
I'm not forever single, I'm getting married

She was dressed in a beautiful gown of flowing white lace, the skirt trailing on the ground and the sleeves falling to her wrists in long draping layers of sheer silk. There were many intricate embroideries all across it in gold, red, and blue thread, in the form of small, beautiful roses and other flowers.

Her hair was braided into an elegant knot at the back of her head, and a simple, delicate gold crown was set upon her head.

Her face was covered by a thin veil that fell from the crown, held in place by the gold chain that circled her brow, adorned with jewels and small gold roses. Her eyes were painted in a light blue shade, with little flecks of silver and white.

The veil was long enough that it hung down past her knees and covered the tops of her feet. It flowed along the floor behind her.

She found that to be rather excessive.