
I'm Dating an Idol III (Unusual Relationship)

Kang Eun Ja got an Unusual Relationship with her Classmate Lee Hyun and The one who will found out the true Story

CutieCat · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Episode 2

Mr.Leo: because I'm giving your schedule now, and it almost time, please copy


Wendel: hey that transferee is so ugly haha

Lee Hyun: Yeah!

Carl: [Pfft] hahaha

Eunja: [This people can they just shut their mouth, their just infront of me i can totally hear them]

[After 5 minutes]

Mr.Leo: okay wait for your next teacher

[same with mr.leo the teacher introduce himself He's name Mr.Gerald. Same with the other teacher and the teacher who laughed at me earlier was my T.L.E teacher her name is Mrs.Ben]

[After school]

[At home]

Mom: how's your first day?

Eunja: it's fine [Low voice]

Mom: did you tell them what i told you?

Eunja: yes but i almost said my real surname

Mom: What ?! You should be more careful !!

Eunja: then why are you shouting mom?

Mom: don't let anyone know that your surname is Jang? Do you understand?

Eunja: why don't you want them to know my real surname?

Mom: just do what i said, go shower now!

Eunja: [why won't you tell me !? ]

Mom: why are you standing there go now!

Eun-soo (sister of eunja): mom! Why are you shouting eunja?

Mom: nothing, go now!

Eunja: ok-ay [i go to my room]

[What are you hiding mom?]

[Throw her bag]

[After shower]

Eunja: [throw her body on her bed]

[Knock knock]

Eun-soo: Eunja? Are you finish? The dinner is ready

[Opens the door]

Eunja: okay I'm coming

Eun-soo: sorry eunja [pat her head]

Eunja: I'm okay unnie

Eun-soo: okay come down now

Eunja: Yeah

[I came down]

Eun-soo: come the food is delicious

Eunja: (smile) (unnie is the one who understands me so i love her the most than my mom)

Mom: okay let's pray

Eun-soo: Thank you for the food Amen.

Eunja: let's eat!


Mom: Eunja! Get up your going to be late!

Eunja: 5 minutes


Eunja: Ugh! You don't need to shout!

Mom: what did you say ?! [Glare at her]

i said get up NOW!

Eunja: okay I'm getting up!

[Ugh! School is annoying]

[After 10 minutes]

Eunja: I'm going now where is my allowance?

Mom: here

[I open the door and leave]


[I'm walking on the hallway then i bumped to someone]

Eunja: Ah! [I fell on the floor]

Lee Hyun: watch where you are going!

Eunja: [Glare at him]

Wendel: oh this is the new transferee Kang Eun Ja

Carl: do you want some help? [Offer his hand]

Eunja: No [i got up]

[I'm about to leave but someone grab my wrist]

Shaina: where are you going eunja? Aren't you going to say sorry? To Hyun?

Eunja: [why is this girl here?] Hyun? This guy? [Point him]

Kristine: hey!

Grent: yes! He's Hyun! Apologize to him now

Eunja: Why-


Mom: Eunja! You should stop fighting like what you did in your last school, try not to cause a trouble in your new school okay?

Eunja: yes mom, I'm going now

[Back to the time]

Shaina: what?

Eunja: [clench her fist] I'm sorry

Hyun: [shocked, hmm? She apologizes just like that]

Kristine: Hyun she apologized

Hyun: [get closer] apology accepted

Shaina: eunja, you should know your place here your don't act like your the boss here and (keep talking)

Eunja: -_- [walk away]

Grent: shi! She is gone

Shaina: what ?! How dare she leave I'm still talking

Hyun: let's go now [Eunja .. hmm] (smile)

Wendel: Hyun why are you smiling?

Hyun: nothing, let's go buy food I'm hungry


[I was sitting and reading manga on my sit and someone snatch my book]

[I look up]

Eunja: What are you doing?

Shaina: what are you reading? It's like a trash

Eunja: [Snatch back] it's none of your business

Shaina: why did you leave when i was talking earlier? Huh?

Eunja: your just talking nonsense

Shaina: you!