
I'm not a goblin: Mythology of the Mana

In a breathtaking world teeming with enigmatic creatures, I find myself battling them relentlessly, each encounter a desperate struggle to cling to my fragile existence. All for the sake of a promise, a promise that now feels hauntingly elusive.

Leaf_ninja · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 10: Crimson Legacy

"In a realm shrouded in enigma, a princess found herself ensnared, her fate hanging by a precarious thread, threatened by a grotesque and malevolent creature. Her determination to survive burned fiercely, yet despite her valiant struggle, the fruits of her efforts remained elusive.

In the darkest hour, the dreadful monster presented her with an agonizing ultimatum: marriage or certain demise. Defying the terror that gripped her heart, the princess chose the cold embrace of death over a union with her monstrous captor. As the sinister creature raised its baleful claws to end her life, she steeled herself for the inevitable.

But just as hope seemed to vanish entirely, a new, more formidable beast emerged from the shadows. With a swift, heroic strike, the interloper vanquished the malevolent monster, rescuing the beleaguered princess from the jaws of death. To her astonishment, this new savior was no monster at all to the princess.

Their eyes met, and in that instant, a connection deeper than words or appearances formed between them. He took her trembling hand, and the promise of a new beginning unfurled before them. In a world where appearances could be deceiving, true love had prevailed. The princess and her prince embarked on a lifelong journey together, forging a love that would withstand any mystery, any challenge, and they lived happily ever after, united in their unwavering bond.

And so, in the lands of mystery, where peril and beauty often intertwined, a tale of courage, love, and the triumph of the heart overcame the darkness, forever etching their story into the annals of time. The end."

The vampire queen delicately placed a crimson jeweled tiara upon her daughter's head, enveloping her in a warm embrace as they stood before a colossal mirror. "Mom, will I ever find a monster prince to marry me?" inquired the lovely girl, her eyes akin to precious gems, each hue reflecting her ever-shifting emotions. Her question lingered, unanswered in the air.

A perplexed silence enveloped the room.

Noticing her mother's distant gaze fixated on their mirrored image, the young flower turned her attention from the reflection to meet her mother's eyes directly. She ventured to ask, "Mom, what's occupying your thoughts?"

The query jolted the vampire queen back to reality.

She tightened her embrace around her daughter and, with a soft chuckle, kissed the crown of her beloved flower's head. Amber's skin resembled freshly fallen snow, her lips as crimson as a bed of roses. her mom's hair, a striking contrast of red. Their eyes bore the same enigmatic patterns, vividly illuminated in various hues, each color betraying their emotional states. Yet, Amber possessed a unique quality— mesmerizing eyes with intricate patterns and a mane of dark hair adorned by seven striking red strands.

As Amber's eyes shifted to a captivating shade of blue, she queried, "Mother, will I also find a handsome prince to marry one day?" Her gaze held a glimmer of anticipation, with her eyes revealing a hybrid pattern, a testament to both her mother and father's lineage.

The mother paused, lost in thought, before a new voice interrupted the silence.

"Yes, my princess, I'll make sure to find him for you," declared Dracula.

"Daddy!" Amber exclaimed with sheer joy, rushing into her father's open arms.

With warmth in his eyes, Dracula addressed his daughter, "So, my dear, were you discussing the prospect of finding a prince? Well, fear not, for I shall be both your father and your prince, guarding you from all the malevolent creatures. With me by your side, no harm shall befall you."

"Really, Daddy?" asked Amber, her eyes now shimmering with a newfound green hue.

"Yes, my princess."

Suddenly, a sharp cry of pain interrupted the tender moment. Amber clutched her chest, wracked by agony.

"Daddy, it hurts so much!" Amber cried out, her eyes reflecting the pain with a swirl of colors.

"Do not fear, my princess. Everything will be alright," reassured Dracula, gripping her hand tightly.

Dracula turned to the vampire queen. "Pyra, fetch the potion!"

Quickly, Pyra retrieved the potion, and together, they administered it to Amber. The elixir, unfortunately, brought more suffering, causing Amber to fall into unconsciousness.

Both parents trembled with fear, their hands tightly clutching their daughter's cold fingers. "My princess, what is happening? Please, say something," Dracula pleaded, anguish evident in his voice.

Suddenly, another strand of Amber's hair changed it colour from dark to red. 

Adding to the rest of the 7 strands making it 8 in total 

After what felt like an eternity, it became apparent that Amber wouldn't wake up anytime soon. Dracula rose abruptly.

"Where are you going, Darius?" Pyra inquired.

"To halt Amber's birthday celebration," Darius replied.


"But what? You want them to learn that our daughter has fainted due to her illness? Revealing this secret would only invite unwanted scrutiny."

"Stop it," Pyra implored in a trembling voice, struggling to comprehend the situation. Dracula continued nonetheless.

"And what if they discover the truth, that our daughter is actually a..."

"STOP IT!!!" Pyra shouted in anguish, her eyes surrounded by blue flames for a fleeting moment.

Her outburst widened Dracula's eyes, who saw his wife in tears. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to lose my temper. Look at me... I'm sorry," Dracula apologized, gazing into Pyra's eyes, now illuminated in blue.

"Let's cancel her birthday and find another date, okay?" Darius suggested with a soft voice, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Okay," agreed Pyra with a brief, faint smile.

As the parents prepared to leave the room, Amber stirred weakly. "No... Mom, D... Dad, I'm okay," she said in a feeble voice, regaining consciousness and strength. Her parents rushed to her side to provide support.

"Honey, you should rest," Dracula insisted.

"Yes, my princess, please heed your mother's advice," added Pyra.

Amber struggled to sit up, determined to prove her strength. Her parents exchanged glances, silently deliberating. Finally, they made a decision. "Hmm..."

"PLEASE, Dad," Amber implored, her eyes flashing a medley of colors, reflecting her mixed emotions and hope for her father's answer.

Amber had always known that she was different. Growing up in the grand, eerie castle tucked away in the mountains, she had a sense of isolation that clung to her like the shadow of her own existence. Her mother, a phoenix, a wife to the king of all vampires, and her father, Dracula, had always been protective, keeping her hidden from the prying eyes of the vampire world. For Amber, this was just the way life was.

Pyra gave Darius a persuasive signal by holding his hand firmly, capturing his attention. He noticed her eyes conveying a message, accompanied by a reassuring smile.

"Alright, just this once. It won't hurt, will it, my princess?"

"Thanks, Dad!" Amber exclaimed, hugging her father joyously.

Dracula cradled his daughter in his right arm and cautioned her, "Remember, don't overexert yourself. Your condition is our secret, alright?"

"Okay, Dad," replied Amber.

"Pinky swear?" Dracula asked for reassurance.

"Yes, pinky swear," Amber replied with a smile.

"Alright, let's go and celebrate your first birthday," declared Dracula, the King of All Vampires, resplendent in his regal attire, with his Queen and Princess Amber, a unique vampire hybrid of direct phoenix and vampire bloodline, standing by his sides.

As the royal family exited their chambers and entered the grand ballroom, they were met with a breathtaking sight.

The opulent ballroom of the vampire palace gleamed with crystal chandeliers, casting ethereal light upon the polished marble floors below. An air of eager anticipation hung thick as vampires from diverse clans congregated for the royal festivity. Monarchs from each clan arrived to offer their greetings and well-wishes to the family. Whispers fluttered through the air as all eyes fell upon Princess Amber.

She, the graceful and regal heiress to the throne, donned a resplendent crimson gown that flowed like liquid silk. Her raven-black tresses cascaded down her back, adorned with a solitary blood-red rose.

"Is that the princess, Dracula's daughter?"

"Yes, that's Amber. A bewitching flower that captivates the hearts of our young and old alike."

"Indeed, she's a unique hybrid, a fusion of a phoenix and the blood of her father, Dracula, the reigning vampire king."

"Don't linger too long. Dracula is known to be a doting father."

The guests awaited the arrival of their king, queen, and princess, who would take their seats upon the grand throne to initiate the festivities.

The soft strains of violins wafted through the air, and the gentle clinking of glasses resonated in the grand hall. It was a royal celebration.

The Monarchs approached the royal family, one by one, offering their gifts and respects. These gifts ranged from ancient scrolls to nocturnal rose garden blooms, Gothic artworks, rare elven blood vintages, dark magic tomes, and other items aligned with Amber's interests, tools for research.

Among the sons of clans Monarchs, an apprehensive desire to ask the princess for a dance simmered, but courage eluded them. Until, in a pivotal moment, one of the Monarchs' sons summoned the bravery to approach the royal family on the throne, commanding attention and curiosity.

Dressed in a meticulously tailored suit, his eyes smoldering like glowing embers, he hailed from the Hemoflare clan. His attire mirrored the flames they wielded - a blend of black and crimson, with subtle smoky red accents in his bowtie. A hush descended upon the room as the guests watched in fascination.

"Who's this daring soul, seeking the favor of Princess Amber?"

"It seems to be a young prodigy of the Hemoflare clan."

"Ah, that's Ardentius Hemoflare, one of the clan's rising stars. I hear his control over blood flames is remarkable."

The boy approached the throne, paid his respects to the king and queen, and extended an invitation to Amber for a dance. Initially inclined to decline, Amber hesitated and glanced at her mother, who silently encouraged her to accept the offer.

With a sigh, Amber turned to the young vampire, extending her hand. Ardentius, with a courtly bow, accepted her hand, and they touched fingers, igniting a subtle thrill down Amber's spine. Together, they stepped onto the gleaming dance floor, bathed in the spotlight's glow, as the room dimmed, granting the stage to the young pair for their dance.

The musicians commenced a hauntingly beautiful melody, and the two moved with seamless grace, their dance fluid and captivating. Ardentius' steps resonated with the fiery grace of the Hemoflare clan, while Amber's movements embodied pure elegance. They twirled and spun, their eyes locking in a silent understanding. A brief moment of surprise rippled through the room as Amber's eyes momentarily glowed purple before transitioning to a fiery red, eliciting a shiver in Ardentius.

It was a dance of power, mutual respect, and the intriguing tension that existed between their clans. The guests watched in awe as the pair glided across the floor, their connection undeniable. With every graceful turn, it seemed as though they harnessed the very elements—fire and blood—that coursed through their veins. The flames in the Hemoflare's eyes mirrored the flicker of Amber's blood-red gaze.

As the dance reached its zenith, Ardentius held Amber in a perfect dip. The room erupted in applause, and Amber's laughter filled the space. She gazed into Ardentius' eyes, her voice soft but filled with promise.

"Thank you, Ardentius, for a dance that shall be etched in my memory for generations."

Ardentius' lips curved into a half-smile, revealing a hint of his fangs. "It was an honor, Princess Amber, a dance marking the dawn of a new era."

They rose, hand in hand, and began to depart the dance floor, leaving the guests in breathless admiration. The dance had transcended a mere display of skill; it had ignited a connection between the two young souls.

Just as they were about to leave the dance floor, the massive doors leading to the hall exit swung open, ushering in a chilling breeze and the final guests of the soirée—Dracula's brother and the two Blood Wardens.

The End of Chapter 10

Sorry guys was busy for a month but now Im back, but Im still feeling alittle lazy, lack of motivation but your comments and supports will help cheer me up!

Leaf_ninjacreators' thoughts