
I'm a Villain in My Own Game?

Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Romance My original work, plagiarism is prohibited. Word Count: 1500-5000 words per chapter [Arc 1 - Survival Test ~ 52 Chapters] [Arc 2 - Academy Tournament ~ 27 Chapters] [Arc 3 - The Chosen Saintess ~ 37 Chapters] [Arc 4 - Aragonian—Venetian Wars ~ 55 Chapters] [Arc 5 - Corrupted Tree of Elven Forest ~ ???] A game developer suddenly enters his own game world, taking on the body of an antagonist? After realizing the suffering of humans caused by the scenarios he and his team created, the protagonist vows to try to prevent and minimize casualties from the disasters they caused in that world.

Gerhman · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Arc 1 Chapter 31 : Everyone Gathering

[Valeria's POV]

After we helped the group led by Geralt, we brought them to our place. In front of me, the members of my group were supporting Geralt, who looked weak after being beaten up by that perverted man.

"Oh, Valeria, you're back? Wait... why does Geralt look so beaten up like that!?"

That was Brian speaking. We had arrived at my group's resting spot.

"Ughhh... It's a long story," Geralt replied, clearly reluctant to tell about his defeat by that pervert.

"You need to tell us what happened if we're going to defeat that man here," I said, trying to coax Geralt into talking.

"Ughh... Fine, fine! I'll tell you, okay?" Geralt replied, sounding irritated.

Geralt then started recounting from the moment he entered the tunnel, rested nearby, and continued the next day, moving forward to the bridge where we found his group.

He also mentioned that the pervert's fighting style was somewhat strange. Throughout their fight, Geralt never saw the man use his left hand at all.

"It seems my suspicion was right."

"What do you mean, Valeria?" Geralt asked, looking confused.

"His left hand is paralyzed because he used the Reject Impact on Elena," I replied, then explained what had happened to Elena.

"But why did he use that magic now and not when we first fought on the beach on the second day?" Elena asked, holding her chin in thought.

It seemed that Elena's condition had improved. But she likely wouldn't be able to fight until this exam was over.

"Maybe he thought it would be difficult to survive the next four days using only one hand," I speculated. "I think he was afraid of your magic, Elena, which is why he used it when he had the chance yesterday."

"Is that so...? So all this time, he had a way to beat me..." Elena murmured, looking down.

I didn't know what was on her mind now. However, the man's current condition, having lost the use of one arm, seemed to put him at a disadvantage. But I knew he must have anticipated this and prepared for the battle, even with one arm out of commission.

That's why we couldn't be baited or careless because of his current state. Instead, we needed to be even more cautious.

I had made a mistake by splitting the group to enter this mine. But I thought the man had laid traps in the other tunnels. As it turned out, there wasn't a single trap when we entered the mine.

By splitting the group, the pervert was able to destroy Brian's group and almost defeat Geralt's entire group.

I was fooled by him again. Even though I'm considered the smartest at the academy in terms of magic, I'm still naive when it comes to PsyWar.

It's clear the man collapsed the tunnel Elena entered to make us think he'd also set traps elsewhere, so he could pick us off one by one as we entered the mine.

I still have much to learn beyond magic.

"So, what's our plan now?" Brian asked after being silent for a while.

'I don't know.' I wanted to say that. But being unsure in a situation like this would only lower everyone's morale. However, I couldn't think of a single way to defeat that pervert right now.

Who knows what other dirty tricks he has prepared this time, right?

All our efforts hunting him had been for nothing.

"We need to keep moving."

Suddenly, Elena stood up and spoke.

"We need to remember why we're doing all this," Elena said, clenching her fist. "To avenge what Raul did to us and make sure our comrades didn't fall in vain!"

Hearing her words, the others' eyes lit up again with determination. But what should we do to face him? He's always one step ahead of us. Every attempt to catch him has ended in failure.

It seemed the others were thinking the same as me.

"I know we've failed often in chasing him down. I know Raul has tricked us again and again with his sneaky tactics. But despite how often we've fallen and failed, we've learned his patterns, his strategies, and his fighting style. Our failures haven't been in vain," Elena said, seemingly understanding the doubts weighing on our minds.

What Elena said was true. I've already figured out how the man works against us. He baits, separates, and takes us down one by one. That means he's afraid to face us all at once.

"This is our challenge as academy students, to overcome obstacles no matter the cost," Elena continued, her voice growing louder. "In the future, we'll face difficulties just like this. That's why we can't give up, lose heart, or stop rising every time we fall!"


"That's right, we won't lose to just one man!"

"I won't stop until that rotten noble pays for everything he's done!"

The group's morale was once again at its peak. Elena's inspiring words had reignited their confidence.

Is this what sets her apart from me? The ability to lead and inspire others to follow you?

"Even though I can no longer fight, I—Elena de Aragon—will lead you in this final battle against Raul de Garcia!"

Yes... we haven't lost yet, Raul de Garcia... We will defeat you on this final day.


Suddenly, the three people assigned to track the pervert returned.

"We've been following him, and he's headed to the upper part of this mine."

Hearing this, Elena nodded. "Alright, we're going up there to finish him once and for all!"


[Ariel's POV]

This is so boring, being alone in a dark place like this...

It's been quite a while since Raul left me here. Not only is this place dead silent, but there are also many creepy insects crawling on the ground and rocks around, which is quite disturbing.

I don't want to kill them. Every living creature deserves to live peacefully, just as the teachings of Goddess Diana say.

-Tap... Tap... Tap...

I hear footsteps. A figure with black hair comes into my view.

"You're back?"

Hearing my words, Raul's black eyes meet mine.

"Yes... I'm back, Ariel."

He then sits, leaning against the stone wall. It seems like he wants to rest for a while. Raul looks at me again, and I don't know what he's thinking this time.

Suddenly, I feel a tickling sensation, like an insect crawling on my hand. A spider is moving across my palm.

Gently, I pick it up with my left hand and place it on a nearby rock.

"You haven't changed, Ariel," Raul said, looking at me strangely.

"What do you mean, Raul?" I tilt my head, confused by his words.

"If you kill that insect, it won't bother you again," he explains, pointing to the spider on the rock.

"Why should I? I can always move it away if the insects bother me."

Why harm other creatures when we can solve the problem without violence?

"So, what if the insect is much bigger, refuses to be moved, and tries to attack your closest friend? What would you do?"

Raul's question brings back memories of my battle, of Brian and Roland fighting the Bear Monster that killed Sephira.

"Not all insects are as harmless as you think, Ariel, and not all are easy to get rid of," Raul said as he stood up again. "One of those insects is standing before you now. You'll have to deal with me violently if you don't want your friends to be utterly crushed today."

Raul's words frustrate me. I know that at some point, I'll have to choose the method I hate the most to solve a problem.

But... I don't want to use that magic...

"Stand up, follow me now," Raul said, starting to walk.

"Where are we going?" I follow behind him.

"The first stage of the test is almost over, Ariel."

I don't know what he's planning, but it seems like Brian and the others are nearly here to rescue me. Is that why Raul wants to move me from this place?

We reach a cliff. The distance between this side and the other is about 5-6 meters, I think.


I'm startled because Raul suddenly lifts me into his arms. I instinctively hold onto him to avoid falling.

He runs and jumps across the cliff, then releases me, letting my feet touch the ground again.

Raul continues walking. I still don't know where we're going.

After a while, we arrive at a large hole, about 7 meters deep. It has a wide diameter, and I can see small holes around the large one.

"Take a closer look at this hole," Raul said.

I walk closer to get a better look, but I find nothing interesting aside from the small holes around the large one.

I turn back to ask Raul what this is all about. "Raul, what exactly are you—"

I don't get to finish my sentence.

That's because Raul suddenly pushes me into the large hole. My body plunges down, and the last thing I see before losing consciousness is Raul's cold expression watching me from above.


[Raul's POV]

After bringing Ariel to where she belongs, I immediately head to the spot I've prepared for the final battle.

I rush to the second level of the mines. I think Brian's group is still down there and hasn't chased me up here yet.

Before long, I spot some of their scouts, including Brian.

"Raul, I found you!" Brian shouts, his face filled with rage. "I heard Ariel scream earlier! What have you done to her?!"

Brian's face is red with pent-up anger.

"Hey, quickly report this to the others!" one of the scouts shouted.

I quickly flee to the place I've set up for our final battle.

"Don't run, you bastard!" Brian yelled as he followed.

But since I know this place better than him, I easily slip away from his pursuit. It won't be long, though, before they catch up.

Soon after, I arrive at my destination.

An area filled with cliffs and rocks, perfect for our final battle. With Valeria's group joining Geralt, I'm facing about 20 people in this fight.

I hear footsteps not far from here. Soon, Valeria, Brian, Geralt, and Elena appear, followed by several students behind them.

"Finally, you've arrived," I say to them. "Do you want to be humiliated by me again, just like before?"

Hearing my words, Brian steps forward from the group. "Raul! This time, I'll defeat you and save Ariel!"

Not wanting to be outdone, Geralt steps forward as well. "I'll make you pay for everything you've done, you filthy noble!"

For some reason, this scene feels like I'm a Demon King, and Brian, the Hero, has finally reached the throne room of the Demon King's castle with his comrades.

Yes... this scene is exactly like when Brian reached the Demon King to rescue Ariel, who had been kidnapped by the demons in the last chapter of Path of Destiny.

Is this what it feels like to be the Final Boss? It's not a bad feeling.

In that case, I should deliver the dialogue of a Final Villain at times like this to make things more exciting.

"Try and take her from me, you lowly humans."