
I'm Dating an Idol III (Unusual Relationship)

Kang Eun Ja got an Unusual Relationship with her Classmate Lee Hyun and The one who will found out the true Story

CutieCat · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Episode 21

Carl: [sigh] [open the camera]

[Suprised] is this eunja?

Hyun: [snatch] hey what are you doing?

Carl: is that Gin's camera ?!

Hyun: Ye-ah why?

Carl: You haven't returned yet?

Hyun: I w-ill return it later

Carl: I saw eunja in the camera

Hyun: what ?!

Carl: why is eunja with you in your room?

Hyun: eunja? What room ? what are you talking about?

Carl: Isn't the girl in the camera is eunja?

Hyun: No! , you shouldn't mess with my stuff, Wendel let's continue

Carl: [sigh] maybe i was wrong

[After an hour]

Carl: Bye guys

Gin: bye

[Door closed]

[Eunja's home]

[Her room]


Eunja: hello?

Dae-Ho (Dad): Eunja!

Eunja: Dad ?!

Dae-Ho: How is my baby?

Eunja: I miss you dad!

Dae-Ho: I miss yo-u to-o

Eunja: what's wrong dad? your voice sounds scared

Dae-Ho: no-thing baby

Eunja: When are you coming back here?

Dae-Ho: uhmm You should understand eunja that I can never go back

Eunja: I-I know that dad but what I mean is when will you come visit us again

Dae-Ho: I'm going to visit you soon don't worry, I'm just kinda busy at work right now

Eunja: [sad] oh ~

Dae-Ho: about the gift I give you

Eunja: Ah! Yeah! What is that about dad! Why you want me to look for Mr.Kim? you can just go to the police?

Dae-Ho: uhmm Beca-use i don't trust them you're the only one I can trust

Eunja: What ?! i don't understand dad, please explain

Dae-Ho: Eunja listen, I want you to find Kang Brian

Eunja: Kang Brian? So that is his name

Dae-Ho: yes, when you find him, give him the usb you saw in the box I gave you

Eunja: but dad, what is this all about?

Dad: you will know when you find him

Eunja: Okay dad! I'm going to find him

Dad: okay Baby Be careful goodnight

Eunja: goodnight dad bye

[Hang up]

Dae-Ho: I did what you want me to do, now release my daughter!

Chang Ae (syndicate member): are you kidding me Mr.Dae Ho?

Dae-Ho: what else do you need? I've already done my work, let go of my daughter

Chang Ae: just a moment we already had a deal, i will not release your daughter until Mr.Kang is caught,

so you won't be able to get your daughter until you find that guy

Dae-Ho: what?! that's not what you said!

Chang Ae: This is the deal we have Mr.Dae Ho

Dae Ho: You guys are evil!! Release my daughter now!

Chang Ae: Are you [take out his gun and aim it to him] ordering me? don't test my patience Mr. Dae Ho, we have a deal, boys throw him out



[Door Closed]

Dae-Ho: [crying] My daughter



Chloe: Goodmorning Eunja!

Eunja: [should i act i didn't hear it or not?]

Chloe: eunja?

Eunja: Goodmorning

Chloe: let's have lunch together later

Eunja: yeah sure

Chloe: [look at grent] [thumbs up]

Grent: [whisper to shaina] she agreed

Shaina: It's great that we can continue that which we did not continue

[Lunch time]


Eunja: why are we on the rooftop? Don't you want to eat in canteen?

Chloe: uhmm because

[Door closed]

Eunja: what the-

Shaina: Oh! you guys are here too

Eunja: [look at Chloe] what is this?

Chloe: [stand up] [walks to shaina's group]

Eunja: So you take sides with them now?