
I'm Morty But Better

What would happen if someone impersonated Morty? What happens if Morty is smarter? More powerful, more cunning, with more ambitions and better than before, if you want to know this is your story, a story where someone transmigrates into the body of one of the main characters.

vergil_1839 · TV
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 School

Morty: I know new situations can be intimidating, you look around you and everything is scary and different, but if you face them like a bull you mature I broke the cycle Rick I'm rising above it all I'm focusing on science , you may not believe me, but we both know that I'm Morty and not someone else, the matter scanner saw it, you decide (I said making everyone see Rick, who if I understood what he was talking about for a few seconds Rick's hand trembled and in the end I put the gun away to stare at myself)

Beth: Wait you won't kill him? 'It means it can be Morty' .

Jerry: Rick now is not the time for feelings, this creature has kidnapped my son.

Summer: If you can't kill him, I can (Getting them to see her) What?

Rick: Shut up damn it and you better tell me the reason for your change and if the answer isn't convincing I'll kill you and look for what I want from your corpse (he mentioned while he looked at me and sat on his chair to see me)

Morty: It was so hard for you to ask, Summer, mom felt -.

Rick: Don't call my daughter mom until we know you're the real Morty.

Morty: As you wish, but since if the answer is not to your liking, Beth, parasite, sit down, this will be for a long time (I mention making Beth and Jerry come to Grandpa)

Rick: what? If you wait for me to correct it, you are very wrong, he is a parasite and this thing knows it (I mention it while I was pointing)

Jerry: I'm not a parasite for God's sake, the parasite is you and all the shit that even brought into this family, everything was better without you (He said making Beth grimace as she expected the worst, but Rick ignores him already he was used to receiving worse things and I only saw Jerry pout not realizing it)

Beth: Jerry!

Summer: Dad, leave Grandpa, he's brought some movement since he came here and for your information I prefer this way of life than the boring one that everyone lives.

Jerry: No, he has to know, your father is taking advantage of us because of the unresolved issues you have about abandonment, he is playing with you as well as the children and not only that he is taking advantage of our kindness.

Beth: Jerry, stop spouting crap and let's focus on what's important.

Jerry: Don't think I'm the bad guy just for telling the truth, just assume that you want him here to solve your problems and that you're willing to sacrifice everything for that (He mentioned making Beth make an angry face just as he was going to speak, Rick interrupted her)

Rick: God doesn't exist the faster you assimilate it the better (Completely ignoring Jerry's words as he looked at me)

Morty: 'Yes, you didn't say that in the hypocritical chapters' (I thought as I gave Rick a look making him see me)

Rick: what? Don't tell me you believe in God.

Morty: I'm a man of science and faith, but I'm not going to go saying nonsense about God, I just believe that there is something more up there (I already said that the god that I believed was not quite a God, it was something difficult to explain , but if I believed in a higher power because if I didn't believe how it was that I came here, and the God who brought me to this world would have to be like the one said in the bible to believe, but he was the complete opposite)

Rick: I can respect that, at least you're not like those *Burp* idiots saying about God this, God that.

Morty: And Jerry, regarding your comment, Rick could be the cause of a lot of the disasters, not to say the vast majority, but you don't want to say that he is the leech here, because in reality it is you, if as many as you as hundreds More people will stop feeling victimized and by treating themselves like shit they could achieve many things.

Rick: Listen to the guy Jerry, he's right not only here on earth but also in space, work is work and I know about it.

Jerry: There please!

Morty: The simplest case of this is you and work if you really wanted to have a job you would accept anything and you would not go criticizing everything, work is work Jerry you cannot depend on Beth to do everything here, without her the family would go to hell, since she is the livelihood of everyone here and that is also for you Summer (I said as I went from looking at Jerry to Summer who looked away) you are already seventeen you talk all the time about wanting to leave, but you never got a job to do it, You are waiting for a boy to come and take you out of here, which will not happen, it only happens in the movies, this is real life and you have to grow up, I already did it and in the worst way (I mention making Rick look at the see it, and at that moment Rick doubted slightly 0.000001%)

Both Jerry and Summer looked away when they knew that what he said was true, and Beth was staring at me making me smile softly, realizing that she knew more things than she was showing, and then seeing Grandpa who looked at me seriously.

Morty: Now about Rick, in case you haven't noticed, Rick is constantly updating the house to keep us safe, this is pretty much the Fort Knox of the galaxy, not to mention every time the house is damaged or destroyed by something is the money or the tools of the grandfather what they repair it saving us hundreds of thousands of costs and he has also helped on some occasions for yours or Beth's requests so the grandfather pays the lodging with his work that you hate so many and which you need in hypocritical circumstances.

He mentions making everyone shut up and Jerry starting to think about what he was saying and realizing that on a few occasions he had asked Rick to help him and even when he complained he helped him in the end, but he ended up messing up. all at the end.

Summer: I'm sorry mom for being a burden and not helping enough.

Beth: Don't worry honey it's fine.

Summer: No, it's not good, I always say that I'm busy when I'm not and I say that I'm the most responsible and that Morty is the irresponsible one, but in the end it ends up being the other way around, I'll help more often.

Jerry: Yeah I'm sorry too, Beth I'll find a job any given morning and help out with things and I'm sorry Rick.

Rick: No problem (he mentions indifferent without really caring)

morty _ _ _ from Rick (Making everyone see him and the mime point)

Rick: Mine?

Morty: Yeah along with your stupid boots.

Beth: Wait a minute I don't get why it's Dad's fault.

Morty: You see, Beth, do you remember when they went to school and they broke in that it took less time than it should have been ? Devoured by a monster, we barely stepped foot in the dimension, once we escaped we found the mega trees where the mega seeds were, to go down Rick gave me some boots and like…

Rick: You idiot ended up breaking your legs by not lighting your boots.

Beth: what!?

Rick: Don't worry, now it's fine, I had to go to a later time where you have serum to cure broken legs in any drugstore.

Morty: Well, that's where the point of my problem lies (Getting everyone's attention) what you gave me was not a serum to heal my legs, it was something much more than that you remember when we had to escape from dimensional customs.

Jerry: They escaped customs!

Rick: It was because they were going to scan Morty and see that he had the mega seeds in his rectum (he mentioned and made a face at the memory)

Beth: And because they didn't use your portal gun.

Morty: It was downloaded, so we had to use the custom, well back to the topic when we escaped, didn't you notice that it was much faster than you? A child with poor physical condition beating an adult who has a resistance improved by the experiences he lived through.

Rick: Now that you say that, you were much faster than me when we ran from the Gromflomites.

Morty: Well, that serum has been changing me physically since then and thanks to the seeds that melted in my rectum, giving me super intelligence, which now I don't know if it's because of the mega seed or because the serum cleansed my genes, turning me into a Sanchez.

Beth: Wait, it meant that you lied to us dad (Crossing her arms while looking at Rick with an angry face)

Morty: And something good came out of that lie, a serum that cured all my problems, like the poor state of health for someone my age, being skinnier than the others, like why I didn't develop muscles because of the constant adventures I had. with Rick, my delay in learning now and other things, if it weren't for that adventure currently and in the future I would be much worse than we thought, why do Rick have eternal youth? That would be a problem for me (Rick took some of my blood and scanned it, shaking his head.)

Rick: Well, you're lucky, you're not and with what you just said I can corroborate the serum by saying that *Burp* you were right (That made him sigh when he saw that Rick believed the lie, the others took the sigh as relief at not always be a teenager) because the serum finished helping you the only thing that *Burp* detected is that you age slower than a human, you may be fifty and look like thirty in the future, something similar to me I am seventy *Burp* years old and I look like someone of forty.

Morty: "If I had made the Spider Man serum I would have many more problems now, Steve's was good, it purified me and did not alter anything in my genome, it just made me a much purer human"

When Summer heard that she could be young forever, she saw Grandpa as a piece of meat.

Rick: Oh, no, I won't, especially with you, Summer, you want to look like a seventeen-year-old all your life and not be taken seriously by anyone (he mentions, making Summer make a face at the small fact) Morty was lucky not to stay like a fourteen year old forever.

Morty: So I'm Morty now?

Rick: You are, you gave correct tests *Burp* about your physical and mental change, not to mention that the scanner did not detect any anomaly in you (I mention while untying myself from the chair)

When they heard that it was Morty and not someone else, they sighed a little more relaxed, especially Beth when she realized that her son had matured, but she still had that phrase in her head that she said before that she had matured in the worst way and she realized That it was something that was something that both his son and his father had experienced because of the looks they had given each other before, he wanted to ask, but most likely they would invent something if it turned out to be too bad.

Morty: 'Fuck, if I'd just hesitated or made a wrong move, everything would have gone to shit, the good thing is that I don't ask about my clothes'

Rick: By the way, Morty, where did you get those clothes from, they have good technology and the material of the robe is good, they are unstable molecules (I ask intrigued)

Morty: I made it myself (I mention shocking everyone and wondering how Rick knew about the material, but I shrugged after all it was Rick)

Rick: With what machines?

Morty: I used your portal gun to travel as it was irresistible to travel, I just ended up going to a city with really good tech, I found a yellow demon looking alien selling portable labs so I grabbed one while distracted, went back to put it on testing.

Beth: Did you steal it?

Morty: I don't have space money mom, I couldn't buy it.

Rick: What was the device like (He said while narrowing his eyes when he saw me)

Morty: Circular white and red in the center why? 'Shit, shit Multiverses trusted you'

Rick: Oh those are those, I had one when I started my travels, it came with materials (I ask making him nod) well, you took one of the good ones, if you want help to redesign it, I have no problem helping you (He said while turning his intimidating gaze to a normal)

Morty: Thanks, but I prefer to do it myself, a man's laboratory is his castle (I said making Rick smile for what he said) now we could eat, Rick could you (He mentions while he sees the cold food for having had the talk)

Rick: Good (He said to take out a red circular sphere where he brought the food closer and put the sphere in the center so that then a red field surrounded the food lasting only a few seconds and when it disappeared the food looked like it had just been cooked)

When we had the hot food we didn't sit down and we started to eat it unlike the other times we chatted a bit and I explained to Beth that the shirt he was wearing was unpolite and shots going to the point of showing everyone how he couldn't cut me trying to cut myself the chest, at one point Rick proposed the idea that I create a mobile force field as he had telling him that he planned to create one by receiving a settlement from it.

Once we finished eating, I was going to pick up my worse plate. Summer took it off and began to take the things to throw away the leftovers and leave the utensils along with the plates and glasses in the dishwasher, not having to do anything I took some bags and I went up the stairs where I started to go to my room and remove all the things that did not serve me, poster, papers with drawings of a woman with a very bad design, take off and remove everything that did not serve me in the room, grab all the books and I checked them seeing that some were from school and others were novels, I grabbed the ones that no longer served me and put them aside.

On some occasions I went to the garage to take some empty boxes where I began to put all the unnecessary objects and in another the toys that were in the room, once I finished I put everything aside and left the room to go directly to the cave As I passed the living room I saw how Jerry, Beth were watching television and Summer was looking at her phone, without them realizing it I left the house and went to the shed passing the security protocols between and I went to the cave, when traveling I took the scanner and I connected it to the computer looking at the parts of the gun in a model three of on a table that was nearby, I studied, I analyzed in depth understanding each part until I was sure to recreate the format and circuits in my own way.

I decided to use Carbunadium on this occasion, something flexible, durable and light, a perfect material for what I was about to create, I went to the machine where I began to trace and create the components for the portal gun, where I would create a security system similar to the weapon. laser, on the side I would put a dial to decide the dimensions together with a digital screen to see in what dimension something similar to Rick's gun was only that this one was a little different, the dial would serve to choose the dimensions only that they were dimensions to the ones where he had already gone or places, to choose a destination he had to press a trigger button where the dial would come out revealing several rings with letters, signs and numbers.

To go to a dimension you only had to turn the rings marking the dimension was too long you only had to press a button on the handle where the letter, number or symbol was accepted and then continue putting another one until marking the dimension once done, that only had to push the dial back in and shoot the liquid would be like every gun in the magazine secured with drops not like rick's gun where once the liquid glass broke they would be stranded from breaking even create an app that connects to the gun where he could establish a conviction and go to that point.

At the end of the gun, introduce the portal liquid and the weapon for a few seconds appeared red veins until they finally disappeared looking at the gray weapon, when I opened my gown I brought the weapon closer to the gown where a holster was created, I did not want to convert the weapon in a tablet because I did not know what side effect it would cause in the liquid so I did not risk it, but I created a device and attached it to the gown where it created an optical illusion hiding the bulge of the weapon, the only way to know if was armed was if they touched the part where the weapon was.

Finished another of the projects, I went to the computer and began to create hundreds of others that I would begin to do over time and with the materials that I get on my travels. Before leaving the cave, I sent the exact condemnations of the cave to the gun. to no longer have to go by the elevator, but after that I created another security system where I would scan the liquid from the portal to know who entered the cave and if the hidden weapons had to be used, where I also preset mine by doing that when I enter my own safe haven does not kill me, wanting to test the security system I left the place and went directly to my room.

Upon entering I sighed and got ready, I took out my cell phone and scanned the entire room with the gun application so that the portal appears in the right place, taking my gun from my robe and pointing it at the wall and then closing my eyes and shoot, wait for anything, but after a few seconds of not receiving anything I opened my eyes and saw a portal instead of being green it was red it was on the wall, preparing to go through it I took my laptop and before entering I sighed touching it it felt like If I were touching jelly, when I went through it I saw that it was the cave, they made me smile and behind me the portal was closed.

Morty: I finally have the most dangerous weapon in the entire series, I just find it curious that instead of a portal, ver is red, but, mhe , if it works, I have no reason to complain, now I have another matter on my hands (I said while went to the central computer where I connected the laptop)

When looking at the contents of the laptop I was amazed by the amount of content it had.

Morty: HIS FUCKING MOTHER IS A LOT OF PORN! (I said while looking at different web pages)

The vast majority were from Pornhub , Xvideos , Xnxx , Pornhits , Xhamster , almost 80% of the searches were for redheads with big breasts and butts, and the other 20% were mixed, but one of the many searches to my amazement was about a blonde milf and a young almost redhead having lesbian sex, it goes without saying that this was meant, and if that wasn't proof enough the search engine brought up the word StepMom , StepSister .

Morty: Well, apparently Morty glasses is not the only one in the club, being now the Prime Morty and I Morty Reborn who join the club of sons / incestuous brother (I said with grace for this part)

Deleting all the information from the computer, except the important ones, I began to improve it with the materials that were in the warehouse, having to redesign its design and adding pieces to make its storage much larger along with its speed, when I finished working on it. I quickly started using the laptop by going to the Deep Web and creating a link from my phone to Goldman Sachs so I could buy things without having to ask for money, I just have to go to an ATM and withdraw money.

Closing the computer, I took the gun and fired at the floor where a portal was created when going through it. I had to flex my legs to touch the floor because the portal formed the ceiling of the room, I walked towards my desk where I left the laptop and went downstairs. to go to the kitchen when passing through the living room I saw that everyone is either watching television or playing with their cell phones or tablets , when I entered the kitchen I went to the refrigerator where I had a coke and went to sit on the sofa next to it of Summer who leaned a little towards my side.

Summer: 'There is, but how good it smells, what lotion is it on? using' (She thought as she leaned in slightly to get more of the scent of the lotion)

Beth: You look happier, did you make a new scientific discovery or did you create something?

Morty: A bit of both (I said as I looked at my cell phone and dialed a specific coordinate, then put on an earphone and play some recordings)

Beth: And what is it about?

Morty: If you wait a bit I'll show you what I've been working on.

Beth: Okay (she shrugged to get on with it)

Listening to the recordings I began to practice mentally and through the images on the cell phone, after almost an hour I went to another type of recording where I did the same process, once I correctly assimilated the recordings and the images I leaned close to Summer and spoke to her in the ear.

Morty: ~You know I would like to be photoshopped to touch up your whole body~

Summer: What? (I mention surprised by what I hear and stop writing on her phone)

Morty: ~ Your pants are so pretty, to see them on my bedroom floor~ (I said close to her ear making her blush as she touched her pants)

Summer: Mor .. Morty? 'Are you flirting with me? No boy has flirted with me before, I can't believe Morty is the first, but I'm surprised by what he's saying' (She said surprised and blushed and then turned her head to look at me and realized that we were very close making her swallow saliva, without us noticing Beth was watching us and she frowned when she saw Summer blush, without anyone noticing the Rick was watching out of the corner of his eye)

Morty: ~You know, I wanted to eat something sweet ~ (I said as I ran a finger across her chin and then across her lips, making Summer's blush worsen and she unconsciously opened her mouth slightly)

Pulling away from Summer, I left her open-mouthed and flushed before turning around and seeing Beth who was staring at me like an eagle.

Morty: Mom, do you like strawberry shortcakes?

Morty: Great, I feel like eating dangos.

Beth: Morty, that's sold in Japan, not here.

Morty: Too bad (I said while putting my hands on my waist with a sad face, which changes to a happy one) well then I'll have to go to Japan (I mentioned as if it were the most common thing)

Beth: Honey but what-. (She didn't finish her sentence, since she saw how I took out a gun from my robe scaring her, but she was quickly speechless, as were the others in the room, from what they saw)

Morty: Don't worry, I won't be long and I'll bring your cake (I said to then point at the wall and create a red portal which I went through)

When I left I couldn't see how Rick spit out his beer and the electronic devices fell to the ground, from what they saw, they turned their heads in one direction and saw that Rick was just as surprised as they were.

Jerry: He just…

Summer: Yes.

Jerry: Oh.

The three people turned their heads towards a pair of the room and saw me come out of the portal with a plate of dangos in one hand and in the other hand I carried a plate with a slice of strawberry cake in the other, approaching Beth I left her the I plated my legs and kissed her temple then moved to the couch and sat next to Summer where I put my arm behind her and pulled her up to kiss her cheek and then eat my dangos.

Rick: Morty that was *Burp* what I think it is (He said while he looked at me and gave me a look of astonishment)

Morty: Yeah, it's a portal gun.

Rick: When you created it.

Morty: The gun a few hours ago and the liquid a few days ago, that being the most difficult and painful.

Rick: Morty, that weapon you have is not a toy, you are practically turning into an omnipresent God with that *Burp* weapon (He spoke seriously)

Morty: I know and the portal fluid was a pain in the ass, but I managed to recreate it and change it with some substances.

Rick: Morty the liquid isn't just chemistry.

Morty: I know, it's advanced math, physics, applied physics, arithmetic and other things, it took me a total of, 1018 attempts to recreate the liquid.

Rick: You've got more tries than me.

Morty: How many did you do?

Rick: 356 Attempts (Said with pride)

Morty: Well, that doesn't discourage me, it encourages me to improve more (I mention while watching it)

Rick: You're on the right track if you don't want to be an idiot like your father (I mention getting a "Hey" from Jerry) let me see the gun (Taking the gun out of my robe I tossed it to Rick who inspected it and nodded approvingly upon seeing When he got up, he took the gun to the garage making me get up and follow him to see that he didn't do anything strange with the gun)

Upon arrival I saw the weapon in a capsule which had the weapon floating and Rick on one side with a holographic keyboard writing some things, once I finished writing a bluish liquid came out of the capsule which entered the weapon lasting only a few seconds, at the end Rick took the gun and threw it at me.

Rick: I improved the safety of the weapon, I'm not going to destroy it, since it took you time and effort, and from what I saw you changed some of the *Burp* compounds, now you don't have to worry much about safety (He said as he passed me side making me nod and follow him then back to the couch to see Beth looking at me proudly Jerry looked at me as if I was turning into a second Rick and Summer with impression along with some kind of look I didn't recognize as he ate one of my dangos)

Sighing at the loss of one of my dangos, I sat next to her and began to enjoy what I had, while remembering that tomorrow I would have to go to school doing what I sighed as I leaned back and rested my legs on the table in front of Summer leaned back on my lap and I gave him a few dangos while I was watching television without noticing from the look that Rick and Beth were giving us, Jerry's was a huge smile to see that we were getting along well.

Rick: 'Is it one of those dimensions because of Morty's change ? (He thought as he looked at his grandchildren and frowned, so that then an imaginary light bulb came on over his head) yes, maybe, it could be, I think there is a chance to save this family from a much bigger and terrifying epidemic that It's spreading through all dimensions, one that I can run in this dimension with smart Morty' (He thought as he looked at Jerry, then at his grandson and finally at his daughter)

During the day we spent almost all watching television, it wasn't until Rick got up and said he had to keep working on his project for the ship, watching only me now on television, at nightfall we had a dinner made by Beth and We went to bed where tomorrow would be my first day of school as Morty Reborn .

Time Skip

When I went downstairs I went to the kitchen and saw Beth preparing breakfast, so I walked calmly and slowly, I hugged her from behind, resting my head on her shoulder and I felt her tense up and give a little cry from the fright she was getting. I provoked him, when he turned his head our heads touched, making him blush and look away.

Beth: Mor .. Morty what a scare you gave me (I mention with a slight stutter at first, but then it calmed down) 'Fuck, I can feel it in the middle of my ass it's gigantic' (She thought while trying to concentrate because she felt the dick in the middle of her butt)

Morty: I'm sorry mom (I mention to give her a kiss on the cheek and move away from her and go to the refrigerator to get some water) by the way good morning (I said making her look at me and still have her blush accompanied by a small laugh to see how I was dressed)

Beth: Nice shorts (She said with a giggle when she saw me in a blue t-shirt and shorts with equations)

Morty: Hey, this is a very serious topic (I mention while frowning feigning annoyance and then inflating my chest with pride) these shorts show my high level of masculinity, they are not a subject for ridicule (I said making Beth laugh when she saw her frown Then hug her and start biting her neck, making them laugh and tickling her arms)

Beth: Mor haha ty please hahaha stop hahaha.

Morty: I won't stop until you say I look highly masculine (I said as we started we're going to move around the kitchen)

Beth: haha you look much better haha culino (When I heard it I stopped and we stared at each other with a smile of amusement, the candle looked at her lips and gave her a kiss on the corner of her lip paralyzing her)

Morty: I've had enough fun, I'm going to take a shower and I'll come eat breakfast (I said before turning away and leaving the kitchen towards the bathroom)

As Beth watched her son leave, she touched her lips and reconstructed the scene from a few moments ago, remembering that she was laughing as if they were a teenage couple, something she hadn't done in a long time, she also remembered the look he gave her. before kissing him near the lips with a look he's never seen before.

Beth: 'I don't know how to feel right now, if disappointed, happy, frustrated or relieved for what happened a few moments ago (She thought as she touched the corner of her lips and suddenly remembered a memory of something green and a sting she had felt before meeting Jerry, but as quickly as he came he was gone, causing her to massage her forehead in sudden pain) strange'

Leaving the room already cleaned and ready, I finished putting on my robe and left the room at the same time as Summer.

Morty: Hello precious (I mentioned making Summer look at me confused)

Summer: What?

Morty: Hi Summer, you still haven't woken up, you're not listening (Passing past her I started down the stairs)

Summer: 'That wasn't what I heard before, I don't know whether to feel happy for this Morty or strange to hear how he flirts with me and compliments me as if I weren't his sister' (She thought with a slight blush)

Upon reaching the dining room little by little everyone began to come and sit at the table to enjoy breakfast, while Rick ate he put a piece in his mouth and then looked at me.

Rick: Because you go to school, it's a waste of time for people like you and me.

Beth: Dad, we already had this discussion.

Morty: No wait mom, I was already waiting for this question (I mention while I was looking at her and then to Rick) you to relax from us you go to places in the galaxy to have sex, drink and get high because that makes you relax from everything or build something or you go on a suicide mission, in my case I go to school not to learn because I have already learned all the material, but to relax, I do that instead of drinking or fornicating.

Rick: Well, I'll respect that, you have your methods, I have mine (He mentioned while taking his last bite) Beth breakfast was great (Giving him a kiss on the head)

Beth: Thanks dad, children are ready (He said to see us later and see that we finished having breakfast) bye Jerry.

Jerry: Bye honey.

Morty/Summer: Yes (We grabbed our backpacks, I saw mine and frowned when I saw it had many stickers , it was red and small for me to use because of my change) bye dad.

Morty: Wait a minute (I mentioned then going to the closet under the stairs and searching among the things that were there to take out a brown briefcase, emptying its contents, I put everything I had in the backpack in the briefcase) now let's go.

Summer: That's from Grandpa Rick, he'll be mad.

Morty: Summer darling (he mentions with a soft tone making Summer blush and Beth raise an eyebrow at what I said while having a hint of annoyance) if Rick wanted his briefcase he could create one with the ability to destroy planets for fun.

Upon hearing what I said, both girls shrugged their shoulders knowing that I was right, when I got in the car I sat in the back, when we got in I put on the wireless headphones and started listening to music while designing the next project that I wanted on my cell phone. I had one in mind that would save my life.

Once we got to the Harry Herpson School , Beth stopped and waved at us, I waved back with a kiss on the cheek and a "Bye-bye mom" as I got out of the car and then she left, handing my briefcase across my shoulder. shoulder, anyone who saw me looked like a chemistry teacher, nothing but mistake.

Summer: Fine, I'll go with my friends, don't get in trouble.

Morty: I would have to say that Summer, don't go doing something stupid while you're with your friends, you listen to me (I said with an authoritative tone while giving her a hard look making her straighten up)

Summer: Yes I understand, but what are you not mom or dad to punish me for something I decided to do.

Morty: I'm your brother and as my responsibility I have to take care of you (I told him while we were watching only that Summer had to look up) and it may not be mom or dad, but that won't prevent me from punishing you for doing something stupid ( He told her I said as I looked into her eyes and she looked away to then widen her eyes and look at me with a shocked face) * Slap *

Summer: Ah~ (She gasped and then covered her mouth in embarrassment and blushing and seeing me astonished)

Morty: ~Behave badly or do something badly at the suggestion of your friends and you will receive a worse one, and I know that you are almost the third half bitch that treats everyone with inferiority while I don't see you~ (I whispered close to his ear now then slap his butt again and leave) * Slap *

Summer: 'Shit, shit, shit, this is so bad, so bad and they're addictive at the same time, damn they were strong (She thought in amazement as she massaged her butt) damn this is not right, I can't feel horny for something like this especially because he's my brother, but … Fuck, it's confusing!'

When I entered the school, many people saw me, I didn't know if it was because of my change, because of the gown that I was wearing, which made many laugh poor little things, nobody knew that the gown had enough technology to screw anyone or cause a nuclear war As I walked down the aisle, many girls with raging hormones saw me blushing and biting their lip. When I got to my locker, I saw a redhead some distance away, now recognizing her as Jessica or in my world as Bella Thorne .

I could see what Morty saw in her and from the memories it does not resemble her role in the different movies as the bad bitch, I understood why Morty was in love with her, not obsessed with her, because from what I saw in the chapters the only romance between Morty was in the girl with glasses, Morty was obsessed with her to the point of making a massacre in order to die by her side, not save her grandfather, drug her so that she falls in love with him how did the Rick ' s with Beth and Jerry.

When she turned around, she saw me looking at her and smiled at me, and out of simple courtesy I smiled back and then turned my head with a sigh, when I opened the locker I put on an expressionless face, and then she massaged my forehead when she saw that not only was she room was a dump, but also his locker, I even saw how a paper bag moved and made strange sounds.

I took all the books and arranged them on top and took out all the papers along with the strange things that were in the locker to take them directly to the nearest garbage can, that included the photo I had of Jessica on the door, looking that I no longer had anything strange, I took the books I needed and closed it, revealing that on the other side of the door there was a boy who was watching me and I remembered who was Billy Moskowits , the second bully after Frank.

The guy had acne on his face, a piercing in his ear, messy hair, dirty clothes with stains, and a terrible smell.

Morty: You really are ugly and smelly (I mentioned while I was looking at him making the boy frown and snort while grinding his teeth)

When the boy looked up, he raised his club ready to hit me, making me raise an eyebrow and just when he was going to hit me, I moved away and with two of my fingers I hit a part of his back causing him to stay still like a statue and have small eye twitch

Morty: Son, you didn't have to do that (I mentioned while I put my hands in my pockets and saw the paralyzed Billy) I have studied every part of the human body and with two simple fingers I can paralyze you and that's what I did, I hit one of the nerves in the brain that makes your body move, causing you to be paralyzed for 15 minutes, next time I won't be so lenient and leave you like Stephen Hawking (I said nonchalantly and turned around making my robe flutter as if it were windy a similar effect to Severus and the students were making their way as if he were Moses)