
I'm live fortune telling

Wang Yue crossed over to a parallel world and was forcibly bound by the system to inherit a fortune-telling shop. "This damn system has been stuck at 99.99% for two years. Do I really have to give up?"

Dust_free · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
317 Chs

Chapter 307: Is the female ghost interested in me???

"Sorry, sorry. Just now, a little cat suddenly darted across in front of me, giving me a scare, so I had to slam on the brakes."

"Master Wang, are you all okay?"

Wang Yue shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

The security guard rubbed his head and also confirmed that he was okay.

Because he hadn't fastened his seatbelt, he had just been jolted by Long Wu's sudden braking, hitting his head on the front seat.

So, his words were cut off halfway.

At this point, Long Wu awkwardly said:

"It's all good, it's all good. You guys carry on..."

After saying this, Long Wu restarted the car.

The security guard continued:

"It was at that moment, I suddenly saw a woman in red standing over at Unit 9 in Building 16."

"At that time, my heart skipped a beat."

"It's the dead of night, not sleeping, wearing a red dress standing in front of the building, easily frightening people."

"So I decided to go over and find out what was going on with her."

"And then, as I walked over and caught a glimpse of her face, the next moment, she suddenly disappeared."

"It was as if she vanished into thin air."

"Damn, it was so terrifying, in the middle of the night, almost scared the pee out of me..."

"Because her face, it didn't look like a normal person's face, it was as white as if she had just been dug out of flour, no trace of color at all..."

"At that moment, my heart was racing, and without a second thought, I just turned around and ran."

"Until I ran back to the security booth, my whole body was still trembling."

Upon hearing this, Long Wu, who was driving ahead, also felt a sudden drop in temperature inside the car.

Is Unit 9 in Building 16 haunted???

At the thought, he suddenly felt a chill running through his body, giving him goosebumps all over.

Then he furrowed his brow, thinking.

Could this be related to that flying-headed cultivator??

Or could it be that what the security guard saw was the flying head controlled by that flying-headed cultivator?

As Long Wu drove while pondering these questions, could there be a connection between the two???

But his brain just wasn't cut out for thinking about these things, and soon enough, smoke started billowing from his head.

It's better to listen to Master Wang's explanation honestly.

The security guard paused for a moment and then continued:

"After returning to the security booth, my colleagues noticed that something was off with me and asked me what was wrong, but I couldn't speak."

"I took a long time to recover."

"Then I told my colleagues what had happened, that I had encountered a ghost. They laughed at me and thought I was scaring myself."

"They even said, 'Where are there really ghosts in this world?'"

"They believed that only people with guilty consciences would see ghosts, which made them think there were ghosts in this world."

"At the time, my colleagues didn't believe me."

"So, I took him to the area near Building 16 Unit 9. We checked everywhere, but didn't see even a trace of a ghost."

"This left me puzzled, to the point where I started to doubt myself, wondering if I had made a mistake!"


This confused Long Wu. Is it real or not?

Could it be an illusion, a mistake?

That shouldn't be possible, right?

At that moment, a look of fear suddenly appeared on the security guard's face, and he continued:

"However, ever since that incident, every time it gets dark, I occasionally see that woman in red."

"Sometimes I see her smiling at me when I'm in the bathroom.

Sometimes I finish washing my hair and open my eyes, only to see her pale face right in front of me.

I even see her while patrolling..."

"But it's always just a glimpse, and then she disappears."

"This has made my life unbearable!!!"

"Even in my dreams, I can see the terrifying expression of that woman in red."

"She keeps chasing me in my dreams, saying she wants me to give her something."

"It's all so vague, but I definitely won't agree, even if she clarifies.

If it harms my own interests, I will clearly refuse."

"So in my dreams, I keep running and running, from the jungle to an open field, and from the field into the water..."

"But when I wake up the next day, I find myself sore and achy all over."

"It's as if everything that happened in the dream was real."

"So I want Master Wang to help me figure out why that woman in red keeps appearing in front of me."

"Or is it because my days are numbered, that's why I see these things???"


After the security guard finished speaking, he looked expectantly at Wang Yue.

At this moment, Long Wu had the heart of gossip completely stirred within him.

Even the ear facing towards Wang Yue was standing tall, eager to know what Wang Yue would say.

At the same time, he speculated in his mind:

Why would this security guard encounter ghosts, must have done something bad, right?

And why can the security guard see something that others can't see?

Could it be because his days are numbered?

Then, Wang Yue chuckled slightly and said leisurely:

"Ha ha, that woman in red always appears in front of you because she has a crush on you!"

After Wang Yue said this, the security guard was directly scared out of his wits, his eyes wide open, mouth gaping like it could fit a goose egg...

In his mind, there was a constant voice saying:

"She appears in front of me all the time because she likes me??? "

I admit that I do have some charm, but not to the extent that even ghosts are under my charm, right?

Should I cry or laugh at this situation???

Growing up, I never thought that one day, a female ghost would have a crush on me!!!

At this moment, the security guard was dumbfounded and couldn't speak.


While Long Wu, who was driving next to him, was equally shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

What was the profession of this woman in red before she passed away?

Even after death, such a high demand???

Through the rearview mirror, Long Wu looked at the security guard sitting in the back.

Oops, this guy does look quite good, with a decent figure, no wonder there would be a female ghost wanting to be with him.

How could a person and a ghost... be together???

I really can't imagine it...

Not sure if there would be a chance to witness it...

At this moment, the security guard, who had snapped back to reality, struggled to swallow his saliva

Then, looking at Wang Yue, he asked in shock:

"Master Wang, are you saying that the woman in red has a crush on me???"