
I'm a Villain in My Own Game?

Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Romance My original work, plagiarism is prohibited. Word Count: 1500-5000 words per chapter [Arc 1 - Survival Test ~ 52 Chapters] [Arc 2 - Academy Tournament ~ 27 Chapters] [Arc 3 - The Chosen Saintess ~ 37 Chapters] [Arc 4 - Aragonian—Venetian Wars ~ 55 Chapters] [Arc 5 - Corrupted Tree of Elven Forest ~ ???] A game developer suddenly enters his own game world, taking on the body of an antagonist? After realizing the suffering of humans caused by the scenarios he and his team created, the protagonist vows to try to prevent and minimize casualties from the disasters they caused in that world.

Gerhman · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Arc 1 Chapter 47 : Soul Room

Here's a translation of your chapter with some grammatical adjustments for clarity and flow:


[Raul's PoV]

Yesterday, the second stage of the exam concluded. Of course, we were the first to cross the finish line, as most participants were caught up for a long time in that illusion maze.

Currently, the participants are in Tarakat City to rest before heading to the third-stage exam location. Only 50 participants have made it to this third stage, an exam known for its deadly reputation, with fatalities occurring every time it's held.

Earlier, I met with one of the syndicates operating in this city to purchase Aliya and Umaya. They are the last surviving members of the El-Arami dynasty.

Why am I doing this?

Because I see an opportunity to rebuild the nation of Kuwalid, which is currently in poor condition. If things continue this way, when disaster strikes, the country won't have the strength to stop demons from taking over their territory.

I need to make this country stronger, even if it means bloodshed. This is for the country's own good. No struggle comes without sacrifice.

My plan is to slowly incite public resentment against the corrupt government of Kuwalid, then introduce Umaya as a new leader and reveal the truth about the slander cast upon the El-Arami dynasty.

With the financial and military support my organization provides, it's possible Umaya will succeed. If my plan goes smoothly, I can indirectly control a nation from behind the scenes.

But reality rarely aligns with high hopes and plans. There will be many obstacles and setbacks along the way, so we must prepare ourselves before executing our plan.

Umaya has a strong desire to avenge her family, while her sister Aliya only seems to want a peaceful life, avoiding larger conflicts. Without her moral support, Umaya's determination for a coup may not hold up.

"Better to give them a little time to adapt to my organization."

For now, my primary focus is the third-stage exam, which will take place in the monster forest within the Hernand Duchy. I remember receiving a letter from a professional assassin organization on my second day in this world.

They're planning to target Brian during the survival exam, and this is the perfect time for them to strike.

"It's time to meet the instructors."

Leaving the inn, I head to where the instructors are.

The city is bustling; this area was once part of Kuwalid's territory. But unlike Edessa, which was abandoned, this city didn't just house indigenous residents, so it's still alive even after their migration back to their homeland.

Soon, I arrive at a building rented by the instructors. I head up to the second floor and see two of my subordinates guarding the door where the briefing is taking place.

"Captain, the instructors and other Student Council members are here," says one of them.

Looks like I'm a bit late because of my earlier meeting with Aliya and Umaya.

"Alright, I'll go in."

After my subordinate opens the door, I enter and see that the instructors and the Student Council have already started the briefing. I sit in an empty seat beside a blonde-haired woman.

"As usual, you're late to meetings like this, Raul," she whispers.

"Sorry, Chief. Got held up by an unexpected call," I reply, making up an excuse.

At the moment, Instructor Torun is explaining the security measures for the third-stage exam.

"We'll set up a Level Three Barrier to prevent anyone from entering the Monster Forest," Instructor Torun says. "This barrier will detect and prevent any intruders from entering by air, surface, or underground."

That's right; this Barrier is more advanced than Valeria's. But even this won't stop a team of professional assassins. They have their own ways of getting past it.

"Instructor, what if a professional assassin manages to penetrate our Barrier?" I ask.

"No worries. The moment they enter, we'll detect their location and numbers, and we'll dispatch instructors to deal with them immediately," replies Instructor Torun confidently. "We'll protect the participants from external threats."

Although the Instructor says that, I'm not convinced things will go as planned. I might need to intervene once the exam begins.

But if I wear that mask too often, the Masquerade group is sure to approach and recruit me into their ranks.

Then again, from the beginning, I intended to join them.

The advantage of joining and becoming one of their performers is that I'd gain access to unique magic for both combat and survival. The downside is that I'd be hunted by Inquisitors and Holy Knights of the Diana Temple because of the group's heretical reputation.

Well... I can handle their detection as long as I don't face Vicar Lorentius, the leader of the Diana Temple.

Alright, let's see this plan through.


[Ariel's PoV]

In the inn's gathering room, the remaining participants are talking about the third-stage exam. Brian and I are listening, hoping to pick up any useful information.

"Hey, is it true that the third stage always claims lives?"

"Yeah, just last year, eleven people didn't make it out."

The participants are discussing how terrifying the third stage is.

Honestly, I still can't shake the horror of death. The sorrow of those left behind makes my heart ache.

Even though I've tried to shed my naive views about violence, the fear of death still lingers. I can't imagine what it would be like to witness someone being killed.

Suddenly, I feel the warmth of someone's hand. A blonde man sitting next to me reaches out and touches my hand.


He smiles and holds my hand firmly. "Don't worry, Ariel. I'll always protect you, no matter where you are."

Hearing him say that makes me feel a bit relieved. I guess the anxiety I felt about facing this final exam was weighing heavily on me.

"Um, thank you, Brian."


[Brian's PoV]

The next day, we set off for the location of the third-stage exam, in the Monster Forest.

Yesterday, Ariel looked really scared. I have to protect her when we're there; I need to find her quickly to prevent anything bad from happening like in the first stage.

Even though I recently acquired new magic, I still need to train and reduce its activation time. I believe it's called the Profound Codex? I have no idea what that actually means.

That's why I'm going back to Pendragon in my Soul Room.

Currently, I'm in a room filled with shelves of books and weapons. I know none of this is real, but I still don't fully understand how it exists.

After a moment, a middle-aged man appears, accompanied by a blinding light.

"Ah, Brian. You're back," he says. "How did the magic I gave you work? Impressive, isn't it?"

"Of course, Master. I defeated that monster with the magic you taught me."

"Good," Master Pendragon nods. "So, what do you need this time?"

Hearing his question, I explain why I returned. "Master, I know the magic you gave me is powerful, but it takes a while to activate."

Master's smile fades as he listens. "Brian, there's no such thing as perfect magic," he says seriously. "True, you can reduce the activation time, but you need to strengthen your Codex's mental foundation first."

Mental Codex? What does that mean? I don't think we learned about this in the academy, or maybe I just don't remember.

"A Codex represents a person's dreams, goals, vows, or legacy," Master explains. "That's why noble family members often have Codexes with similar themes since they typically share a vision or motto that all family members follow."

Ugh... I don't understand a thing he's saying.

"Your Mental Codex is your understanding of your Codex's theme," Master continues. "For example, someone with a 'Brave and Handsome' Codex who doesn't understand what it means to be brave and handsome lacks a true Mental Codex, making them weaker in using their Profound Codex."

I think I understand now.

"In short, I'll grow weaker if I don't follow my dream and give up, right?" I ask to clarify.

"No, Brian. Following a dream and understanding that dream are two different things," he corrects. "Ugh... it's going to take a long time to teach you this."

Hearing his sarcasm, I scratch my head in embarrassment.

"I'll give you another example," Master continues patiently. "If an elephant is given 10 kilos of food, while a monkey gets only one kilo, do you think that's fair?"

"Of course not! The elephant got way more food than the monkey!" I reply confidently.

"That shows you lack a Mental Codex on fairness," Master rebukes. "An elephant's stomach is ten times bigger than a monkey's, so it's fair for the elephant to receive ten times more food."

"Ah, now I get it! Thank you, Master!"

Master smiles again. "No need to thank me. I'm your guide. Understand your dream to become stronger, Brian."


[Raul's PoV]

Right now, I'm far from the resting area where the caravan carrying the participants is stationed. I'm here to enter my Soul Room and activate one of my Profound Codex abilities.

Sitting under a tree to escape the sun's glare, I take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and focus my mana on my heart and mind.

With my eyes closed, I start to feel a unique sensation, signaling that my consciousness is now in my Soul Room.

Opening my eyes, I saw a dark and empty place as far as the eye could see. There was a dark-haired man walking here in the distance.

"Raul de Garcia..." I muttered looking at the familiar figure.

"Yo, how does it feel to have fun with my body out there?"

That's right, my Guider was the real Raul de Garcia.