

Leticia shooed the elf away, saying that they were not interested in such 'service'. The elf also, out of embarrassment, replied with an apology.

Leticia shut the door and returned to her bed side. Her head felt heavy and she loosened a yawn.

'For a second there I thought it was Sequencee.'

"Who was it?" Lilian asked in a barely audible voice.

She was still covered in a warm blanket, facing away from Leticia.

"Some lewd people who want to do perverted things with other people."

"Mn.. what time is it already?"

"1:54 am." Leticia looked at the ticking clock hanging above.

"Wake me up in another 10 minutes if I fall back asleep.. nm.."

"Alright. Then I'll first turn on the lights."

Lilian quickly pulled the blanket over her face.

"Yes," she said weakly.

'I don't think they provide warm water so early.'

Because of their plans, they would have to burn the fee they paid for the extra towels and water.

'Or should I go down and ask.. actually, can't I just replace the water from yesterday night?'

If the party had an excellent magician, they actually wouldn't need to order the warm towels. Leticia got up and opened the door. She thought to let Sequencee know about the exploit, and since it was almost time, she thought perhaps to tell him to get ready too.


Funnily enough, that prostitute was standing in front of his room.


'Hm? Another presence? Leticia?'

Sequencee and Ro sat next to each other in silence.

Ro whose hair was an absolute mess hadn't quite sobered up to the reality of things. Even so, he followed Sequencee's advice to not make a sound.

The knocking and pleading stopped.

"Hey. What do we do now?" Ro whispered.

"We wait."

'Maybe Leticia would drive her away.'

Sequencee found it creepy that the prostitute knew his name.


"Excuse me, could you not knock on the door like that?" Leticia approached the elf, saying so in a deadpan tone.

Short auburn coloured hair, eyes shining in a provocative red shade. Beautiful skin and perfect contours of her body– she even had well developed breasts that could be said as rare for elves.

'What a waste.'

For someone as beautiful as herself, it was unthinkable she'd take this path just for some quick cash. The value of integrity in the elves have suffered a lot the past century, having been corrupted by the darker side of human culture.

"Apologies. Are you perhaps acquitted with the person in this room?" the elf asked.

"Yes. So do you mind stepping away?"

"He has blue hair and brown hair right?"

'What nonsense?'

"Just go away. Or should I inform the clerk at the ground floor?" Leticia raised her voice, hoping that either Sequencee or Ro, whoever it was that caused this would hear her what she was saying.

"Do you think you have the leeway?" the elf smiled shrewdly, brushing her hair over her ear.


'Why is she so obstinate.. oh. Maybe that's just how prostitutes are. They're sense of shame is gone.'

"Just go away will you? I need to get him to help me with something."

"Me too."


'What in the..'

"I may not look like it but.. I'm a high noble you know?"

'What nonsense..'

"Then why are you.."



Before they could finish their words, the door opened.


Sequencee opened the door.

He faced the elf with a frown.

Nearby stood Leticia with a sour expression.

"Can you just go away already?" Sequencee requested.

"Oh my, you're rather bold aren't ya?"

The elf tried to approach Sequencee when a knife made of ice was quickly pointed at her throat. She froze.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

Sequencee got out carefully and shut the door behind him. Ro better stay safe inside.

The elf quickly changed to a business-like smile despite knowing well that her life was in danger or..

"Don't you remember me?"

An odd sensation overwhelmed him. This elf before him grew increasingly attractive. Her ruby eyes winked at him flirtatiously, juicy pink lips reminded him of his parched throat, the tempting curves of her body under the thin fabric practically teasing his innermost desire.

His mind spun, unable to make up his mind over what he should do in this situation.

She's.. kill her? No.

He couldn't try to walk away either, as if he was somehow riveted in place by a spell of sorts.

'Remember her? No, this must be a trap. Who is she? Why is she..'

Sequencee's thought was scrambled when Leticia covered his eyes and pulled him behind her back.


At those words live branches grew out from the floor and ceiling to block off the path between the two.

Leticia quickly grabbed Sequencee and dragged him to her room.

'She's not an elf. She's a succubus.'

Both elves and succubuses have pointy ears. So it would be easy to mistake one for the other if the latter were to simply hide their tail and wings.

Fortunately, this succubus didn't seem keen on following them. Leticia brought Sequencee to her room and locked the door.

"Hey? What happened out there?" Lilian, who was folding her blanket asked in shock.

"Something.. Sequencee, are you alright?" Leticia shook his shoulders.

"Y-Yeah.. sorry. That really got me.." Sequence grabbed his hair. "Thanks Leticia."

"You're welcome. How about Ro?"

"Ro? He's awake. I told him to get ready. Our initial plan was to wait until the elf walked away.. she's not an elf, is she?"

"We need to report it to the clerk..no. The knights."

"But aren't succubuses a normal part of any big city?"

"Huh? What are you two talking about?" Lilian, who couldn't keep up, asked.

"Sorry Lilian, I think we'll just have to make a move as soon as possible. There's a succubus out there and she's quite aggressive."

"H-Huh?! A succubus? Then that means Sequencee.. was almost?"

"Yeah, sorry," he admitted with a sigh.

"Don't be." Leticia said.


"So that was a succubus huh?" Ro muttered.


A few minutes after waiting inside Leticia and Lilian's room, the succubus had disappeared to who knows where.

Leticia undid the barrier made of branches and explained the situation to the clerk before leaving. There were no damages to the property so no need for any repair fees.

"I wonder why she'd come all the way to that inn though.. wait. Why did she keep knocking on our door?"

"Long story short, I was worried about Leticia and Lilian because she knocked on every door so when I heard a door open, I peeked. That's when the succubus noticed me."

"Eh.. so that's how it happened?" Lilian said.

"I shouldn't have opened the door then," Leticia cursed herself.

With 2 light orbs floating around them, the team of four, with their baggage behind them made their way to the warp gate station.

"Are you okay with that, Lilian?" Ro asked, seeing how Lilian was struggling to pull the massive block behind her.

"I'm fine," she said with a bitter smile.

"Sequencee," Leticia called out.


"What did you think of that succubus?"


'What kind of question is that?'

"If I knew that she was a succubus I think I would've killed her by reflex?"

"Wow there.." Ro interjeted.

"???" Leticia looked perplexed.

"But I don't know what would happen if I killed her at an inn. It would disturb our schedule and ultimately cause more problems so I hesitated and.. yeah. Thanks for pulling me out of the situation."

"I get it now. Thank you."

"Thank you?"

'Why thank me though?'

"No. Nothing."

"You've killed before?" Ro asked.

"In the past, yeah."

"R-Really.." Lilian stuttered.

Sequencee nodded.

He turned to look at Leticia's swaying hair from behind.

'She's probably done it too by some point.'