it, but what she has just seen is not a snake, it is a dragon, probably bigger than her entire forearm.

She was always the person who took care of the cleaning of Arthur's house, but since the first time she needed to find him to ask for a copy of the key to be able to enter the house they never met again, he always left before she appeared, today was only the second time they met.

While remembering this Eleanor felt the saliva gathering in her mouth, so without thinking she pointed to Arthur's third leg and said hastily

"Elder, can I touch him?"