
I'm Missing You

He left you then he comeback just to win you back but this time he will surely protect you and love you. But are you ready to face him again after he betray you? Are you willing to forgive him?

BaeMaycris16 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


It was sunny sunday morning and the sky is blue as ever as if it was a perfect day. I am now here at the park, sitting at the bench under the tree. While looking with some random people, I chat Leo that "I am now here" but after some minutes he did not reply so I call him but he didn't pick up so I decided to call him several times... but at the end he didn't pick up. I stay here on our favorite place even though I know that he will not come.

It's now evening but I'm still here, while I was waiting for him I didn't realize I cry. I realize that I am a fool for loving him.


"So, what is your plan after high school?" I face him with a smile in my face while him his looking the view. We're now here at the rooftop of the school and this is our hide out.

"Hmm... I don't know but..." and then he looked at me with intense gaze.

"I know... I want to be with you."I looked at him with shock on my face. After he said that he holds my hands with admiration with his eyes.

 "I want to tell you something, if I don't tell you this I will regret this forever." He said while holding my hands while looking at me intently.

"The first time I laid my eyes on you... I know you're 'something' but that 'something' becomes 'you're the one' I know it cringe but this what my heart saying... I love you. I don't know why I want to be close to you, Every time I'm getting interested on you; my feelings get deeper and deeper every day. I love you." I was shock and happy at the same time.

He pull out a box and he opened it in front of me, then he pull out the necklace from the box and he put the necklace to my neck after he do that. He looked at me with his beautiful smiles.

OMG! Maybe he said that because he just wants to make fun of me or maybe he is sick!

"Are you sure?! Are you sick?! Are you making fun of me?! THIS IS NOT FUNNY" I said with a confuse tone. He just chuckle and smile at me and again he hold my hand.

"I'm serious. I'm falling in love with you. Remember when you confess me your feelings about me and I said to you that were not mutual, you cry and run far away from me. While I was saying that words it makes my heart sad and hurt and that time I got confused why I care about you but after several days you didn't attend to school, I'm worried because maybe you got sick or you transfer to other school. After several days, you attend at school and I saw you a lot of bandages on your face and your body. I got worried, I wanted to talk to you but I realize it's my fault why you got those wounds. Also I realize I don't want to be away from you, just thought losing you it makes my heart pain, it makes me miserable. I don't want to be away from you, I want to stay with you."I cry from the moment he said he wants to stay with me. He wipe my tears and he look at me with a warmth love from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." And then he hugs me.

After that we break our hug then he face with a smile on his face.

"I guess were now in boyfriend-girlfriend?" he said with a smile in his face then I nod.

"Yes!" he lifts me up then he put me down. He is so childish; if some student saw this they will be shocked.

"Let's date this coming weekend Sunday." He said with grinning on his face. I just laugh then I smile at him.


"It's a date! Promise you come, okay? At the park where we first met."

"Okay I promise." After that day, our weekdays become happier and contended it's like every moment we spent together become perfect. Almost all students from our school know were in a relationship.

It's now weekend which Sunday, I wore simple dress then I put some light make up. I should be pretty because this is our first date. While I was travelling to the park I wondered why he didn't respond to my text or even answer my call. I call him yesterday evening but he didn't answer my call or text. Maybe he was busy for the preparation our date. I just giggled to that thought.

After I arrived, I didn't see him to our spots but.....


           After that day, he drop out to our school and I don't know why. I heard some students that Leon went abroad to study and I found out he was engage with Sofia. I feel betrayed and hurt because of what he said to me before. Is he just fooling around? Is he pity of me because of that accident? Did he lie to me? I cry and cry until I got tired...