
All new school.

It was a breezy summer morning when Liam woke up in his small but cozy house.

He has reddish hair with blue eyes. He seemed to be about 6'1. He was 16, 10th grade.

He yawns quietly as his sister walks into the room.

"Liam!" she sounded annoyed. "Get up before I drag you out of bed! We have school."

Liam groans as he sat up, glaring at his big sister. "Get out, Carla." He had always hated waking up in the mornings.

Carla rolls her eyes as she walked out of the tall male's room. Liam sits up and stretches, trying to stall a little so he wouldn't have to get out of bed so early. He soon gets up and changes into a comfortable black hoodie and jeans. Liam tucks his phone into his pocket and walks downstairs to meet Carla for breakfast. Sadly his big sister didn't know his to cook, so he just made them some toast and left.

Five minutes later they arrive at a large school, it seemed to have 3 or 4 floors. Liam looks up at the school and sighs quietly. He hoped to make a friend or two before the semester ended.

The siblings walk into the school, Carla goes to meet her friends while Liam looks around. He tries to find the office when suddenly he jumps into a taller male, standing at 6'4.

"Oh! Sorry..!" Liam smiles nervously at the taller male.

"It's fine." The unknown person smiles slightly before waking away.

Liam sighs before noticing something strange about the person. He looks back at the taller male.. They have ears and a tail! Liam stood in shock for a second and shakes it off, thinking the ears and tail were fake. But they looked so real.. Detailed and fluffy.. He shakes his head and looks over at some other people. To his surprise they had features such as horns, wings, ears, tails, and even halos! He stares in complete shock for a few seconds before rubbing his eyes, thinking he is imagining it. He looks back at the people to see that nothing has changed. He wonders off quickly to find the principal's office.