What if you learnt that your father was a demon lord? And what if that demon lord killed your mother? ====== New Chapters every Monday - Thursday! Website for illustrations!: https://www.dotturndotcreative.com/gallery
"How are you Sequencee?" Quilin asked.
"I'm fine, thank you. How about you?"
"I'm feeling fine myself thank you. Are you looking forward to the food?"
"I suppose I am."
"Relax, we won't attempt to throw you to the guillotine or anything resembling that. This is a meal in hopes that we would get the opportunity to get to know each other better," Wilson said.
"Thank you," Sequencee bowed.
"Evelyn, do you have anything you want to say to him?" Quilin asked.
Quilin's smile slacked a little.
"His Majesty and Her Majesty have arrived," a maid announced.
The emperor and his wives made their way through the garden, the fourth prince Redeus following closely behind them.
"Father," Wilson greeted.
He nodded in acknowledgement. They took their seats around the arbor.
"Sequencee, it's a pleasure to meet you," His Majesty Soles Equestria's voice boomed.
"It's an honor to be able to have a meal with everyone today. I'm humbled," Sequencee greeted in response.
"Shall we begin with the food?"
"That would be alright, Your Majesty."
"Good. The luncheon may begin."
His declaration signaled the chefs to move into work.
Appetizer was a sort of gelatin fruit cake accompanied with a small side of toasted meat salad.
Only when His Majesty took the first bite was everyone permitted to begin eating for each dish, at least, that was how it went in terms of etiquette. Sequencee could only match the pace of the emperor which he found wasn't too slow neither too fast.
His Majesty would turn to Redeus or his wives to engage in some small talk. It alleviated the heavy mood which Sequencee was experiencing to a degree.
"Is the food to your liking?"
"Huh? Oh, yes. The food is wonderful."
They had entered the second main course. Aged gryphon meat filets cooked in thick sour-salty gravy, sprinkle of pepper and spice flakes added a kick to the flavor. While the food was made to tantalize the tastebud of even the most strict of food critics, Sequencee could barely taste any of it.
"Evelyn, is there something on your mind?" His Majesty then shifted the conversation to the princess.
"I will speak of it later, father. Please don't worry about it."
He nodded. The luncheon proceeded.
Sequencee wet his throat with the fruit punch.
'I don't think I was this nervous during the duel.'
By the time the main course had come to an end, Sequencee noticed how the blue sky had clouded over a little.
Soles was taking slow sips of his wine.
"Sequencee, first and foremost, I would like to apologize for what has happened to your home. Aid has been offered to the frontier and the rebuilding project has begun under the supervision of Count Stravince."
Sequencee did his back to suppress a negative reaction.
'So that's what it is huh..'
It's possible that the information regarding the death of the count's two daughters, Azaleas and Rose hadn't reached the emperor.
"Your mother has done a great service to the kingdom, from the beginning of her existence to her very last breath. Her sacrifice will not be in vain, I will assure you that."
Sequencee felt uncomfortable hearing these words come out of the emperor's mouth. He was building up to something..
"Let me begin with this. Sequencee," His Majesty looked at him with tranquil eyes, "I would like to offer you the title of marquis, the one which your mother had rescinded."
Sequencee took a few moments to consider the weight of this offer. His lips hesitated.
".. Your Imperial Majesty, as incredible as that sounds.. I am clueless in regard to the matters of managing a domain."
"This matter I can leave my son Wilson to handle. Otherwise, my daughter Evelyn could also aid you in the management of your land."
"Your Majesty. I'm sorry.. I can't.."
'This is going skewed.. I can't possibly accept the title.'
"While most people would beg for such an opportunity, you and your mother remain adamant. Like mother, like son, what a coincidence. May I hear your reasoning?"
"As mentioned previously, I don't know how to manage a domain."
"Any matter of advancement, would incur some sense of discomfort and fear. I sympathize with that, hence why I have made arrangements to send you aid to manage your new domain. You will not be left all alone on this path," the emperor pressed.
'No. That's not it.'
"It's not simply that Your Majesty.. I don't think managing a territory suits me. I don't wish to be tied down by more responsibilities."
"So it is freedom that you seek."
"What kind of freedom do you dream of?"
"The freedom to do what I want.."
"A dream many people aspire to have. Are you certain you wish to rescind this offer of mine this time? You may not get this chance ever again."
'It's easy to say yes, much harder to say no. It's not just because I want to avoid responsibility.. rather, what is truly important to me?'
Schwii's image flashed in his mind.
"Your Majesty, I'm truly grateful for this offer, but I will have to rescind."
Soles closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He straightened his back and spoke. "I am glad to have someone like you contributing to the empire. What is it that you wish for if not a peerage?"
"I have no wish Your.. no, I do have one wish."
"What would that be?"
'Why I'm I saying this? What do I stand to gain from this?'
"Your Majesty, before I answer that question, do you have any plans to attack the demon empire?"
The emperor's eyes lit up.
"What do you wish to know about the plan?"
"Instead of starting a war, could we instead initiate a peaceful discussion?"
"Sequencee, something I learnt from the council of war is this. A battle is best won without shedding a single drop of blood. There is no debate here that the best option is through diplomacy. However, future plans should be made should something go wrong during the peace advocate."
"I see. Forgive my oversight."
'Yeah, I should've expected that he would have thought about this beforehand.'
"No. The fact that you brought this topic up proves your benevolence. Despite having lost your mother to the demons, you chose to look ahead."
'Alright.. so in short, war can be prevented. I need to tell Schwii this.'
Her Majesty tugged at His Majesty's clothes.
"Yes, what is it dear?"
"Dessert," she said with a bitter smile.
"Oh yes, please. The desserts may enter. There is no need to wait for me to begin, you may eat before myself."
Fortunately, magic existed. Otherwise the desserts would've melted for sure. A bowl of ice cream sundae was arranged in front of each person.
"My mother's wish to finally put an end to the conflict between humans and demons.. as long as the empire is moving in that direction, I don't think there is anything else I want."
'I have everything I need already, don't I?'
While Sequencee may complain of his lack of strength, externally, he had nothing to be concerned about. Food, water, shelter, companionship– is there anymore he lacked?
"Evelyn," His Majesty called out.
"Do you have anything else to add?"
She placed her spoon down and turned to Sequencee.
"I've given it deep thought. Considering various consequences, I think I've come to an answer."
She stared into his brilliant blue eyes, her own eyes tearing up.
"I.. give up."
The first raindrop hit the ground.
Sequencee sat on the couch with his hands supporting on his knees, he stared at the shortcake on the table. The loud crashing of rain hitting the glass window didn't elicit much of a reaction as his mind returned to Evelyn's confession.
The shadow under his feet flickered, stretched, and molded into shape. From the darkness, Reese's figure appeared. She took a seat beside him and folded her legs.
"I hadn't expected you would deny His Majesty's offer. It seems I was wrong about your guts."
"I had to deny him. It's not like being a viscount is an easy thing."
"I don't deny that. Which is why I'm looking for someone who is smart enough to manage my home while I go around spreading my good faith to the people."
"Then Shiro really isn't a good fit for you."
"Then wouldn't you be a good fit?"
"Should I call him here to give you a good scolding?"
Reese quickly denied by shaking her head with a smile, "Okay, okay. I've learnt my lesson. Sheesh, controlling me by having the hero screw me, what other cunning ideas do you and your fiance have in mind I wonder?"
"You're overthinking it."
"Really? Not even after incurring the wrath of the entire royal family?"
"I should really have Shiro give you a good beating."
"Try me."
Sequence fell silent.
Reese was half-joking. It wasn't wrath, rather, indignation.
'Like hell I can just tell Shiro to do that..'
Sequencee heaved a deep sigh.
– I give up, you hear? I know you don't like me, I know you don't care about me. You already have someone in your heart, and I'm but an annoyance to you. Isn't that right? That's the answer you're going to give if I put you on spot here, right?
– Say something.. that's the truth, isn't it? I'm destroying your perfectly fine love with your current fiance.
'Yeah. I suppose it's as you said.'
Soft knocks came from the door.
"Whoops," Reese sank into the shadow.
Sequencee got up. On the other side was Quilin with a despondent expression.
"Could you spare a moment?"
Sequencee nodded.
Quilin invited herself into Sequencee's room without reservations.
"Sit," she commanded.
Sequencee took the other couch.
"I may have taken your courtesy as my own misjudgement the last time we met in the hospital like this. Hence this time, I want you to be frank with me."
"Tell me what is your relationship with this fiance of yours. Who is she, why her?"
"I can't tell you her background. What I can tell you is that she's a childhood friend of mine, someone I have loved for a long time now."
"Why can't you tell me her background?"
"I just can't tell you."
"Do you really not feel anything for Her Highness Evelyn?"
"While I don't deny that she's beautiful in her own unique way, but I can't accept her even if I did like her."
"The promise with your fiance is the problem."
"She's quite strict. If it were me, I'd allow my husband to take on two more."
"Should I assume the biggest obstacle here is your fiance?"
"No. The biggest obstacle here is that I feel that Her Highness Evelyn and I are just not compatible."
".. You're not being truthful."
"Evelyn and I live in completely separate worlds."
'He's misjudging his feelings.'
'I can't break my promise with Schwii.'
"Do you not think your fiance is living in a world different from your own? You're merely spewing excuses."
"Should I be blunt and just say I don't like Her Highness?"
"I would like to think that is the shallow answer masking the truth within the depth of your heart."
"Your Grace. I don't like Her Highness Evelyn. I never had. Three years ago when I saved her, she was the one who thought I was some hero. I was only doing my job.."
"I think I've heard enough," Quilin got up in abrupt.
"If you want to leave this place, feel free to. I apologize for forcing you," she bowed and left the room.
'This sucks..'
Sequencee clenched his fist.
Her presence earlier showed just how much Evelyn's family cared for her– how much pain she was feeling at this moment.
"Do you really not hold any feelings for the princess? It's 'the' princess you know? People would die for such an opportunity," Reese blurbed.
"Just get me out of here can't you?"
"Sure thing."
They both sank into the shadow.
Evelyn stared out into the rain.
Her amethyst eyes reflected the hazy light of the moon, her hands touching the cold window frame. She found it funny how calm watching the melancholic rain made her feel.
Her eyes traced a raindrop sliding down the glass.
It reminded her of her own tears.
'I give up.'
The disappointed reaction of her family did hurt her, but weighing on her mind most heavily was Sequencee's expression.
What Quilin said was right– he had, and had always been denying his feelings for her.
Evelyn didn't need her gift [Unique Skill: Colours of Favorability] to tell that Sequencee wanted to reject her statement.He didn't wish for her to say this– she saw his eyes beg her for a different answer.
But it was proof– proof that he cared about her.
And she felt..
– Evelyn smiled.
That perhaps his sentiments alone were enough for her.