
I'm the highest ranker in my own game but also a NPC(hiatus)

Dior_crimson · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 02

<p>For the past four years since he..... Hatched, he had been living like a king...or prince, literally. He had only seen his parents twice. First time during his naming/hatching. And the last time during his first steps.<br/>He was already acting clever for a kid of 2. <br/>He rarely cried unless he wanted to be fed or changed. He was already exposed to the books in his library by the maids that catered to him under his father's command.<br/>And from what little knowledge he has gathered, he realized that he had been reborn in his own game, that and the fact that there's a literal timer that had been counting down to what he thinks is the approval of the game.<br/>He was withdrawn from his thoughts by the sounds of his room door being opened by his two favorite maids; Olivia and Cherry. <br/>Cherry was a woman with blond hair, ruby red eyes, pointed ears and pale skin, and a stunning figure. She also sported armor on her forearms and shins, just below the maid dress she always wore. he was pretty sure she was a vampire minus the fact about her fangs and him sometimes spotting her sipping on a red liquid he believes to be blood. her eyes always shine with a stunning glow that he coined to be her 'charm effect' that all vampires harbor. The next object of his curiosity was Olivia. She was currently dressed in a long-sleeved maids outfit which was cut short at the base but any skin she had, except for her face which held her stunning sapphire blue eyes and sunset red hair; was covered in clothing be it her legs, which were covered in an all-black material that reached up to her waist and her palms that we're covered in white gloves only helped to increase the mystery around her.<br/>He was brought out of his thoughts by Cherry clapping her hands loudly.<br/>"sorry cherry. I didn't quite get what you said" he replied while closing the book he was reading and facing them completely.<br/>Cherry looked at him with amusement lacing her eyes, smirking before repeating with a smirk "Master Deouxis, your father and mothers are expecting you in the dining hall for a very important meeting with I'm the rest of the family. He said and I quote ' Have him here even if you have to break his arms and legs to do it. I'm sure he has a healing spell among the plethora he keeps' "<br/>Sighing, he decided he would at least grace his parents with his presence for the six years he has been living with them. Getting up from his reading chair, he walked towards his full body mirror while Olivia picked out the clothes he would wear for dinner while Cherry was removing the current ones and grooming his hair to be just right. Even though he was older than Olivia and younger than Cherry by two years physically, it was still embarrassing for him to be groomed by two girls while keeping a clear head.<br/>After being dressed and becoming posh, he came out of his room and stepped into the hallway that houses him and his nine siblings. His mind started drifting to his new physiology.<br/>He looked miles apart from what he used to look like when he was human. The first instance was that he had horse hooves for feet, fingers that had small black claws that no matter how hard he trimmed always grew back to their original length, dragon wings and tail attached to his back, and a pair of horns that adorned his chubby face that still retain a bit of baby fat. His face was also something different; he had silver hair and blue eyes with vertical irises, serrated teeth with only canines, and pointed ears.<br/>The only sounds made on their way to the dining hall were the tapping of their feet/hooves on the marble floors which was an odd but welcomed silence that was broken by the muffled sounds coming from the medium-sized double doors that he stopped in front of before taking a deep breath and pushing it open which silenced the dining hall as all thirteen pairs of eyes zone on him while he made his way towards the empty chair at the end of the table before sitting down and focusing his eyes into the eyes of the man sitting on the more decorated chair at the other end of the table before saying " Hello father".</p>