
I'm starting over

Hidden conspiracies was the start of our relationship, and it as well has brought us this far. Damien we have to live or else why did we come so far for, we unravelled the secrets tat hurt us saved our friends put an end to the viper's after all this we still have to live our best lives together

sheng_liv · Esportes
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40 Chs


 I sat on my swiveling chair and stared at the girl who's complexion was much better than yesterday's, even the light in her brown eyes had returned. "What are you doing here today", I asked lowering my head to the files in front of me. 

 "I came to borrow a computer", she said, I didn't bother to glance up at her when I replied "your still in the testing phase and your asking for things that make me doubt look at you twice", "if you don't trust me you can install a monitoring software before giving it to me", she said having me chuckle. 

 I opened the bottom drawer and brought out a pink laptop with a cat sticker on it and placed it on the table. 

 She jumped up with excitement "it didn't go missing", she said grabbing the computer and hugging it "oh kitty I missed you all this year's", she said kissing the computer and jumping. She excitedly ran to my side and dropped the computer on the table "thank you for saving kitty", she said hugging me, and then she gave me a kissed me on my cheek "your the best dami", she said releasing me from her bear hug and picking the computer up again.

 I sat there unmoving reliving the hug and the kiss until Cross called my name. I glanced at him "when did you come in here", I asked, "when miss Bella was hugging and kissing you", he replied indifferently. I glared at him and turned my eyes to Bella who was still in the study turning on the computer. 

 "What are you here for", I asked Cross who was holding a file in his hand "I came to inform you about the latest news about the beaver Cruise ship", he said "mistress Linda and your father both weren't on the cruise ship", he said I rubbed my hands together"this is going nowhere", I thought "or maybe I'm just distracted".

 Just then bella rushed towards me holding the computer I gave her in her hands "I have proof when I tell you that the beaver was bombed", she said handing the computer to me in the computer a video was playing. 

 In the video it looked like a speed boat was going away from the cruise ship when it just exploded. "Why were you going away from the cruise ship", I asked. "It wasn't only me, my dad, Linda,Mr Black and another man they called Dragon was also on the boat with me", she said tapping on the computer and playing a video that showed the faces of everybody she called. 

 I handed the computer to Cross "find the other person in the video", I said "and bring the computer back after you have finished extracting the contents", I added when Bella shook my hands. Things were getting more and more interesting with new leads but it looked like things were not as simple as the seemed. "Why was mother involved with the higher up's of the viper's

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