When Audra's mum dies, she goes back home, even knowing she would finally have to face his first love, Chris – who’s also his foster brother. After what appears to have been a pretty painful breakup, they’ve been avoiding each other over the past 11 years. But will the pain of the loss bring them back together? Or would the bad memories be too much? The journey from here only gets more eventful, when her mum leaves a surprise condition on her will that would turn Audra’s life around.
We stepped back into the bustling city, our minds buzzing with the information Anne had shared. The weight of our situation felt slightly more manageable now that we had a plan. As we walked back to the studio, we discussed the meeting, trying to process the information and our emotions.
"Anne seems really competent," Chris said, breaking the silence. "I gotta say, I feel a bit more hopeful."
"Me too," I admitted. "It's still a lot to take in. We need to be prepared for anything, but..." I paused and looked into his eyes "…I know we will be alright."
Chris nodded; his expression serious. "We will be. Together." He said as he searched for my hand and squeezed it as if solidifying his statement.
Back at the studio, we settled into a brief moment of calm. I brewed us some coffee, the familiar ritual a comforting routine in a space that was so familiar amidst the chaos of the last 24 hours.