
Chapter 2 Create a new clan part 1

The senju family

" You're here, little brother, we were heading to rescue you, little bro."

" How did you escape from those evil Uchihas?"

The brothers were asking him.

The father was also listening to them as well he also wanna know about how he escaped.

Itama " Well. There was a person who looked like a regular person."


"A regular person?"

Itama " Yes, we thought he was just a simple bystander that ran towards us by accident."

Itama stops, he was too afraid to even think about that time. He still talks with frightened words.

Itama senju " That man, kill all five of them "

The kid stops saying another word.

The two brothers hold his little brother.

" Are you okay?"

Itama was too shocked to say it.

" Who was that person?"

The one who spoke was their father, Butsuma Senju. Itama looked straight into his father eyes, with a worried look.

Itama "I don't know, he was too weird and unknown."

The father then stops and tells his son to return to the base.

" Let's go, little bro. We make sure no one will hurt you."

His big brother gave a nice smile.

"Because I'm hashirama. Senju is here to protect you. "

" Okay, the great hashirama, don't forget about me, tobirama senju."

Hashirama " Don't worry...haha."

The two older brother were boosting their ego.

Itama felt a little alright.

Itama " Your right big brother"

Tobirama " Let's go"


The four senju now retreating.

Not too far away in the darkness, a shadow figure was sitting on top of a tree branch, watching them leaving in a flash.

Michael " It's nice to see family reunited, I save itama before he died by the hands of Uchiha."

Michael thought next.

" I hope this doesn't change to much of the future."


Michael saw his screen.

< You save hashirama little brother. It will not completely change the plot, I already fixed it. >

Michael "Whew!... I thought I fuck up the plot"

< You did. But I fixed it with a little bit of twist."

Michael "Mmm?!"

Michael spoke with a little bit worried.

Michael " What do you mean by that?"


< Don't worry about it(evil smile) >

Michael " This is not funny "

< I didn't tell a joke(laughed) >

Michael " What are you planning!"

< That's for me to know. >

Michael give up.

" Fine"

He immediately ran towards his village.


Michael woke up from his dream.

" Hey, big brother,"

Michael" hugh!"

Khan " You don't look so good."

Michael " Well, I do feel weird"

Michael got up and headed out to the village.

The village was too quiet and shabby. There were not enough people, food, and supplies to go around. Ever since the first war, people here were too afraid to go.

Some of us here get kidnapped or even kill at any second. Thieves and mercenary come around here to collect fees or women.

" Long time no see"

The young man that recognized us, was my friend Tie. His father died a year ago, but his mother is still alive. He's been helping her ever since his dad passed away.

Michael "What are you doing here, tie?"

Tie " Same as always, getting something for my mom."

Michael " That's nice of you"

Tie was ordinary, he didn't born with Chakra like those shinobi. He barely eats since he is helping out his mom.

Michael heard that his mom was on a debt situation. He knows that Tie is trying to pay his mother's debts because of his father gambling debts.

In this world, it is very cruel.


Michael sees his screen.

" What!"

Michael panic and told his brothers to go home, while he grabbed tie and ran towards his house location. Tie didn't know why he was in a hurry but he still follows him.


Tie house

" Please wait. My son will be back soon,"

" Don't worry, miss, we will take care of you(grind)."

The two old men were lust over her. They could not wait any longer.

" Miss, it's time for you to come with us,"

The men grabbed her by the shoulder while his friends heard someone coming.


The men open the door slightly, and suddenly, the door force opens, pushing the man away.



The man fell his ass.

While the man sees who interferes with his plan.

" Why are you here in my house."

The young man with the rage tone was Tie.

" Oh! It's you, that little brat. "

The man thought it was someone tough, but it was actually this woman's son.

" We were just trying to talk with your mother about her debt(grind)."

The man said it with a soft tone.

Tie didn't trust him just because he said it.

" Get outta here now!"

The man with the smirks smiles at him.

" What if I don't want to?"

Michael got in front of him.

" Then I'll have no choice but to force you out or kill you."

Michael said it with a serious tone.

" You and what army!"


Michael grabbed his neck while gazing with a cold tone.

" I don't really need an army to handle a nobody!"

" augh!(choke)"

Michael choke the life outta him.

" Aughh!(scream)"

The man was afraid of the young man.

" Yo-you kill him!"

Michael stared back at the man who pissed his pants, while the friend was looking at him with a shock face.

Tie " Hugh!"

Michael walked to the man.


The man could not move. He was afraid to even move.

" Get away from me!!"

The man shout.


Michael kicked him so hard, it made loud noise pushing him out the door.


The man coughs out blood.

" plea... I'm sorry(breath). "

The man rips were broken.

Michael didn't even care if he pleaded.

" Wait"

The woman told him to wait.

" please let him go"

Michael replied back.

" They were gonna hurt you, so why would I care if they die(calm)"

The woman heard.

" Please don't"

Tie " Mom, they were gonn..."

" Alright!"

Michael cut him off.

" I'll let him live for now."

Michael walk away.

Tie grabbed his mother away. While he looked at his friend back, he never sees him like this before. He thought about going with him,but he needs to take care his mom first.

" Tie... is something wrong with Michael?"

Tie" Hugh!.. I don't know why, but he seems different then before"

" Be careful.... he seems like the type person who kill without a second thought."

Tie "well..."

Tie looks back at him again.

" Alright, mom, I'll be cautious for now on."

" Good."

The two went back inside the house.

The man walks slowly away from the house, the man who got hit in the stomach.

" I'm not coming back here ever again,that guy was to scary. The hell with the debts! I will never come to this place ever again. "

The man went away while his body was injured.

Michael was still thinking about the future he needs to plan things before it happen.

Michael " Damn it!... I still need power!"


The system shows a screen in front of him.

< You need power, don't worry, I already written it down(evil smile) >


Michael put his guard up.

He had sudden reaction, he felt something was wrong. He suddenly got goosebumps. He then heard a noise, the sound was coming above him.

When he look up, he started to panic.

" What in the name of Gauuu!!."

He was to shocked to even explain what is happening.

He saw the sky turning dark green. The clouds split and shows a straight line, like Moses splitting the ocean.

The sky shows green screen looking down at him.

Michael " What! Is going on here."

The screen was showing him something.



The sky thunderstorms strike every cloud.


the sounds were way too loud.

" Bang!"

The village were able to see it, they saw a huge bright green color in the sky with the thunderstorms. Blowing a heavy wind creates a hurricane.

" Oh my gawd!"

" What is that?!"

The village thought it was the end of the world.

One of the clans sees it.

" Dad, what is that?!"

" Don't know."

Michael didn't know why the system would create itself so big.

" Is it just for show?!"

The system looked down at Michael and shine a bright light towards him.

"Augh!.... What is going on!"

Michael couldn't see.


[ Congratulations]

< You will now create your clan >

Michael sees it.

" I will create my own clan? How would I do that."


< Simple. I write it, and it will happened >

" Ok."



Michael " What!!!"

Michael saw the light flash before his eyes.

When he opened his, he didn't know where he was at. Everything around was empty, only the color of white he saw.

"Hello there,"

Suddenly, someone unknown called out.

Michael " Hugh!"


Next chapter