
Chapter Thirteen

Marcus Flint was complaining after the match was over, saying that Harry had not caught the snitch but swallowed it and that was not valid.

'What a sore loser'

In the end, Gryffindor had won by one hundred and seventy points to sixty. Woods was euphoric, and the rest of the team patted our shoulders in delight.

- "See, I told you he wouldn't go down" - Fred gave George some money.

- "You gamble?" - Fred winked at me.

- "I always knew you'd win," - George grinned, - "Plus I won money... what good confidence I have."

- "Of course, it's all on you," - I muttered sarcastically.

- "Oh come on, little brother" - Fred put his arm around my shoulders and I glared at him - "I didn't mean it."

I glared at him - "Don't talk to me, traitor" - as I was leaving, they started laughing behind my back.

I turned around with a certain mischievousness. - "And... I had a surprise for you" - I pouted.

- "Surprise?"

- "What surprise?"

- "Wait" - They shouted as I ran off towards the castle.

'Revenge is sweet'

As I entered, I ran into Malfoy, who was strangely alone. - "Too bad you didn't fall off" - His tone didn't sound so smug - "It was all because of the broom."

- "It was all because of the broom," - I replied.

- "I... I wanted to..." - I looked at him curiously and with surprise I saw how the great Draco Malfoy looked nervous.

'The world is going to end'

- "Do you want to come with me?" - I asked, cutting off his babbling, he sighed in relief.

Without waiting for an answer, I motioned for him to follow me. I was taking him to Hagrid's hut, where we would be with Harry to avoid the harassing enthusiasm of the others.

The walk was silent, but not an uncomfortable silence, just a pleasant one.

- "Well, here we are" - Malfoy adjusted his robes.

Hagrid opened the door - "Hi Ron. Harry's waiting inside" - He looked curiously at the newcomer.

- "He's a friend of mine, I invited him in, do you mind?"

- "Come in." - We entered the hut and I saw Harry frowning in our direction.

- "Malfoy."

- "Potter"

- "Donkey" - They both stopped their silly staring duel and looked at me.

- "What?" - Harry shook his head in amusement, - "What's he doing here?"

- "I invited him over."

- "But he..." - We looked at the blond boy sitting in the absurdly large chair.

- "I guess he's not so bad, just.... was a bit confused"

He sighed suspiciously. - "If he betrays us..."

- "He's leaving, I know."

- "Right."

Just then, in Hagrid's hut with Fang's barking and the scent of tea in the air, three children unexpectedly became friends.

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1286138644-i'm-ron-weasley-edited-chapter-one-edited

A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48014659/chapters/121063156

Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/807403/im-ron-weasley/

Discord: https://discord.gg/pmkqwvrkGm


Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).