
I'm a Villain in My Own Game?

Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Romance My original work, plagiarism is prohibited. Word Count: 1500-5000 words per chapter [Arc 1 - Survival Test ~ 52 Chapters] [Arc 2 - Academy Tournament ~ 27 Chapters] [Arc 3 - The Chosen Saintess ~ 37 Chapters] [Arc 4 - Aragonian—Venetian Wars ~ 55 Chapters] [Arc 5 - Corrupted Tree of Elven Forest ~ ???] A game developer suddenly enters his own game world, taking on the body of an antagonist? After realizing the suffering of humans caused by the scenarios he and his team created, the protagonist vows to try to prevent and minimize casualties from the disasters they caused in that world.

Gerhman · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Arc 1 Chapter 40 : Hasta La Vista, Baby ...

[Raul's POV]

Valeria attacked the monster on top of the building with her wind magic. However, the monster easily dodged and then leaped toward the green-haired girl with powerful legs, like a cannonball.

A wall of earth formed in front of Valeria as she used Earth Wall magic, causing the monster to crash hard into the barrier.

Valeria then pushed the earth wall, slamming it into the building.

But, even with this attack, the monster wouldn't be taken down that easily. However, I could see Valeria's progress in using her magic.


I refocused on the other monster in front of me.

It leapt again, heading straight for me. I activated Repel magic to strengthen my defense and blocked the monster's punch. The force of its speed pushed me back slightly.


The monster threw a right hook, but I quickly ducked and swept its legs, making it stumble.


I kicked its body, sending it flying toward where its companion was.

"Raul, you're not using your sword?" Valeria asked, without taking her eyes off the two monsters.

"Moonblanc Cricket—Level 5 monster with strong jumps and skin as hard as steel," I replied.

I could still cut them down by targeting their joints, just like when I fought Captain Zack Swallow, who used steel skin magic.

But I wanted Valeria to defeat these two monsters. I needed to hold them off long enough for her to figure out how to fight them.

The two monsters got back on their feet, seemingly communicating with each other in a language I didn't understand.

"Valeria, prepare defensive magic just in case," I instructed.

"I understand."

It looked like they were about to get serious.


Both monsters lowered their stances and began bouncing from building to building with incredible speed. Their bodies seemed to blur around the structures, making it hard to predict when they would strike next.

Beside me, the ground around Valeria rose and clung to her body, forming armor.

Her magic control had definitely improved.


A monster hit Valeria hard, sending her flying.

Luckily, she activated her defense magic just in time, but it seemed she wouldn't be able to defeat these two in an open area.

Before the monster could attack Valeria again, I rushed in and kicked it away.

The monster dodged, and I saw it open its mouth wide, almost as if it were laughing at me.

The other monster leaped toward me from behind, moving at full speed.


It slammed into me, pushing me backward. Its four arms wrapped around my waist, pinning me in place.


My back hit a building wall, but the monster didn't let go of its grip.

I tried hitting the back of its neck repeatedly to make it release me, but it didn't budge.


It laughed again, releasing its arms from around me before jumping back onto the building.

But I ignored it. My attention was on the other monster, now rushing toward me at high speed.


The monster hit me again, knocking me through the building's wall.

Ugh... This is what happens when you let your enemy take control the initiative in battlefield.


[Valeria's POV]

My entire body ached, but I was lucky to have cast defensive magic to protect myself from that monster's attack. Otherwise, it would have taken me out instantly.

The armor I had just formed was cracked and shattered. I should remove it now, or my speed would drop.

Standing up, I peeked out of the building to check on the position of the two monsters.

Raul was engaged in close combat with one of them. Whenever the monster tried to distance itself, Raul would chase it down, forcing it into close combat again.

Why was he doing that?

Thinking back, the monsters' attacks were hard to predict when they were bouncing around the buildings. Was Raul trying to prevent them from using that tactic?

I needed to help him.

But the three of them were so close together. I was afraid my magic might hit Raul by mistake.

If I wanted to attack the monsters with magic, I had to make sure I could hit both of them directly and take them out in one shot.

What should I do...?

What would Raul think in my situation?


I heard Raul shout as he exchanged blows with the two monsters.

"Look around you! Find a spot to take them both down at once!"

Use my surroundings, huh? Let's see.

There were a few damaged buildings around. Judging by how Raul was handling the fight, one of their weaknesses seemed to be fighting in tight spaces where they couldn't fully use their speed and jumping abilities.

I spotted a tall building. There were holes in the walls on the 7th and 12th floors. Maybe I could use those to kill the two monsters with my magic if my plan worked.

I rushed out of the building to start my plan.

"Raul! The tallest building at one o'clock! I'll shout when I'm ready!" I called out.

Raul glanced at me and... smiled.

"Got it! Leave it to me!"

He understood my vague instructions? If it were Brian, he'd definitely be confused. But I didn't have time to explain my plan in detail.

I quickly ran toward the building.

My heart pounded faster than usual. Adrenaline surged through my body, making my breath uneven. But I had to do this. I wanted to defeat a monster stronger than me.


I heard the monster's scream and turned. It was speeding toward me.


Suddenly, Raul appeared from the side and kicked the monster in the face, sending it flying.

"Don't stop running!" he shouted.

I nodded and kept running. He really was reliable in moments like this.

Reaching the building, I entered. But there were no stairs leading up; they had all collapsed long ago.

I used Axio magic to jump from one floor to the next. Looking down, Raul and the two monsters had entered the building.

Six, nine, ten... I was almost at the 12th floor where the hole in the wall was. Below, Raul had reached the 7th floor, still fighting one of the monsters. The other one spotted me and jumped to chase me.

Reaching the 12th floor, I ran toward the hole in the wall.


I glanced back. The monster had caught up and was now chasing me.

I was almost at the edge of the hole. I had to signal Raul and prepare my magic to kill both monsters at once.

"Raul! I'm jumping!" I shouted as loud as I could.

After yelling, I leaped out of the building through the large hole. The city looked beautiful from here, the desert stretching out beyond it.

But there was no time to admire the view.


The monster chasing me leaped out after me.

Falling from the height, I turned and began casting my magic. Soon, I was level with the 7th floor, where Raul was running from the other monster.

Raul jumped to catch me mid-air.

The monster chasing Raul also leaped, both now above us, following as we fell from the building.

"Valeria, now's your chance. The monsters can't dodge while in the air," Raul whispered to me.

Taking a deep breath, a magic circle formed in front of my hand.

I murmured the words Raul had taught me for moments like this.

"Hasta la vista, baby..."

A green laser shot from my magic circle, striking the two monsters.


An explosion erupted as my magic hit both monsters in the air.

Raul flipped mid-air, positioning me on top of him. Our faces were close.


Raul cast his defensive spell to slow our fall as we hit the ground.


His body slammed into the earth, his face showing pain. The impact still hurt, even with the Repel spell.

Soon after, pieces of the monsters' bodies rained down, covering us in their blood.

My heart pounded wildly. This was the first time I felt the thrill of battle. That was the craziest maneuver I had ever done in my life.

"Good job, Valeria."

Hearing his praise made my chest feel warm. I smiled, satisfied and happy with his words.

Right now, I was lying on top of Raul, our faces close, our bodies pressed together. I could feel his breath tickling me, his heartbeat, and the firm muscles of his torso.

"That was fun, Raul..." I whispered in his ear. "I enjoyed this fight."

I rested my head on his shoulder.

Finally, I had defeated a monster far stronger than me... All thanks to this man... The man I once hated...

But now ...

I kind of like him ...