
I'm Dating an Idol III (Unusual Relationship)

Kang Eun Ja got an Unusual Relationship with her Classmate Lee Hyun and The one who will found out the true Story

CutieCat · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Episode 14

Eunja: [hear footsteps] Hyun! Stop someone is coming!

Hyun: what?

[Door open]

Eunja: [push him] [immediately hide]

Grent: huh? Hyun! Why are you still here?

Hyun: nothing, you why are you here?

Grent: i forgot my lunch box

Hyun: oh~

Grent: there it is, good bye

Hyun: yeah bye

Eunja: [get up] we almost get caught!

Hyun: come pack your things

Eunja: wa-it

Hyun: [pull her] be faster!

Eunja: where are we going

Hyun: in my house

Eunja: what?!

[Hyun's House]

[His room]

[He kiss me immediately and take off my clothes]

Eunja: slow down!

Hyun: opps sorry

[After an hour]

Eunja: you're alone?

Hyun: yeah [get up and get his cigarette]

Eunja: why in your house ? We can do it in some other place

Hyun: well i like to do it here ... [smoking]

Eunja: can you stop that?!

Hyun: you don't like the smell

Eunja: I'm going home

Hyun: wait stay here for a while

Eunja: why?

Hyun: just stay please?

Eunja: no, it's already 7, i should be home [getting her clothes]

Hyun: Let me send you home then?

Eunja: okay but stop that

Hyun: okay let me finish this

[Eunja's House]

Eunja: thanks

Hyun: see you tom.

Eunja: uhmn where are you going?

Hyun: wendel invite me to his house to drink

Eunja: oh~ okay don't drink to much, your driving

Hyun: are you worried?

Eunja: yes of course because I'm not taking my revenge yet [smile]

Hyun: huh ?

Eunja: goodbye Hyun and Be careful [still smiling]

Hyun: [she suddenly became scary] okay Bye

[Door open]

Eun-soo: eunja!

Eunja: unnie? Why are you at the door?

Eun-soo: where did you go? It's almost 8

Eunja: i go to chloe's house, i text you earlier..

Eun-soo: mom is so angry, she's waiting for you come in quick

Mom: where did you go?

Eunja: i go to chloe's house

Mom: did you ask permission?

Eunja: i text unnie, you didn't tell her?

Eun-soo: [whisper] i do but she doesn't believe me

Eunja: omg

Mom: i heard in the schooll that you're close to hyun your classmate

Eunja: you heard in school? How can you ? You don't go to my school or-

Mom: Your teacher told me

Eunja: what!? Mr. Leo? Mom! Your spying on me?

Mom: what is your relationship to that hyun?!

Eunja: do you even care

Mom: eunja?!

Eunja: here we go again mom?!

Mom: what again?!

Eunja: what? You don't remember? it just last year..

Eun-soo: eunja stop

Eunja: you break me and julius ! You set him up! You make me believe that he's cheating on me

Mom: I didn't set him up!, he is really cheating on you

Eun-soo: eunja stop go to your room

Eunja: why are you still denying it?

Mom: you don't believe your mom?

Eunja: why do i believe the person who Lie to me?

Mom: Eunja!

[Eunja goes to her room]

Mom: [sigh]

Eun-soo: mom

Mom: Why she doesn't believe me...


[Eunja coming down]

Eun-soo: eunja come have some breakfast

Eunja: no thanks, I'm going now bye

[Door closed]

Eun-soo: okay bye [sigh] [look at her mother]


Mom: it's okay

Eun-soo: but-

Mom: She will open her mind and know the truth


Eunja: [grab hyun's hand]

Hyun: hey where are we going ?

[Vacant room]

I start to kiss him and take off his clothes but he stop ansd said

Hyun: hey! Wait

Eunja: what?

Hyun: what's up with you ?

Eunja: why? You don't like it?

Hyun: of course it just-

Eunja: [tears falling]

Hyun: hey! Are you crying?