
I'm not a goblin: Mythology of the Mana

In a breathtaking world teeming with enigmatic creatures, I find myself battling them relentlessly, each encounter a desperate struggle to cling to my fragile existence. All for the sake of a promise, a promise that now feels hauntingly elusive.

Leaf_ninja · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 7 : An Unfortunate Encounter

Within the mysterious, illuminated cave, the resounding sound of crystals being ground against a rough surface reverberated throughout the chamber. Tiny sparks of embers were generated, conjuring a mesmerizing reddish-blue hue that intermittently illuminated the surroundings.

As beads of sweat trickled down his smooth, green skin, they mingled with a focused expression etched upon his face. "Sharper," he muttered with determination, his voice echoing in the cave. "It must cut through flesh effortlessly, a weapon to safeguard me on my journeys beyond these confines..."

Suddenly, a sweet aroma wafted through the air, interrupting his thoughts. His cooked magic bear meat was ready. He promptly halted his task, strode towards the meal, and devoured it with primal fervor. "If only I had some salt and other ingredients," he mused, relying on his survival skills and the mystical trees in the cave to sustain himself. "Living in this wilderness requires resourcefulness. Yet, I must seek civilization beyond these walls."

With a sigh, he glanced at the pond nearby, its enigmatic healing properties captivating his gaze. He found himself reminiscing about his monstrous appearance and the challenges it presented. "To hell with civilization," he muttered contemptuously, acknowledging the potential threats and exploitation he might face. "I shall remain isolated, for now."

Oric fashioned a skirt out of the bear's hindquarters, it's hue mirroring the blue crystals adorning the cave, providing modest coverage for his manhood. Fighting naked had been his way of life since his arrival in this world, so donning some semblance of clothing felt necessary, even if limited in scope.

After finishing his meal, a searing pain suddenly surged through Oric's body. The blue, lustrous crystals of the bear began piercing and crystallizing him from within, while the flames of the wolf burned his insides. "What is this? Crystallizing and burning simultaneously?" Oric pondered, writhing in agony.

He hurriedly made his way to the healing pond, consuming its waters voraciously, as if his life depended on it. The crystals receded, and the burning flames abated, yet the healing process inflicted its own excruciating torment.

"Argh! If not for this healing pond, I would have died," Oric lamented, observing the remnants of the blue flames dancing upon his green skin. Though the flames no longer caused pain, they emitted a soothing warmth throughout his body.

"Hmm...it doesn't hurt? What if I try channeling these flames, envisioning them shooting forth from my hand, just like those 3rd generational humans from my world?" he wondered aloud, curious about the possibilities that lay before him.

Oric's frustration grew as his attempts to conjure fire with his hands proved fruitless. He furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering why his powers wouldn't manifest. "Why won't it work? I'm doing it just like how they teach those 3rd gens humans in my world, or is there a different application method in doing it in this world" he muttered, his voice tinged with disappointment. Determined not to give up, he resolved to find another way to unlock his abilities.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over Oric, causing the cave walls to blur and his limbs to weaken. He stumbled and collapsed to the ground with an echoing thud, succumbing to overwhelming exhaustion.


Several hours passed before Oric stirred from his unconscious state. Confusion momentarily clouded his mind as he tried to piece together what had happened. "What happened? Did I faint?" he wondered aloud, shaking off the disorientation. Resolute, he resolved to set aside his failed fire manipulation and focus on his immediate needs. "I should refrain from using that flame for now, even though it seemed impressive I think this is the power I gained from eating the wolf and the bear. I have tried the wolf and fainted, but the bear maybe next time. It's time to hunt for food," he determined, pushing himself upright.

Gathering his two spears, Oric ventured out of the cave, emerging into a world vastly different from the dimly lit confines he had grown accustomed to.

The sight that greeted him was awe-inspiring: towering trees cast long shadows, obscuring the sunlight and creating a dense, emerald-green canopy. The air was alive with vibrant hues emanating from luminescent plants, while the sounds of various organisms filled the atmosphere, painting a vivid tapestry of life. Oric felt a sense of wonder and anticipation, knowing he had entered an entirely new ecosystem.

Reflecting on his limited knowledge of this realm, Oric acknowledged that magical phenomena existed here, similar to his world and the worlds depicted in video games and stories. However, he understood that the reality was distinct, with a magic system that operated on its own rules. Drawing upon his keen vision, capable of perceiving the energy flowing through all things, Oric had noticed subtle variations in the colors and weak spots of the monsters he had encountered. These traits seemed to align with the creatures' unique energy affinities. Mindful of the potential dangers lurking within this unfamiliar landscape, he whispered to himself, vowing caution as he moved forward, keeping a low profile.

As Oric explored the vast magical forest, his senses attuned to the surroundings, he suddenly detected the sounds of a skirmish ahead. Lowering his height and adopting a crouched stance, he approached the scene with caution. Before him, a territorial battle unfolded between fiery blue wolves and dog-like creatures wreathed in red flames. "Hellhounds," Oric whispered, recognizing the latter species from his world with his video game's worlds. Rather than involve himself in the conflict, he opted to stealthily navigate around the clash, veering onto a different path.

Oric pressed on, his footsteps sturdy and his curiosity unwavering. Hours passed, and while he discovered various plant species, he never dared to try them. reminiscing his past encounter with the meals he had eaten, his stomach growled with increasing urgency. Frustration mingled with hunger as he realized he had yet to secure a meal despite hours of searching. Determined to satiate his appetite, he resolved to venture deeper into the forest, where the trees loomed larger, and the shadows grew darker.

In the midst of the dimming light, Oric's keen eyes caught sight of a stunning deer grazing on unfamiliar, peculiar plants. With a quick decision, he lowered himself to the ground, concealing his presence. The deer possessed an ethereal beauty, its fur shimmering with a myriad of colors akin to a starry night sky. Intriguingly, the creature bore brightly colored crystal horns embedded in its forehead. Oric's mind raced with thoughts of capturing such a magnificent meal. "Keep enjoying your feast while I figure out a way to secure you," he silently strategized. However, the deer's senses alerted it to a potential threat, causing it to raise its head and dart off in a different direction, leaving Oric momentarily defeated.

Disappointed but undeterred, Oric rose to his feet.

Oric's heart pounded in his chest as panic coursed through his veins. "Wait, don't go! You are my only meal..." he pleaded, feeling the confusion of his hunger intensify. But before he could comprehend the situation, a chilling presence loomed behind him, the heavy breaths of a lurking monster sending a shiver down his spine.

Reacting on instinct, Oric swiftly spun around, ready to defend himself. However, the monster's claws raked across his body crushing one of his crystal spears and sending him hurtling into a colossal tree adorned with vibrant purple leaves. A resounding crash filled the air as Oric's white-haired goblin form collided with the unyielding trunk, and pain surged through his wounded body. Coughing up blood and staining his white hair, he struggled to comprehend the unimaginable strength displayed by his assailant. "What... is this inhuman strength?" he gasped, his voice weakened by his injuries.

As Oric gathered his strength and raised his head to be able to use his gifted eyes to see the energy possessed by his foe.

He beheld a sight that chilled him to the core. Before him stood a grotesque and nightmarish creature, an embodiment of nature's dark forces gone awry. The Forest Fiend towered above, a terrifying entity of twisted limbs and bodies from various woodland creatures. Its massive, hulking form exuded an eerie aura, with sinewy muscles rippling beneath its matted fur. Jagged spines protruded from its back, resembling a spine-chilling crown.

The creature's face was a grotesque horror. Hollow, soulless eyes glowed with a malevolent greenish hue, cutting through the forest's darkness. Its misshapen mouth housed razor-sharp fangs stained with the blood of its victims, forming a perpetually wicked grin. Elongated, twisted limbs ended in lethal claws, capable of rending flesh with ease.

As the Forest Fiend traversed the dense undergrowth, a deep, rumbling growl reverberated from its throat, casting an ominous pall over the surroundings. Its movements were unnatural and jerky, causing the ground to quake beneath its weight. The mere presence of the creature disrupted the harmony of the forest, enveloping the area in an unsettling silence and an oppressive atmosphere.

Oric's heart raced with desperation as he realized the gravity of his situation. "No, I can't die... I must survive!" he cried out, his voice trembling with fear. Struggling against his failing body, he tried to lift his spear but found his strength waning. Tears streamed down his face as he grappled with his impending demise. "I don't want to die... I can't die!" he pleaded with his own vulnerability.

In a moment of desperate recollection, memories of his grandfather's teachings flooded Oric's mind. With a renewed surge of determination, he mustered all his remaining strength and managed to grasp his spear. Using the nearby tree with purple leaves to steady himself, he pointed his weapon at the approaching monster and shouted, his voice resonating with fear and defiance. "If you want to kill me, come on! But I won't die alone! You hear me?" his words echoed through the forest, a fervent declaration of his will to survive.

The monster materialized before Oric, poised to strike. However, his feeble attempt to fend off the creature proved futile, as the spear shattered into pieces upon impact. Oric's hope crumbled along with his weapon, leaving him defenseless against the overwhelming power of his foe. The monster's massive claws dug into his entrails, causing searing pain, before flinging his lifeless body aside.

As Oric's broken form fell to the ground, he continued to fight for every fleeting breath. "I can't die... Why am I still holding on? Feeling all this pain just to live... Watching my blood paint the ground..." his voice trailed off, the agony and confusion consuming him. The world blurred around him, his vision fading as he clung to the remnants of life. "I've failed Grandma and Grandpa..." he whispered, his final thoughts drifting into darkness as the monster receded into the distance, leaving behind the lifeless body of a courageous young soul.

As the monster walked away, the dense forest seemed to come alive with an unnerving heat. The air crackled with a surge of energy, causing the temperature to rise dramatically. The Forest Fiend couldn't ignore the sudden shift in the surroundings, and with a lingering sense of unease, it slowly turned its hulking body to face the source of the disturbance.

To its astonishment, the monster's green eyes widened as they fell upon Oric's lifeless body, now shrouded in an ethereal blue flame. The flickering fire danced along his lifeless form, adorned with shimmering blue crystals that seemed to radiate an intense power.

The Forest Fiend, driven by primal instinct, Roared at Oric's body, enshrouded in the mesmerizing blue flames. The flames danced and crackled, casting an eerie glow upon the surrounding trees, as if in defiance of the darkness that pervaded the forest.

The monster hesitated, unsure of how to respond to this unprecedented spectacle. Its grotesque form, a symbol of terror, was momentarily paralyzed by the enigmatic power emanating from Oric's lifeless form, a symbol of chaos.


thanks for reading plss comment doen below about what you think, it would be a big help. also Im breaking for a while

Leaf_ninjacreators' thoughts