
The price of freedom  

"I was hoping things would go bad and you'd get beat up by those girls but sadly that didn't happen." Merin sighed. I'd wished he'd keep all his hopes and dreams to himself. "Well, good for you I guess?"

"Moron." My voice was roughly a whisper, but I said it loud enough for him to hear.

He only chuckled though. 

We were still in the gym. Apparently, my uncle was still here standing in the middle of this place looking all serious and stuff. I couldn't just leave him like his. And I also had a bad feeling about this whole thing. 

The gym kind of shrunk down though. Meaning, whoever made this place large had left. 

"Anyway, I'm guessing you had something important to discuss?" I asked my uncle. So far he didn't say anything.

He waited for the last of the audience to leave. Only the three of us were now here.