
I'm Otsutsuki Toneri

It was just another night at work when suddenly a person fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Waking up, the person found himself in an unfamiliar environment. What even shocked him more was that his appearance changed and looked exactly like the main antagonist in Naruto: The last movie; Ōtsutsuki Toneri! He also seems to have gained the Tenseigan... But, he soon found out that he was in Korea and there are what people call 'Gates' in this world. "Huh? The new 10th S-Rank Hunter is revealed? Am I perhaps in Solo Leveling?" What will a person, who has the tenseigan, do in a world with hunters? === Notes- MC's alignment is Chaotic Lawful I try my best to re-read SL, okay?

Vennyon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 10

[Toneri's POV]


Currently, I'm watching the news everyone else in the country is watching. And yes, it's about the mutated monster ants in Jeju Island. Since the raid will happen tomorrow, I figured I'd relax a little. Kinda like the saying 'Calm before the storm' except I'm the storm. Why? Cuz I'll go on a full rampage on the raid.

Oh yeah, regarding yesterday. After my fight with Goto Ryuji, he was sent to the hospital to do some slight medical check-ups and heal his burns. As for me? Well, Tanaka, Kei, Shimizu, Ishida, and Natsumi went out to eat and invited me. But I just gave them the classic 'Daga Kotowaru' and left. After that, I went straight home, cleaned up, and continued my gate clearing which added more to my fame.

And here I am now, eating my meatloaf for breakfast. I like my meatloafs spicy flavor by the way.

'Maybe I'll try crab corn soup later...'


The screen then changed to a picture of a massive red ant with slender limbs and a small head almost resembling a human head.

After that, people from inside the studio started asking questions to the guy speaking. Things like how strong it is, what its capabilities are, would other hunters stand a chance against it, you know... Those kinds of stuff.

As for online? Well, let me show you the tweets not only regarding the raid participants but a certain S-Rank Hunter who didn't attend


NuzDeets @NuzDeets01

I just saw the list of Jeju Island participants, why is Hunter Sung Jin-Woo not included?

8:04 AM


Venerable_Venyon @Venyon

replying to @NuzDeets

Who knows? Maybe he has his personal problems? He wouldn't cower in fear, right? He's an S-Rank after all.

8:07 AM


AyushKashi @WomenAreHardToUnderstand

replying to @Venyon and @Nezdeets

Would he even go anywhere just because he's an S-Rank? Once an E-Rank always an E-Rank. A coward.

8:08 AM


Lux @LuxNice

Replying to @WomenAreHardToUnderstand

Even the previously retired Min Beong-Gu joined... But Sung Jin-Woo?

8:10 AM


Donutaoist @DaoOfDonuts

Replying to @LuxNice and @WomenAreHardToUnderstand

Maybe we should wait... Maybe @Venyon is right, he may have personal problems.

8:12 AM


Vitamin Zucced @IGotZucced

I'm about to un-virgin the olive oil >:)

8:15 AM


So far, it's only been a discussion about how Sung Jin-Woo not attending the raid. Well, except that last guy. Disgusting.

Anyways, Jin-Woo not attending really is a heated topic. Well, it's Twooter after all, many retards always cancel other people here.

And as for me who has read the series, I know better than anyone that Jin-Woo didn't participate because of his family. With his mother just waking up from Eternal Slumber and being a whole family again... Well not completely whole because the father is fighting the monarchs alone somewhere.

Actually, I think saving Jin-Woo's father can benefit me. If I save him and manage to grab the attention of rulers, they may give me something useful. For say example, become a ruler's vessel? Uhh... Nah I don't think that will work. I don't want to be a vessel of someone.

Well, for now, I'll put that up on my list as 'Undetermined'.

After finishing my breakfast and doing some light stretches, I grabbed the Ring of Tarish and went out. I've been getting a lot of complaints about how I clear every gate I see, so today, I'll clear only about 2 A-Ranks and maybe 5 B-Ranks.

But it feels really boring clearing gates all by myself these days... Oh and yes, seeing how single-handedly clear gates, the association approved that I can enter gates alone. But only B-Ranks and below.

'Maybe I should join a guild... Or perhaps create one? Hmm... No, managing a guild sounds tiring as hell. I know first-hand how tiring it is to work in front of a monitor from my previous life...'

- Time Skip no Jutsu • 1 Day -

*Helicopter noises*

(A/N: Don't know the proper sound fx for helicopter noises, sorry.)

Yeah so uh... Today is the day we go to Jeju Island. After waking up, the Chairman immediately called me and I didn't even manage to finish my breakfast.

I headed to the association where there were many people from different guilds. After entering, I was then guided to the helicopter that will transport us.

I was asked why I had no proper equipment on and I replied with 'I have a right tho.' But they still didn't allow it. So I had no choice but to pick up some spare equipment from the association's storage.

And while I was searching for a weapon (Because they said it was necessary), I found an interesting longsword. A longsword with the color of cyan but changes to a dark color halfway. I can even feel its sharpness with my sensing ability. This is definitely my type of weapon. Sure I could have used Kunais because you know, a trademark of a shinobi, but this long sword just looks amazing!

As for my armor? I don't need one. I found something better. A gray kimono, a black sash, and a black sleeveless shirt underneath. Black pants and a black Hiyori Geta. Yep, all black. A complete contrast to my body color features. (No racial offense intended)

And surprisingly enough, the material that was made for these was made out of a certain spider gate boss that produces strong silk, so I won't have to worry about this getting destroyed.

And so, my equipment was complete. After exiting the association's storage and walking to the helicopter, I could have sworn I heard a flashing sound of a camera, so I turned around to see the other participating hunters taking a picture of me and what looks like posting it on a social media. I just shrugged it off and went inside.

- In the helicopter -

The S-Rank Hunters are separated into five different teams. Namely Team Alpha, Team Beta, Team Charlie, Team Delta, Team Epilson, and Team Bravo. With 3 S-Rank Hunter in each team along with 20 A-Ranks. Here, I belong to team Epilson along with, surprisingly enough, Yoshimoto Ryuu and Im Tae-gyu.

We three are seated on the from while the rest of the A-Ranks are at the back. I c9uld hear some of them discussing some kind of strategy or follow the higher-up's command, I'll leave it to them.

"Looks like we're teammates, huh?" (Ryuu)

And here we have the lazy Ryuu who tried befriending me yesterday. As someone who looks lazy and anti-social, this guy sure does like making first interactions. Did I get a wrong impression of him?

"Yeah... What were the chances?" (Toneri)

I replied to Ryuu

"You're Hunter Toneri, right?" (Tae-Gyu)

And on the left side, we have Im Tae-Gyu, on the original series, he was supposed to be one of the people fighting the Japanese team in the duel. But I guess I replaced him. If I remember, his class is supposed to he... A marksman? I think?

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. Sorry." (Toneri)

Although I know this guy from the series, I'll still try to act like I don't know him. For purposes.

"Don't worry about it. What interests me more is your power during your fight with Goto Ryuji. For someone who's a late awakened, you sure are powerful enough to defeat Japan's strongest." (Tae-Gyu)

I laughed dryly as I don't know what to reply. I can't say that we both weren't serious about our fight as everyone present at that time knows Ryuji was serious as hell and I was just playing around. So in the end, I just didn't answer him, and which he just smiled. Damn this situation is awkward as hell.

It was a solid 5 minutes of silence between the three of us and the only source of sound is either from the talks of the A-Rankers behind us or the sound of the helicopter.

Then, the lazy Ryuu broke the awkward silence.

"Speaking of which, what was that move you used at the end of your fight? That... Green orb thing? It seemed like it was made by pure mana... but at the same time, different." (Ryuu)

What's up with this guy? Is he someone that is just naturally curious about many things?

"Aha... No comment" (Toneri)

A dry laugh and a disappointing answer. A perfect way to return to the awkward silence. Oh God, why am I so awkward when talking sometimes?

It was a solid 10 minutes of silence. Ryuu opened his backpack, took out a laptop and headphones. Tae-Gyu took a short nap as he said 'I need a lot of energy for the fight' or something like that. Leaving me just sitting there in silence.

I looked out the window to see the ocean below us. There, I saw many battleships in a formation, some battleships are still arriving from different countries like China, Japan, and Taiwan. And in the distance, a certain island we're raiding is visible.

In some battleships, there were some people present. I guess they're the other hunters helping us.

I used Sensing Technique and scanned everyone present. 234... 490... 729.. 1043... 1043 hunters, huh? And from my guess, their ranks should range from C-Rank to A-Rank. Different famous guilds attended too.

Now. I have two choices. After being deployed, destroy every ant on the island with Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion making the raid easy and resulting in fewer casualties OR Use some techniques and slowly kill every ant until I reach the heart of the colony. The first is the best choice here but that would be too easy, right? Plus... I think it's time to use 'Those'.

Moreover, Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion is too overpowered. One wrong slash and the earth is doomed. I have to use other techniques.

A small grin appeared on my face while I was leaning against the window.

Then, strong magical energy erupted inside the island.

"It's starting, huh?" (Toneri)

The other two beside me stopped what they were doing and an aura of seriousness replaced it

"We'll land shortly! Everyone get ready!"

Hundreds of flying red ants came out from the mountains and started attacking every hunter. Some went for another helicopter and if my guess is correct, that would be the helicopter where Yoon-Ho, Hae-In, and Jong-in are located.

And sure enough, someone wearing red clothing came out and burned the ants heading towards them. It was Jong-In. But unfortunately, the exoskeleton of the ants was stronger and barely did damage to them.

He then summoned much larger and stronger fire magic and shot it towards them. It did the job and they burned to crisp.

He jumped out of the helicopter and landed on the ground filled with dead monster ants.

I stopped watching him and told the other two behind me

"Change of plans. I'll go first." (Toneri)

In contrast to what I expected, they didn't stop me and nodded

"Wait. I'll join." (Ryuu)

I looked at him and also nodded. We both jumped out of the aircraft and landed on the ground. Hundreds of ants immediately surrounded us.

"Sigh... I guess it's time." (Ryuu)

"Huh? What do yo—" (Toneri)

Then, Ryuu's body started changing from his simple armor to dark armor with red lines pulsating as if it's alive. Two dark horns started appearing on his head and started growing. His ear started growing to a pointy-looking one resembling that of an elf's.

"That's—" (Toneri)

"I'm a transformation type too, you know?" (Ryuu)

He said while still keeping that plain expression of his.

He then lunges upward and dragonic-looking wings spurted out of his back and started flapping.

'WHAT THE HELL?! He can even fly!' (Toneri)

After that, he started slaughtering the ants coming to us. From what I see, his claws are extremely sharp. But what he lacks is speed.

Then, Tae-Gyu appeared beside me.

"You two... Seriously. I'm part of this team too, you know?"(Tae-Gyu)

He then gathered mana around him and a bow-like image appeared in his hand along with an arrow made out of mana. He shot one at an ant and it exploded to pieces.

'These guys... Are much more capable than I thought...' (Toneri)

"Well, I can't let myself be left behind now, can I?" (Toneri)

Green flames then appeared around me and my blue eyes glowed much stronger. I entered the Tenseigan Chakra Mode.

And before I forget...

I held up my hand and 50 humanoid creatures appeared out of nowhere. If one were to see it, they would surely mistake it for a sleeping person standing up because of its closed eyes. But no. These are the puppets I made using various materials I found inside the gate.

At first, when I first used the Puppet Technique, I can't concentrate on the battle I'm in, so I gave up on it. But later on, during one of my testing, I activated the Tenseigan Chakra Mode and found something interesting. My mind accelerates by 200% giving me exceptional perception and time-difference regarding thinking.

So, I used the puppet technique again and it worked! I could give a complex command to a puppet in a split second and the puppet performed it perfectly.

And now, I'm planning on using them to scatter around the island saving as many people as they can. Why? Fame. Fame is useful to oneself. If I will be known for saving these people, then my fame will soar. Truly an amazing plan Ha~ Ha~

As for their source of power? Me. I have a shit-ton of chakra, and they consume like... A small part of it every minute? And the rate of my chakra regeneration is too fast so I'm technically an endless supply of energy for them.

I then gave them the command and they disappeared due to fast speed.

I looked at the ants and smiled.

"Let the fun begin." (Toneri)


Coffee really does give me the motivation to make chapters. And support too, yeah support.

Regarding my homework, there are only 3 left.

One is I have to draw a poster regarding economics.

(I suck at drawing)

Another one is to write a 5000-word essay about food and drugs for my English subject (which I would easily do as an *ahem* fanfic author)

And the last one is to record myself singing (This is the most hellish one)