
¿Can I Trust You?

"Kalina, I know you belong to the Eria guild." The princess began. "You see, I've already done my research." Said Her Majesty. "And your fame precedes you. To be frank, I feel calm having you as an escort on my trip." Then she added: "But can I know who you truly are?"

Kalina did not doubt her answer for a second:

"I am the daughter of an ancient noble family of my race and the last of my offspring. I owe my life to the head of our guild, and I will do anything to live up to his expectations. And he always hopes for the best result. I always do my best. Your majesty, I will take you safely to Aladar and ensure your safety until the agreed deadline expires."

"Please, call me Zintia."


"Your majesty…" Kalina tried to start. However, the princess looked at her with expectant eyes. "Zintia…" The name was about to choke in her throat. "How could I speak to Your Highness without honorifics?"

"I can ask you as a favor or order you." Said Her Majesty with a sincere smile on her lips.

"Fine… Zintia."

"Thank you." With that, Zintia looked at her for three seconds until her serene face fell as if she had removed a mask. Then, her amber eyes showed concern and fear. "Kalina, can I trust you?"

Five minutes later, Kalina and Irion entered the royal armory. The page leading them bowed farewell as they entered the enormous enclosure at the eastern end of the walls surrounding the citadel.

"¿Why the royal armorer?" Kalina complained.

"The royal emissary explained it. His Majesty wishes Sacra Terra colors on your armor." Irion explained: "Please, Kal, don't make that face. Only for the exit procession. Then I guess he won't care even if you go naked." He added in a joking tone. 

Oh yes, of course, naked next to that Kru captain. ¿How funny would he find it? Suddenly, an unknown warmth embraced her stomach at the thought of him. ¡Good heavens! She had to concentrate. Let's see, armor and...

The vision hit Kalina as if she had been thrown against a wall. And she had been jerked but in the dream of her future:

"Dare…" A low warning from the Kru. Her legs were shamelessly wrapped around his robust waist. Valian pressed, and she felt the hot wall against her back, even through her clothes. Not that she was wearing much. Kalina found herself dressed in a strange dark garment, very similar to the ones Syria used to wear. ¿Were they fighting or…? Well, whatever it was, his body felt hotter than the entire damn castle. And she was feeling his excitement. ¡Well, darn! She was also aroused. Then, Kalina bit him on the earlobe. And that was where her vision ended.

¡Heavens! What was happening with her visions? They were totally out of control.

Back to reality, Kalina found herself panting as if she had run a two-day marathon without stopping. Alongside, Irion was watching her with a raised eyebrow. In a second, his expression changed to worried.

"Are you all right?" He began leaning towards her. "Did the princess say something strange?"

"¿What? No, nothing." Well, maybe. Anyway, that wasn't the problem right now.

Thank the gods, at that moment, several people approached. Among them, Kalina recognized an old tailor. The man was giving Irion an appraising glance.

"¿Who would think of putting such a man as an escort? The bride will most likely elope during the journey." Said the tailor. 

Kalina had already seen this scene in one of her visions. At the time, those words had seemed funny and probable to her. However, now that she had met Her Majesty, things had changed. That was disrespectful. And to be frank, Zintia hadn't even looked at Irion twice.

"I am the escort of Her Highness the First Princess." She stepped forward, and the three men looked at her. The tailor with approval, the blacksmith with his mouth open, and the one who seemed to be the armorer with an expression close to aggrieved.

"A very young lady?" The master armorer said while sounding half incredulous, half angry. Kalina trembled. Yes, her vision had not shown this part. Not that it would prepare her much for the real thing. For his part, Irion just smiled slightly, and that was it. He was letting her take matters into her own hands. Good.

Kalina took two steps until she came near one of the walls, all covered with weapons. There were all kinds of arms hanging there, even some unknown ones. She chose a big cast steel spear with a double-edged tip.

"Don't overdo it," Irion told her calmly. He was still smiling. 

Kalina also smiled as she shattered the spear right before the four spectators.