
I'm Leveling up in DXD

Everything stopped instantly. I tried to move but couldn't, it's like my body is floating in a dark abyss. Suddenly, something strange happened. [You have fulfilled the conditions of the "Secret Quest: Unbreakable Will" therefore the system will proceed to install shortly]

LordPhenex026 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 2: Fantasy System

Goku was sitting on a bench in the central courtyard of the academy next to Murayama enjoying a short break.

"After economics, we have literature, right?" Murayama nodded at the question of his friend, who sighed lowering her shoulders in defeat.

"Let me guess ... haven't you done the job we were commissioned to do ... two weeks ago?" asked Murayama, knowing his friend very well.

"Hahaha, this time you're wrong, I did it last night" Goku replied since he spent half the night doing it and with the quality of the internet he took a while to gather information.

"Hump" Murayama crossed her arms inflating her cheeks in turn, Goku was quite unpredictable.


They both turned when they saw that two members of the pervert trio escaped from the swimming club locker room, one was left behind.

"Bastards don't leave me behind!" Issei yelled since when he tried to escape he slipped on a banana skin, he swallowed when he saw dark auras surrounding the girls from the swimming club, who were holding brooms with which they surely weren't going to sweep.

"Are you still saying that you shouldn't burn that pervert?" Murayama asked, seeing with a satisfying smile how Issei was mistreated.

Goku shrugged with a nervous smile watching Murayama, before they both burst out laughing for no reason.

Hours later.

A cloak of gloom had spread across the sky of Kuoh indicating the beginning of the night, the sun illuminated another part of the planet while the moon shone on that supernatural city.

Goku was walking towards his house after several hours at the place where he worked as a waiter, he did not have kendo practice today so he had more work but he was not tired.

Juhee was understanding in that aspect with her employee, she knew that she worked hard in her studies so she allowed him to miss a few hours when Goku had training in the kendo club, which case did not occur today.

Juhee snorted when she saw a certain female clientele who came every afternoon exclusively to see Goku work, she loved Goku like a son of hers and she would not allow anything bad to happen to him.

Tomorrow he would have enough practices with the club since the qualifying rounds for the national kendo tournament would take place over the weekend, so they would have to be prepared.

Anyway, she was going to do meditation exercises when she got home, he used to do it in the morning and at night and he was not going to lose a good habit like that one.

He took out her cell phone to see what time it was and saw that it was nine at night. "Sigh..." he sighed, the time passed quickly and he didn't realize it.

'A message?' Goku wondered when he saw the notification, he usually received messages from the WhatsApp group where his class were, but he rarely had time to read them.

<<Hi Goku, how are you? It's weird that I asked you when we met a few hours ago. Since we didn't have practice today I thought we could go have a drink and chat if you want>>

Murayama was the one who texted him ... three hours ago! With all the work he had today he didn't have time to look at his cell phone, this was a problem.

'I'll answer him when I get home' Goku explained since it was the only thing he could do now, what he least wanted is that his friendship with Murayama would be spoiled by something like that.

He put the phone in the left pocket of his dark pants, anyway he would take it out again soon because his apartment was a few meters away and at that rate he would arrive in nothing.

It was located on the outskirts of Kuoh, it was the cheapest he could find when he arrived. Despite this he did not complain, as long as he had a place to rest for a few hours he was satisfied.

Suddenly the air began to get heavy ... so heavy that it became difficult for him to breathe. He even noticed the evil intentions that were present in the environment.

"Oh look what we have here"

Goku turned when he heard a female voice behind him and as he did so he got a huge surprise that filled his heart with fear like never before.

He saw an extremely beautiful raven-haired woman with purplish eyes and a rather voluptuous body that could easily be seen thanks to the revealing dominatrix outfit that the woman wore.

What stood out the most about her was the pair of dark wings that came out from her back... Goku associated that image of her with that of an angel with black wings?

"What are you? An angel?" Goku asked as he looked around in search of an instrument with which to defend himself, but he didn't see any ... That scared him even more.

"You almost got it right kid, but I'm a fallen angel" Reynare spoke with a smile of superiority on his face. "I've had a bad day and I think you can help me with that ... in a way".

Reynare would rather be somewhere else but in that city, Kokabiel had forced her and other fallen angels to stay in Kuoh.

Reynare had a bad day, she thanked god that a human had appeared on whom to unload all the frustration that she accumulated.

"No, thanks, something tells me that helping you will not be a benefit to me" Goku replied trying to hold his ground while he was on guard, he would not die without fighting until he was out of breath.

"Oh well, I like tough boys" Reynare smiled before raising his right hand, an action that generated a lot of intrigue in Goku. "But I would like even more to see you dead human!"

Goku, thinking that Reynare was going to start a hand-to-hand combat, crossed hers with two of his arms trying to protect himself from her, but he did not count on his creating a spear of sacred energy and throwing it at him, stabbing it entirely in the abdomen of his.

Her body slowly fell to the ground and instantly a pool of blood formed under her inert figure of hers due to the massive bleeding in her abdomen.

Reynare smiled when he saw the crimson liquid of life staining the asphalt of that area, took a couple of steps and crouched down at the level of the black-haired man.

"Uh ... thanks, now I feel better" Reynare said with a mocking smile on her face. "You know what? I'm sorry I killed you, but I needed to unleash my anger on someone ... and you showed up, I hope you don't get angry about that".

'What do you hope I don't get angry?' Goku wondered making an effort to stay alive, but it was getting harder and harder.

With those last words Reynare got up and took to the flight flapping his wings under the moonlight, while Goku exhaled the last airs of him.

Goku POV:

Not! I refused to die today, I could not die here lying in the street assassinated by a fallen angel.

I really couldn't understand how the fallen angels existed, if they existed that he meant that angels and demons too, why not dragons and gods?

The images of my life flashed through my mind: the moments with my grandfather, the moments that I lived in Kuoh in the last few months. No, dying now would be something ... I'm only seventeen years old!

I coughed blood as I felt my body getting cold... Murayama I'm sorry, I think that in the end we can never be the way you wanted.

Blood came out of my mouth at that moment, I knew that my insides were crumbling but I refused to accept that my life was ending.

"I don't want to die!" I yelled, releasing tears. "Just one more! If I had one more chance..."

I cursed my weakness, if I had been stronger... maybe things would have been different.

Everything stopped instantly. I tried to move but couldn't, it's like my body is floating in a dark abyss. Suddenly, something strange happened.

[You have fulfilled the conditions of the "Secret Quest: Unbreakable Will" ... you have obtained the right to be a player, do you agree?]


I was silent not knowing what to say to the female voice that sounded in my mind. Quest?Get the right? Player? I didn't know if they were hallucinations, but I knew I would die soon.

[In case of rejection, your heart will stop in about 5.1 seconds, you don't have much time left to decide]

What options did I have anyway? I was going to die if I accepted it or not, because I settled for it and accepted what the voice said, although that was nothing more than an illusion... a fantasy of my mind ...

[Welcome to "become a player"]

[The system will proceed to install itself in a few moments ... so it will begin with the host scan]

System? Am I one of those robots like the ones I see on television? Oh my, damn it!

[Scanning to host...]

Was the system scanning me? I didn't understand anything the voice in my head was saying, I was more focused on being able to stay alive.

[Scan completed]

Suddenly a screen appeared in front of me, I did my best to concentrate on reading what it was showing but I just couldn't do it.

[Name: Son Goku]

[Current age: 17]

[Current level: 1]

[Class: Unknown]

[Title: Unknown]

What were those slots I had read? No, something strange was definitely happening. I was sure it wasn't a hallucination, so I had to find out what it was.

[Congratulations, system installed successfully]

That voice sounded in my mind again next to a floating window that emerged in front of me just as my eyes filled with darkness.