
I'm just a disciple of the outer gate

How about a promotion to inner disciple? No, I'd better stay a disciple of the outer gate. A true disciple can do it, right? It is better to be an outer disciple. Did they just make you chief elder? No, no, I will be my outer brother...

LY_WQ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 2 Identity Tokens

After the burly young man said things, Xu Jing dragged the tired body back to the house when the sky was already dark, at this time he had missed the dinner time, can only endure hunger sitting in the corner inside to rest.

Those brothers in the house are also busy all day, no one will pay attention to him in the corner, are a little wash and go to sleep.

After confirming that everyone was asleep, Xu Jing quietly got up and went to the hut. Only when he was in the hut did he have a rare half hour to practice cultivation.

After such intermittent cultivation every day for a year, he just had a sense of qi, a wisp of true qi in his body, and reached the level of qi practice. And those who started at about the same time as him now have three levels of Qi-training.

Xu Jing this cultivation, immediately felt that there was a change in his arms, he remembered that he picked up the token in the animal circle during the day, took out a look, and found that the token has some different places than before.

On the token appeared a line of small words, "Disabled Xuan Tian Gong Qi one layer," which is his own level of cultivation. This token actually shows its own chi level, which should be a good thing.

As a practitioner of practice, although Xu Jing is only practicing Qi, he still knows some general knowledge of practice, and thinks that this token should be a Dharma device, and it is also a functional dharma device

When you use it, you need to use your mind.

Xu Jing taped the token to her forehead, then sank her weak mind into it, and soon got some simple information about the token. Only when he still wants to know more information, he finds that he can no longer do it, or his own state is too low, and his mind is too weak.

But these simple messages also let Xu Jing shocked. This token turned out to be an identity token, the full name plus "Xuantianmen outer gate disciples identity card". At first, when Xu Jing saw the name, she thought it was just an ordinary identity token, but after reading the introduction of some of the features of the later token, she no longer had that idea.

This identity token is not at all the same level as the outer door disciple waist card that was issued in the door when he entered. The identity card that he got in the entry is an ordinary object that represents identity. And now this token in his hand, although it is also the identity card of Xuantianmen disciples outside the gate, but it is a tool that can record his contribution to Xuantianzong and issue the corresponding number of contribution points. These contribution points can be redeemed for corresponding rewards. As for how to get the contribution points and what rewards can be exchanged, Xu Jing does not know now, and has not seen the description of this part.

Before he could find out more, Xu Jing found that the time had come, and he had to return to the cottage, where staying in the toilet would have aroused the suspicions of others.

In the corner of the house, although Xu Jing seems to have closed her eyes and gone to sleep, she is still thinking about the token, and her heart is itching and she wants to study it again. Fortunately, he still resisted the impulse, this token should be their own opportunity, if because of their indiscretion to let this opportunity be taken away by others, then really their own life will not turn over the opportunity.

It took him a long time to drift off to sleep, and when he woke up, he was a little later than usual and hurried to the animal enclosure without wasting time even washing.

The work of the day was still to clean up the manure that the animals had produced last night in the enclosure, and his mind was still on the token as he worked. In the case of no one around, Xu Jing took out the token and studied it carefully. However, he studied it again and found that it was the same information that he knew last night, so he forced himself to put down his concern for this token and seriously do his work again, otherwise he may not eat dinner tonight.

People really busy up will not think about other things, a day before dinner difficult to complete the workload of three people, Xu Jing has almost forgotten the token, just like the usual drag tired body back to the house. It was only when he was back in the corner that he wanted the token in his arms. This time, he couldn't wait until late at night, so he went to the toilet just to see if there was any change in the token.

In the re-put the token in front of their own time, Xu Jing found that the above is indeed a little change, in yesterday's line of "incomplete Xuan day work training gas a layer" below and a line of small words, is a number "three". At first he did not know what this meant, but he soon realized that this must be the number of Zhang's so-called contribution points. As for why he now has three contribution points, Xu Jing speculated that it should be his work today. Since it is the contribution point, it should be the measurement of their contribution to the Xuantianmen, then the daily work should also be considered as a contribution, so there are corresponding contribution points.

Xu Jing did not contribute to the above tangled for a long time, because he knew that he did not have so much time to waste, he once again will stick the card on his forehead, the heart sank into it, and the information in his mind appeared more than before. What came out was even more surprising to him, and it was actually a exercise, its name was called Xuan Tian Gong, and it was a practice commonly practiced by foreign and Chinese disciples in Xuan Tian Gate. However, Xu Jing found that the Xuantian Gong inside was not exactly the same as what he had practiced before, and seemed to be more profound.

Xuan Tian Gong listening to the name of the unknown people may think that this is the most important Xuan Tianmen exercise, but the actual situation is not so. In the Xuantian School, only the outer men disciples practice, and it is also the exercise that everyone is given at the beginning of the entrance, so that the outer men disciples can have a hope for cultivation. Those in the door will not hope that these outer door disciples can come out of any master.

All the outer Gate disciples also know that Xuan Tian Gong is a choice they have no choice, after all, they can still cultivate, although the effect of cultivation is not good. Those of the outer Gate disciples who have the way have long since stopped practicing the Xuan Tian Gong and have changed to other exercises.

At this time, there was some movement outside the toilet, someone should come, Xu Jing hurriedly took down the Xuan Tian Gong first, and then went out of the toilet, he was ready to go here late at night to try to see what is different from the one he practiced before.

When I returned to the house, those brothers had not yet rested, and they were just talking and laughing there. Someone saw Xu Jing come in, as if remembering something interesting, beckoned to him, "Xu Jing, you come here."

Xu Jing bowed a little and then walked quickly over, "Brother Jun, what is your order?" He asked very humbly.

"I haven't washed my feet today, so go get me some water."

Xu Jing immediately quit the house to get water, and then came in again when the hand has more than a basin of water, and towels, came to the handsome brother squat in front of the body.

The handsome brother, whose full name was Che Jun, was the leader of an outer door disciple, and almost all the people in Xu Jing's house were his men. Among the thousands of outer door disciples, he is also small and powerful, and it is said that he has the support of the high people in the door behind him, so he will stand firm in the outer door.

Che Jun see Xu Jing squatting in front of himself, raised his feet to his face, gently swing a bit.

Xu Jing immediately understood the meaning of the other side, forbearing the humiliation in the heart of the boots stretched out to his front door, and then began to carefully wash each other's feet.

Xu Jing's operation immediately caused those outside the door disciples in the house to burst into laughter. He clenched his teeth and bent his head to keep the laughter firmly in his mind.

In the midst of laughter, Xu Jing finished her own business, and then stood up with the water basin, ready to exit the cottage to dispose of the basin that had been some muddy foot wash water.

Suddenly, a leg came out of his foot, and Xu Jing did not notice it, so he was tripped and fell to the ground, and the water basin in his hand was naturally directly out of his hand. Under the control of those nearby, the basin overturned over Xu Jing, and the basin full of water for washing his feet was all poured over his body, dousing him thoroughly.

At this time, the laughter in the house was even worse, those people pointed at Xu Jing on the ground, and the mouth was still saying some mocking words.

Although Xu Jing was soaked by the foot wash water, she did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, and even laughed with everyone there, and then quickly climbed from the ground and picked up the water basin beside it, "Brother Jun, I was wrong." I shouldn't have done this in the cottage. I'll clean it up at once. ' Then he ran out of the cottage. At that moment after leaving the house, Xu Jing's mouth showed a wry smile of self-deprecation.

In a few moments he was back in the cottage again, where the laughter did not stop, and he did not care about this, but stooped not to look at the people around him, and kept moving his hands to clean up all the water spilled on the floor.

See Xu Jing so clever on the way, Che Jun suddenly feel some boring, also did not go to play tricks on his idea, looked around, lying on the bed. People around Che Jun look around suddenly quiet down, are crawling back to their beds, the action is very gentle, for fear of making what big movement disturb Che Jun rest. Only Xu Jing, who had climbed to the ground, was left to rub the ground quietly and alone.